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To All The Fan Girls And Overly Depressed Goths

To All The Fan Girls And Overly Depressed Goths

To All The Fan Girls And Overly Depressed Goths by Lasher
To All The Fan Girls And Overly Depressed Goths by Lasher


Basically, this is for every fan girl out their who is obsessed with something that isn't even real. None of you will ever date, or marry Hiei or Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru and the many more favorites of you fan girls. They are drawings, they are nothing more than that. And the fact that your all that obsessed as to fight and scream and type in all caps just proves how immature you all are. Not to mention you kill some half decent anime that could have been nice, if you hadn't gone and made it so damn annoying with your "OH MY GOD! SESSHOUMARU IS SO HOT! GET OFF! HE'S MINE!" T_T Yeah, once again, they're not real!<br />
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This is also to all the overly depressed "Goths" If you shop at hot topic, chances are your not goth. And if you really are that depressed, then go call some hotline and get some freakin help. You don't just draw and talk about cutting your wrist and such if your feeling sad. You only do that if your seriously fracked up and depressed. And a large percentage of those uploading those pictures, just aren't for the most part. Those who do for the most part, are just doing it for the attention and to be drama queens. And you can't tell me otherwise because i know all of this for a fact. And if you really do have a problem, fine, get help. And no, this is not towards everyone goth or depressed. It's just toward the overly dramatic pre teens who play it out for kicks or attention.<br />
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Flame away if you wish. But it's my right to say as i please, and it's called expression. Not to mention flamming is against FAC site rules. I should know. So if you don't like my views, fine, don't reply.

General Info

General Info

Category Comics » - Newspaper Comics (strips) » Garfield
Date Submitted
Views 4618
Favorites... 11
Vote Score 1
Comments 69
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (69)

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Firefly_Dreamer on December 8, 2005, 9:39:44 AM

Firefly_Dreamer on
Firefly_Dreameromg were gonna rant on about the fangirls! what have they ever done to you? NOTHING!!
and why should you worry about gaoths and where they shop? gawd............i hate people who worry about every1 else when theyve done nothing to you!
its so retarded...!

shinypikachu2608 on June 26, 2009, 3:18:20 AM

shinypikachu2608 on
shinypikachu2608You're language astounds me.
Please teach me to speak you're foreign tongue so that I may explain to you how you have so far missed the point of this users art.

luckylace222 on June 25, 2009, 12:49:52 PM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222xD Myyyyy your description speaks to me. However, I consider myself a fangirl sometimes. ;[ It made me sad when you said you thought it was stupid how we obsess over a certain character. But I can understand how it can be annoying to the other parties. xD Still, it is fun to have someone to care about obsessively, whether he's on paper or not.

;/ Mmmm now I don't feel offended now. I was just going to say, "Nice picture! ;D I love Garfield!" But it fesl so much better to just speak your mind a little. ;P I respect you for being so outspoken. It's something a lot of people need these days.

CharlSkellington00 on March 10, 2007, 7:19:27 AM

CharlSkellington00 on
CharlSkellington00haha *high five* , awesome pic :D

Child_of_the_feral on April 17, 2006, 7:51:55 AM

Child_of_the_feral on
Child_of_the_feralWoah, that was a good laugh... Nice pic and very good points! I have to say that I'm kind of the same with Billie-Joe Armstrong from Green Day, but hell, I know I've got a 'next to naught' chance of seeing him. Plus the fact that he's married...

There's nothing wrong with goths (Not getting at ANYONE here), but I think labeling yourself is completely stupid! "I'm a skater, I won't wear those clothes!" That kind of attitude really makes me wanna rip someone's head off. Slowly.

Ok... My tiny rage is over and done with. Goodbye... *Disappears into the shadows of your mind* MWAHAHA! *Trips* Crap...

Lasher on December 8, 2005, 1:05:01 PM

Lasher on
LasherKind of like you then, huh? *rolls eyes* It's not worrying about others, i couldn't give a damn except for my own selfish needs. i.e. They all annoy the frack out of me and need to get a life.

If i worried about others, i wouldn't say what was on my mind. Because it simply hurts to much for others to hear. Like yourself.

Firefly_Dreamer on December 8, 2005, 9:39:36 AM

Firefly_Dreamer on
Firefly_Dreameromg were gonna rant on about the fangirls! what have they ever done to you? NOTHING!!
and why should you worry about gaoths and where they shop? gawd............i hat people who worry about every1 else when theyve done nothing to you!
its so retarded...!

Charliie on December 7, 2005, 7:36:52 AM

Charliie on
CharliieI agree those fangirls are kinda insane. I mean I enjoy anime and the cute characters like all anime have, but I don't overlly obbsess over a cartoon character. and goths, well yeah.... I was depressed for a large chunk of my life, and i didn't whine or wear black and become goth, i just stayed closed up and sad. i love your Garfield by the way. me talk to much.

RockStar2005 on December 2, 2005, 10:16:20 AM

RockStar2005 on
RockStar2005ill have to agree with the fangirl part. i have my obsessions but i dont run around in rage screaming "OH MY GOD!!! HE MINE GET OFF OR I KILL U!" THEY'RE ANIME CHARACTERS FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST!!!! i can understand like "ooo hes looks pretty hot" but when it goes too far, thats when it gets scary.

Cutelilteen on October 13, 2005, 6:08:02 AM

Cutelilteen on
CutelilteenBWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *ehem* I mean, this is cool *sweatdrop*

Fallen_Angel83 on October 7, 2005, 11:19:16 AM

Fallen_Angel83 on
Fallen_Angel83Thank you for stating that!! *huggles* It's so stupid when wanna-be-goths are acting all depressed and junk cause they DO just want attention, and they're too much into the attention that they're getting that they won't go get help (or they actually don't need it). They are like, insults to my friend who acually DOES hace bipolar, really bad depression and what not. Fangirls.... To an extreme they bug the crap outta me. >_< Depends on what they say. Like, if they say they're gonna marry em and crud, THAT is one annoying person (I know sum1 who even has a RING saying their gonna marry Ed from FMA. *rolls eyes*). I like to dress gothic like, I KNOW I have probs (I go to a counsler), but dressing like a goth has NOTHING to do with my problems. It's just....Awesome. *_* My fave colors have ALWAYS been dark like, so it's not just the damned hormones!!! My personality may be dark at times, but that's called EMOTIONS people! Doesn't mean you're goth! Hell, isn't it a religion or sumthing? It all adds up to one thing, these fangirls and wanna-be-goths do. They want attention. Mmyup. Nutin gainst real goths, just fake ones.
NEwayz, cute pic, good point, you deserve a brownie!! ^_^