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My Favorite guys of Naruto

My Favorite guys of Naruto

My Favorite guys of Naruto by Kamai
My Favorite guys of Naruto by Kamai


Here are my favorite boys of everyone's favorite Ninja show, Naruto! We have Sasuke, Neji and Kiba. Sasuke's calling everyone a loser XD And i don't like Neji's pose.....

Why I like Sasuke- Who doesn't like emo Ninjas?

Why I like Neji- HAIR!!!!! *.*

Why I like Kiba- His laugh annoyed the sh$t out of me in the anime, but his ninjustsu and stoof is amazing, plus he gots a puppy

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Naruto series
Date Submitted
Views 2770
Favorites... 37
Vote Score 4
Comments 30
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken 60 minutes
Reference My Naruto Manga


Comments (30)

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ghost_guy on September 28, 2006, 5:35:41 AM

ghost_guy on
ghost_guyCUTE!  Holy cow, it's cute!

rlkitten on September 25, 2006, 12:44:14 PM

rlkitten on
rlkittenahahaha!! cuteness- i don't like Neji, but this makes him look so cute!!

NaomiUchiha on September 20, 2006, 9:18:48 AM

NaomiUchiha on

sasukeisemo2006 on September 5, 2006, 8:31:05 AM

sasukeisemo2006 on
and the reasons 4 liking them!
oh! u r now on my fave artists list too

chiros_girl133 on September 2, 2006, 7:15:14 AM

chiros_girl133 on
chiros_girl133You drew kiba OH SO KAWAII!!!!! * faves and dies*

hirataitokyo on August 5, 2006, 2:29:48 PM

hirataitokyo on
hirataitokyoEveryone does like Sasuke, instead of the show called 'Naruto' it should be called 'Sasuke' because everyone luves him. I hate him (well he's okay. Well i won't rant anymore... I love the pic it's soo cute!!!!

calliethekatt on August 5, 2006, 4:39:43 AM

calliethekatt on
calliethekatti like those guys Naruto guys too

UndeadDragoness on August 1, 2006, 9:53:25 AM

UndeadDragoness on
UndeadDragonessaw so kawaii! I love neji and kiba

Lady_Fluffster on July 31, 2006, 4:54:23 PM

Lady_Fluffster on
Lady_Fluffster*.* Wow....ITS AWSOME! I LUUV THEM!! So kawaii! Especelly,Kiba-kun!

jackknifebigrig on July 31, 2006, 6:56:53 AM

jackknifebigrig on
jackknifebigrigsasuke sucks kiba and neji are cool thou