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$ocial Riot Machine

$ocial Riot Machine

$ocial Riot Machine by Nyah
$ocial Riot Machine by Nyah


Ahh I haven't updated here for ages sorry X3<br />
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Ruki from the J-rock band Gazette who seriously rock X) <br />
If you love dir en grey you should love Gazette. Those are both my fav bands XD. Hmm I see no1 answered my early rant about there being no pierrot or Gazette category XD. <br />
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On a side note I just saw dir en grey live in Paris last weekend. WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. I love them more than ever now X3 and Kyo my God that man is so damn hot in the flesh X33. I think Kyo is attractive in a strange way but in the flesh he is so damn sexy. <br />
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But anyway back to the pic Ruki is prolly my fav J-rocker he's so coool and so hot/cute XD and I just love him.<br />
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I used a disorder postcard for ref to do this. His hair was a nightmare it's such a weird style DX like wolverine's kinda.<br />
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I used photoshop to color and various brushes for the background. Text is cocaine sans one of my fav fonts.<br />
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The $ocial Riot Machine$ is a song of theirs from the disorder album. There are a thousand Gazette songs I could recommend to people who wanna give them a go.

General Info

General Info

Category Real People » Singers & Bands » J-pop Bands/Singers
Date Submitted
Views 2401
Favorites... 20
Vote Score 1
Comments 16
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (16)

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supi222 on January 15, 2008, 10:08:23 AM

supi222 on
supi222i love this!

especially the background

very hot fire

ShadowLove101 on July 31, 2007, 8:14:29 AM

ShadowLove101 on
ShadowLove101lol Ruki yay!!! o, and I've seen Diru live, 2!! THEY ARE SO AMAZING!!! and Kyo looks like 5x shorter on stage lol

shiny_angel on September 26, 2006, 7:15:46 AM

shiny_angel on
shiny_angelOOOH!! Love the hair!! WANNA DRAW LIKE YOU!!
You are so talented!!

Love the colors and the pose! Nice done! *favs Artist

thomast67 on August 31, 2006, 8:17:50 AM

thomast67 on
thomast67AWESOME!!XD I Like worship you and your twisted, just Freakin Sweetass Pics.^^

xenosagasora on August 13, 2006, 11:53:21 AM

xenosagasora on

Teemu on June 8, 2006, 2:14:20 AM

Teemu on
Teemurukiiii ^o^
thats cool =)

I_feel_snazzy on December 30, 2005, 7:35:32 AM

I_feel_snazzy on
I_feel_snazzythis rocks x3 great job

Kurai_Tsukiko on December 27, 2005, 3:47:33 PM

Kurai_Tsukiko on
Kurai_TsukikoThis is awesome

Yu-Chan on December 13, 2005, 4:09:45 AM

Yu-Chan on
Yu-ChanWow! this ones definately going in my favorites. ^_^
so freaking pretttty!

Nyah on November 1, 2005, 8:45:17 PM

Nyah on
NyahGazette and diru don't sound alike but fans of one band usually like the other i've found. Well Gazette are good because they cater for fans of both soft and heavy stuff. So you could be a diru fan and still like Gazette for their songs like no[666], [DIS] and The $ocial Riot Machine$. Or you could be a l'arc en ciel fan and like Gazette for the songs like Last Bouquet, Reila and Okuribi. See everyones happy XD and Gazette do have some very meaningful serious songs. Ruki is a really great writer. If you've read the translations of Miseienen and Sumire you can prolly see why. And Reila actually moves him to tears on the M.R.D DVD.