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Keira's Happy Ending

Keira's Happy Ending

Keira's Happy Ending by MandyPandaa
Keira's Happy Ending by MandyPandaa


Well well well. :P<br />
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Ok, the reason for this? I despise with every fiber of my little being, the ending of Jak 3...and also, any Keira-bashing in general. This song, which I just heard a few days ago, seemed to fit with the situation and stuff. xP The scwibbles around her are lyrics.<br />
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But really. All Keira-bashing is based on the fact that she's with Jak, or her 'voice'. Anyways, just a little blurb about what ticks me off (see the background? Those are ANGER scribbles XD). <br />
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Have nice days. :3 And remember: Keira bashing? It's bad. BAAAAAD and stupid. Thank you that is all. ^-^

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - All Titles » Jak & Daxter series » Keira
Date Submitted
Views 4698
Favorites... 5
Vote Score 0
Comments 12
Media Unspecified
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Comments (12)

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Jaksgirl38 on February 16, 2006, 9:39:31 AM

Jaksgirl38 on
Jaksgirl38OOOOOOHHHH I luff it! That is the BEST FRIGGIN PIC OF KEIRA! I luff it! *favs faves favs*
I completely agree with Lexan. It JakXKeira, AshelinXTorn (I call them the tattooed couple) and DaxXTess. And [this is a spoiler for Jak X] Jak and Keira kiss in Jak X! WOO HOO!
If they didn't kiss, I would use Torny's knife to kill someone, or maim >.

Lexan on December 1, 2005, 10:23:26 AM

Lexan on
LexanFirst off, i totally agree that the ending of Jak 3 sucked, there wasn't barly any keira and jak in the game as well. Second, what the HELL is with the Jak and Ashlein crap. This is how it goes; JakxKeira, AshleinxTorn, DaxterxTess. Third off, i hope there is more Keira and Jak in Jak X, i hope i get it for christmas! If they dont kiss in this game, i will kill someone! (wacked over the head with Jaikos spear) OW! ok, ill just maim someone!

2x4SmackeeMan on August 7, 2005, 3:16:55 PM

2x4SmackeeMan on
2x4SmackeeManhonestly, and please don't be angry with me, but i always liked Ashelin more than Keira... *interrupts MandyPandaa's angry sputters* but I do feel very sorry for Keira, the poor thing...

DeAtH_fIrE on August 3, 2005, 3:50:41 PM

DeAtH_fIrE on
DeAtH_fIrEya it got me pissed when jak kisses Ashlin but in mi extended ending it doesn't work out and he leaves her for Keira! ^.^ there u got ur happy ending Keira (kinda)

Physcowolf on May 29, 2005, 2:22:14 PM

Physcowolf on
Physcowolfyes I am with you on that.
down with kiera bashing dogs.

sooty on January 23, 2005, 4:00:49 AM

sooty on
sooty0.0 thats my fav song!!^__^ *hums the lyrics*

Yesh all Keria-bashing is bad! And I dislike the couple of Jak + ashlien!!*favz* you caught the mood of the song very well

Cara on January 22, 2005, 5:22:12 AM

Cara on
CaraCool. Awesome job. Here have a doughnut. *shoves a doughnut down your throat*

JakDepidtor on January 21, 2005, 1:58:06 AM

JakDepidtor on
JakDepidtorI agree chibi, a victory kiss! Jak + Keira For ever!

chibi_demon on January 20, 2005, 3:37:33 AM

chibi_demon on
chibi_demonyeah i think so too. besides i think ashelin gave him a "victory" kiss, nothing serious. still i think he's keira's man!^^ great pic though!

JakDepidtor on January 20, 2005, 1:22:41 AM

JakDepidtor on
JakDepidtorI agree, you got that message across very well! Awsome Job!