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Lots of avatars of my anime self !

Lots of avatars of my anime self !

Lots of avatars of my anime self ! by MizyMiyajima
Lots of avatars of my anime self ! by MizyMiyajima


Hey guys ! Wow... I haven't been here for like.. a month?
Hahaha I'm so lazy this month XD
Well there lots of events going on this month and last month also...
The events were like.. sleeping all day... watching tv all day... play game all day... =.='
Hahaha kidding kidding XP Im not a lazy bum ^____^
But there were lots of events going on seriously XI so frustrating thou.

Umm.... about the drawing.... I actually have too much to say about it but I don't think its necessary to describe all of them here since I already talk about it in my blog ^___^
So... teah... just check my blog for description k ;D
Heres the link >>

Hope u like the new submission guyz ! It took hell of a life time to finished it! XD

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » - Original art
Date Submitted
Views 2409
Favorites... 23
Vote Score 16
Comments 27
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken 7 days


Comments (27)

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AnimeWolf234 on February 23, 2010, 3:58:09 AM

AnimeWolf234 on
AnimeWolf234awsome art you have improved alot and all that prety colours i wish you could be my art teacher lol and where were you i was wondering i was about to send my dragon wolf army but your back and it ain't good with out your art wait until you see mine it is kinda good exept this man that i gave a go lol so have you been aducted by cats with fish head aliens have you!?!?!? lol i should stop talking now lol and your art is amazing all that colour lol and i made a naruto pic but took me 1 month to make lol

afash on December 15, 2009, 11:44:57 AM

afash on
afashCUTE! I like them all! U do such clean lines.

luckylace222 on December 10, 2009, 8:28:23 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222MY FAVORITE ONE


MizyMiyajima on December 10, 2009, 9:44:56 PM

MizyMiyajima on
MizyMiyajima Say what?! Really Buu ?!
OMG I thought u were gonna say something like, wow u improved ! or or wow ! is that how ur hair look like?
But Im stunned. Yeah im stunned !
XDDDDDD hahaha Thank u so so soooooo much Buu !!! TT^TT

luckylace222 on December 11, 2009, 7:48:14 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222OH OH OH OH Okay then! ;O

Wow! @__@ You improved!!! WOW!!! Is that what your hair looks like? I used to have a cut like that. ;__; I miss it. But the weather is getting so's not a good choice. Maybe during the Summer.

NaotaNoir on December 8, 2009, 3:00:41 PM

NaotaNoir on
NaotaNoirYeah! Mizy is da bomb!! XD

Awesome pic's I love early morning one with the coffee cup. The kittie one is the is sooo cute! Every chibi is adorable. <3

*Breaks the fav button*

MizyMiyajima on December 10, 2009, 9:21:45 PM

MizyMiyajima on
MizyMiyajimaI know right ~ Hahaha lol kidding2 XDDDD

The one with the mug, really? wow thankx, =D thats the simplest one that I made and yet someone like it, i really really do appreciate that ! <X3 Thank u so much Naota ! *hug*

NaotaNoir on December 11, 2009, 7:42:33 AM

NaotaNoir on
NaotaNoirBut, You are!! Xd

Yeah love expression on your face. It looks soo cute. It's like "Aw man, I don't wanna get out of bed." XD

No need to thank me. But I'll take that hug! *Hug's you back harder*

QueenPaige on December 11, 2009, 2:42:22 AM

QueenPaige on
QueenPaigeOooooh! is that Yoshimori for kekkaishi?? and Naruto of course! this is great I'm gonna go read you blog thing now!!

Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on December 9, 2009, 4:10:40 AM

Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on
Pocky_PixieSticks_Animeoh my gosh! they're all so cute! *favs* i think my favorites are in the first column. so beautiful! love all the pretty colors and expressions. =^_^= *gives pocky and pixie sticks*

MizyMiyajima on December 10, 2009, 9:40:38 PM

MizyMiyajima on
MizyMiyajimaAweeeee Thank u !!! *give u a balloon*

miknart on December 8, 2009, 8:29:21 PM

miknart on
miknartOMG DA ONE WIF KITTY EARS 8D ♥! :O WB after a month chu~ :P! Everything yew draw is still too awesome o^o".

