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I'm not Ready...

I'm not Ready...

I'm not Ready... by Moon_Princess
I'm not Ready... by Moon_Princess


"I'm not ready to say goodbye...
I'm not ready to let you go..."

Yeah, I honestly think that the chapter of Eternal Snow, where Atemu leaves to the afterlife is so cheesy...Cat hardly does anything! So I'm going to re-write that chapter. Just at the ending though.
(No, I'm not going to re-write all of Book 2. That would kill me. X_X)
Yeah, I saw a screenshot that gave me the idea for this pic and it ended up looking close to the screenshot. o_O; Ack.

But this is Cat, obviously, stopping him, because she doesn't want to say goodbye to Atemu after she realized she loved him.
(By the way, that is Cat's outfit for "The Dawn of the Duel" or "Millennium World/Saga" or "The Memory World saga". Whatever you wanna call it. The last season of Yugioh. ^^)

If you've ready all the way through Eternal Snow Book 2, here's the re-written chapter of the final chapter. ^^
The changes are not only at the part in the picture above, but there are a lot of changes scattered.
So you'll have to read the whole chapter. :D

Cat Tsuru© ~Me (Moon_Princess)
Yami/Atemu© ~Kazuki Takahashi
Idea/Picture© ~Me (Moon_Princess)


General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series » Groups/Couples
Date Submitted
Views 2018
Favorites... 8
Vote Score 10
Comments 14
Media Other digital art
Time Taken Hours
Reference None (But read the author's note)


Comments (14)

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MystiQueen on February 13, 2008, 6:11:18 AM

MystiQueen on
MystiQueen;_; I hates it when Yami has to leave...;_; Sad episode...</3

Zenshii on February 9, 2008, 8:05:14 AM

Zenshii on
Zenshii<:( aww it's adorable and sad at the same time! very cute! and sad. Don't go!! x3

I love how you did the tears...really...Because those are so hard for me to do lol xP

cutie88 on February 4, 2008, 6:14:35 AM

cutie88 on
cutie88what happendis he going to leave!!dont go!!

KelekiahGaladrian on February 3, 2008, 10:57:27 AM

KelekiahGaladrian on
KelekiahGaladrianAw! That's so sad, but it's so romantic and sweet!! *favs* I can't wait to read that! Yay!

B on February 3, 2008, 7:26:16 AM

B on
BO_O thats so sad!

AlleyCat17 on February 3, 2008, 2:26:46 AM

AlleyCat17 on
AlleyCat17that is so sad but a really sweet pic and i can't wait to read that chapter.*faves*

Avatar on February 2, 2008, 11:05:50 PM

Avatar on
AvatarLooks like a really sad time for Cat and Yami.-_- But still,nice pic,Cat-chan.=D

KionaKina on February 2, 2008, 4:21:42 AM

KionaKina on
KionaKinaYES! Omg, YES! THAT is how (BEEP)ing end that moment! Hell yes!!!

Oh, I cannot wait for that rewrite. And I love Cat's outfit, it's so cute!

YGOfan on February 1, 2008, 8:25:54 PM

YGOfan on
YGOfanAWWW that so sad but the pic is really cute and good
The pose reminds me of a part in Naruto with Sakura and Sasuke ^^
keep up the good work Cat

Moon_Princess on February 2, 2008, 3:49:33 AM

Moon_Princess on
Moon_PrincessYeah, The screenshot was actually Sakura stopping Sasuke from killing the sound ninjas in the forest of death. Lol
That's the screenshot where I got the idea for the pic, but I think that my pic and the screen look too close together. >3< Grr.


TaisyXPegasus on February 2, 2008, 2:32:19 AM

TaisyXPegasus on
TaisyXPegasusSo beautiful...And so sad...

Really,Cat,you are TALENTED!!!!Perfect!!!!Such feelings!!!!Such drama!!!!Oh,man,I wanna to write stories about it,poems!!!!It's GORGEOUS!!!!!!

I favorite it and vote as GOOD!