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Topless Torn! (0_0 Luverly!)

Topless Torn! (0_0 Luverly!)

Topless Torn! (0_0 Luverly!) by Punked_up_Wolf
Topless Torn! (0_0 Luverly!) by Punked_up_Wolf


^_~ Enjoy.

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - All Titles » Jak & Daxter series » Jak 3
Date Submitted
Views 3929
Favorites... 15
Vote Score 1
Comments 22
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (22)

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mewtwo_mew on February 7, 2005, 11:39:51 AM

mewtwo_mew on
mewtwo_mewit's sexy in a destubing kinda way kewl

DylanSanders959 on February 7, 2005, 12:31:59 AM

DylanSanders959 on
DylanSanders959Sexy ! hehe.............
god u put sooooooooooooooooooooooo much detail in ya drawings , u put my work to shame !
defineatly *favz*
sheesh i shouldn't be looking,i'm a jak fangal !
oh well !

Lynxie on February 6, 2005, 10:15:24 PM

Lynxie on
LynxieYour art skills are great.

and you colouring skills are also great. :)

Cool chracter design I like it.

Weasel on February 1, 2005, 11:15:14 AM

Weasel on
Weaseloh, sweet lordy! *_* he'!
nng. you've got ND style mastered. @_@ j00 are my effing IDOL. IDOL, ya hear? this is fekkin' awesome...and not just cuz it's torn. x3 the way his back is all hunched over so casually, and the way way you've added the tatts in on his chest and shoulders to keep a consistancy. pure genious, and i adore his hair to pieces. ;_; simply awesome, and im faving this one. youve got me favin your stuff left an' right! XD love it!

AnimeNight01 on January 25, 2005, 1:11:23 AM

AnimeNight01 on
AnimeNight01very very cool! looks like he popped right out of the video game!!! *jealous* ^_^ awesome job!

Jakxter on January 25, 2005, 12:10:11 AM

Jakxter on
JakxterAwesome job! Torn is like my 4th favourite charcter after Jak, Daxter and Pecker. But now that I've seen this, he just might become my 3rd. An amazing piece of work if I do say so myself! *faves*

chibi_demon on January 24, 2005, 1:59:18 PM

chibi_demon on
chibi_demoni agree with jakdepidtor, *whisels* damn! you made him hella HOT! sorry, it's just you made him look so cool! and well, lets face it, torn is hot! awesome job! *faves*

Midnight_Chaos on January 24, 2005, 1:54:48 PM

Midnight_Chaos on
Midnight_ChaosThis is da best! *restrains self from staring at him too long* You have some great, artistic talent. Love him so much. Definately a favs for you and lil' Torny boy!!!

Technicolour_Tortoise on January 24, 2005, 1:37:04 AM

Technicolour_Tortoise on
Technicolour_TortoiseAmazing piece of artistry. It was very creative to include other tatoos on his torso.

Great work. Keep it up.

JakDepidtor on January 23, 2005, 11:36:26 PM

JakDepidtor on
JakDepidtorAROOGA! That's cool!