MizyMiyajima on December 10, 2009, 9:39:17 PM

MizyMiyajima on
MizyMiyajimaawwwwweeeee.... thank uuuuuuu ~ <XDDDDD

Forestdahedgehog on December 8, 2009, 7:51:05 PM

Forestdahedgehog on
M-Mizzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyy-tacklehug- :D Your-Your- Alive!!! I thought you were abducted by evil banana headed aliens! D8 I was going to send my monkey army after them, but..Monkeys cant fly...(Or can they o.o)

But yay x3 Its great your that your back :D lol
And now, get ready for my wondefully long comment! xD

First: Wonderful drawing 'n coloring. Simply gorgeous as always :D
Second: i love all the different outfits and Sweet Cheesecake!!!! >.< I love how you do hands!!!! Theyre awsome @w@ And you expressions Cx So cute!
Third: The backgrounds in each avatar is completely and tottally wonderfully colored and designed :)
Fifth: I. want. that. Teddy bear x3 And the cake'n fruit >:)
Sixth: When you read this, you will then learn that there is no 'Fourth'. Haha xD Unless you already seen that o.o

But welcome baaaccck again :D
Holy lions 'n lemurs :O (lolwhut?)
This took you 7 days?! Yiur hands must reaallly hurt xD
-gives a rainbow orange to you-
There. All better :)
Look foward to more of you art Mizy :D

MizyMiyajima on December 10, 2009, 9:38:05 PM

MizyMiyajima on
MizyMiyajimaOMG !!!! How should I start !

A- ah ! First thing first, .... Hahahahahaha lmao banana alien and flying monkey?? hahaha man u cracked me up forest ! XDDDDD but thankx for trying to save me anyway ! hahaha

1, 2, 3 ) THANK U SO VERY MUCH FOREST !!!!! *Big hug* !!!
5) *hand u the cake and fruit* here ya go ! oh ! and yeah.... my teddy bear !! ha ha ha no way ~ hahaha XD

Hehehe >XDDDD
Thank u so much again forest, what a fun comment u gave !
I missed you ! XDDDD

katieXatem on December 8, 2009, 4:56:57 PM

katieXatem on
katieXatemwow i luv them all!!! ur so cute in all of them!!! so luv the one where ur wearing a suit!!!

MizyMiyajima on December 10, 2009, 9:30:18 PM

MizyMiyajima on
MizyMiyajimaOh ! Thank u !!! XDDD

Rubius on December 8, 2009, 12:43:29 PM

Rubius on

*falls to his knees and shouts to the sky* MIZY I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!

*gets up and dances*

Mizy, hi. Nice picture. There are just so many wonderful things about this picture I just don't know where to begin.
1) Love the colors
2) The chibis are hyper cute, or kawai, or kiwi, or kawii or whatever the hell it is kids are saying these days.
3) I want to steal your Raman and your cake. *so want to learn to make homemade raman*
4) I so want the outfits in panels 2,3,4,5,10,11,and12 *thinks he could rock the neckerchief*

It is good to see you online again. ^-^

MizyMiyajima on December 8, 2009, 12:55:07 PM

MizyMiyajima on
MizyMiyajimaJEREMY !!! I MISSED U TOO !!! Hahaha lol !

*dash and dances around with you*

Hahaha thank u so so soooooo very much Jer for the great welcome home ! XDDD Hahaha
Its good to be back ! I miss everyone and looking at all the amazing pics! XD
Here to the great comment !

1) Thank you !!! X3
2) Kiwi? Hahaha that sounds cute likee a cute kiwi bird XDDD
3) *hand u a ramen* Heres ur ramen and Im keeping the cake... its mine .... O.o hahaha XD
4) from top to bottom? or right to left? Neh? XDDD


Rubius on December 8, 2009, 10:05:04 PM

Rubius on
Rubius*blushes* Monkey kisses ^///^

I'm glad you feel at home here Mizy, I am finishing my school semester soon (finals are next week) so I will be able to work on some of my art again and get it posted. I don't know if I have posted anything for you to look at since I left.

Now for some responses. ^-^

1) You are so totally welcome.
2) What is the word for cute that people are using? I don't know how to spell's like Kawai or something like that. *gets on his knees and begs* Please tell me I must know.
3) YAY RAMAN!!! I need to buy a cookbook that tells me how to make raman. I'm already looking for a recipe book for sushi...Mmmmm...sushi.
4) Here is how I see the pictures.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
Could I have you draw the clothing designs for these outfits? I would really like to make them. ^-^

MizyMiyajima on December 10, 2009, 2:24:40 PM

MizyMiyajima on
MizyMiyajimaNext week? Cool the sooner the better ! I can't wait to see ur new drawing Jer, I have not seen yaoi for like weeks now, trust me I didnt O.o it sucks so i cant wait to see ur new submission !

Anywho !
2) Kawaii Jer Its kawaii ~ XD haha
3) Ive never made a ramen before nor ate one really (TT^TT i know, its sad.... XDDD haha) is it really hard to make one? =D
4) Hahaha cool ! ;)

Me? design clothes? O.o ? u mean as in cartoon design ?

Rubius on December 10, 2009, 2:30:11 PM

Rubius on
RubiusThank you for the Kawaii response...I knew I was close.

I've never made raman or sushi before (those I do like eating it)

Yes, you, design clothes, and yes cartoon design...I just need to see the "flat" version of what they look like and I will do all the sewing. ^-^