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"Chibify me" New Contest!!!

"Chibify me" New Contest!!!

"Chibify me" New Contest!!! by OrangeArt
"Chibify me" New Contest!!! by OrangeArt




Heh i wanna do a contest too -_- okay i'm starting a new contest ^____^

RULES (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY): the object of dis contest is to chibify a character... draw any EXISTING CHARACTER as a chibi, best chibi wins. u can "chibify" an OC u created already too as long as u don't just create an original chibi -_-' THERE HAS TO BE AN UNCHIBIFIED VERSION OF UR CHIBI PIC!! (if it is an OC) heh no art theives can join lol and... the contest ends at the end of August i guess, that WILL MOST LIKELY CHANGE. It depends.
ur pic must be up to rated pg-13. Ur chibi can be cute, funny, sad... u can do a little scene... a comic maybe... i dunno! it's up 2 u. and u CAN add more than one chibi in ur entry ^__^'
** entries will be based on: skill, effort, creativity


First place: a chibi of ur choice holding a giant "first place" trophy, and 2 requests

Second place: a chibi of ur choice holding a giant "second place" trophy, one request

Third place: a chibi of ur choice holding a giant " third place" trophy

*** okay that's it. Please tell EVERYONE u know about it, the more people the better ^___^

~ DO UR BEST!!!! THANKS!! (plz tell me when ur done!! if not i might not see it and that would be a real shame wouldn't it?? ^^)

*** Oh BTW ANYONE can enter, u don't have to ask ^__^


General Info

General Info

Category Miscellaneous » Characters » Female » Chibi (Superdeformed)
Date Submitted
Views 4243
Favorites... 6
Vote Score 0
Comments 84
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (84)

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clamara on August 8, 2005, 3:07:39 AM

clamara on
clamaraI think I'll enter it sounds fun^^

scuzme on August 7, 2005, 11:11:53 PM

scuzme on
scuzmecan i enter??? im gonna enter!!!

hao_girl on August 7, 2005, 9:06:51 PM

hao_girl on
hao_girlwell, my entry is up

ElliChan on August 7, 2005, 2:41:40 PM

ElliChan on
ElliChanmmmmmmm cute XD that's means I can enter to? Yes? neway I'm entering

DemonTheifQueen on August 7, 2005, 12:37:42 PM

DemonTheifQueen on
DemonTheifQueenI wanna enter!!! YAY! ^_^

OrangeArt on August 7, 2005, 11:01:21 AM

OrangeArt on
OrangeArtthe deadline for entries is the end of august

hao_girl on August 7, 2005, 10:59:16 AM

hao_girl on

silverstar on August 7, 2005, 10:55:50 AM

silverstar on

hao_girl on August 7, 2005, 10:39:03 AM

hao_girl on
hao_girlis tommorow conceterd "to late to enter"?

ChocolateCappuccino on August 6, 2005, 11:58:49 PM

ChocolateCappuccino on
ChocolateCappuccinoHi! I'd like to join your competition, but I've got a couple of questions.

1: Can there be more than one chibi character in the picture?

2: How do I submit my picture? Do I just put it in my gallery and post the link to it here?

Now I'm off to work on the chibi pic. This is going to be so much fun!