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Long hair or Short Hair?

Long hair or Short Hair?

Long hair or Short Hair? by KionaKina
Long hair or Short Hair? by KionaKina


Ok, I've been debating about this for a while. Do you guys think Kay should cut her hair short in the series or not?

I think it looks cute short and pretty long so I can't really decide. Hair short, looks more like me. Hair long, looks more like what I wish I look like.

So vote please.

P.S: I dunno if this will influence your decision, but if her hair is short, it involves less coloring and drawing. But if it's long, it can be styled in more ways so, hmm...

THIS TOOK ME HOURS TO COLOR! Hear me out folks, I want my top pic to get beat out. It has eleven faves. PLEASE fave it. I really don't like my number one pic an dI want this one to beat it. HELP!!!

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series » Fan Characters (OC's)
Date Submitted
Views 2518
Favorites... 15
Vote Score 15
Comments 88
Media MS Paint
Time Taken HOURS
Reference A pic of Nurse Joy for Kay's pose


Comments (88)

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fairywarrioress on July 1, 2007, 4:54:14 PM

fairywarrioress on
fairywarrioressIve known Kay with long hair for agessss now! So to cut it would be nice for a change but maybe when shes older - and dosent her younger sister Adelina have short hair anyways?

I still love the long hair ^^

KionaKina on July 2, 2007, 2:37:57 AM

KionaKina on
KionaKinaAlrighty, and yes Adelinda has short hair but she's going to grow it out to middle length.

Kay was gonna cut her hair when she grows up and goes to college later on in the series, but I wonbdered if cutting it now was a good idea

fairywarrioress on July 3, 2007, 4:26:24 AM

fairywarrioress on
fairywarrioressHmmmmm....its nice for a change - maybe you should cut it now! =^^=

KionaKina on July 3, 2007, 4:28:00 AM

KionaKina on
KionaKinaHeh. I wonder hwo Seto will react

WingedSheep on July 1, 2007, 4:23:46 PM

WingedSheep on
WingedSheephm... xDD

long hair is better cause she can cut her hair whenever she wants to... xD

well i like Kay with longer hair :P then she looks more..  well... not so shy xD


KionaKina on July 2, 2007, 2:37:03 AM

KionaKina on

WingedSheep on July 2, 2007, 2:53:44 AM

WingedSheep on
WingedSheepuh-huh ]x)

Moon_Princess on July 1, 2007, 2:11:48 PM

Moon_Princess on
Moon_PrincessHm, I still like the long hair when she's a teen and I liked the idea of her cutting it when she grew up. ^^ *fav*

By the way, she looks really pretty in this pic. ^_^


KionaKina on July 2, 2007, 2:36:42 AM

KionaKina on
KionaKinaAlright, thank you for the comment and fave, Cat-chan! *Hugs*

KhaoticWolf on July 1, 2007, 1:15:31 PM

KhaoticWolf on

KionaKina on July 2, 2007, 2:36:15 AM

KionaKina on
KionaKinaok ^^

TheGhost on July 1, 2007, 12:52:26 PM

TheGhost on
TheGhosti like it short its pretty.

KionaKina on July 1, 2007, 12:53:37 PM

KionaKina on

theamazingfetus on July 1, 2007, 10:37:38 AM

theamazingfetus on
theamazingfetusMaybe her hair could be short and she has hair extensions she can put in it?

KionaKina on July 1, 2007, 12:01:47 PM

KionaKina on
KionaKinaoh, now there's an idea

KiaraAkira on July 1, 2007, 10:35:03 AM

KiaraAkira on
KiaraAkiraHmm....I like the short style and the long style...Maybe like Kouni46892742 said you should make it a medium length and good job on the pic!All that time was worth it ^^ *faves*

KionaKina on July 1, 2007, 12:01:31 PM

KionaKina on
KionaKinaThank you!

Lilichan on July 1, 2007, 10:29:18 AM

Lilichan on
LilichanBoth look great, I honestly can't decide.

KionaKina on July 1, 2007, 10:32:15 AM

KionaKina on
KionaKina*Pats your shoulder* and welcome to my world

firehead on July 1, 2007, 10:23:48 AM

firehead on
fireheadI like both.....but if i have to choose maybe the short.^^

KionaKina on July 1, 2007, 10:26:32 AM

KionaKina on
KionaKinaCool ^^

Nekogal411 on July 1, 2007, 10:16:43 AM

Nekogal411 on
Nekogal411Hmmm... i like it short! oh and the time was worth it! very good drawing *faves*

KionaKina on July 1, 2007, 10:17:06 AM

KionaKina on
KionaKinaThank you very much! ^^