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My last pic here.

My last pic here.

My last pic here. by Purely_coincidental
My last pic here. by Purely_coincidental


As the title says, this will be my last picture here. I have been here for close to a year, and, although its been a good year, I cant help but feel that I have outgrown this place. There are too many immmature artists here. Too many "OMG can YPOU teech Me how TO draw?" an Can you do a REEquest 4 MEE???" or, "EWWW I HAYT THAT COUPLE!!!!". I've grown tired of it. But, please, dont get me wrong. There have been many great and kind artists here. To all the DarkPhoenixes, who offer advice and acknowledge their problems. To all the Odds and Kitty Titans, who draw despite the flames and comments. To all the cactusplants, who were new but mature enough to treat others as equals. I'll always remember you fondly, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.

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Category Cartoons » Teen Titans
Date Submitted
Views 2847
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Vote Score 0
Comments 26
Media Unspecified
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Comments (26)

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CoStanleyQueen5 on October 2, 2006, 4:02:29 AM

CoStanleyQueen5 on
CoStanleyQueen5*coughcough* May I just say a few things? Take off your hats, please.

*takes off hat*

Eh-hemm. Okay. Why are you leaving anyways? I mean, some people may be immature, but there are others who really appreciate your art. *nodnod* I like your pictures, and your style of drawing, it's really creative and original. Also, I've seen another of your pictures put on lately. Are you really leaving for good?

P.S: Kittytitan, SHUT UP. If you don't like a picture, don't bother commenting on it. You are one of the immature idiots that are making Purely_Coincidental's mind up to leave. Stay out of these things in future, and we'll all be happy.

P.P.S: Don't leave, Purely_Coincidental. We all love your artwork, and you can't ever really grow out of FAC, so why do you think you have? Do stay on. Please.

KagomeTheArcher on August 26, 2006, 3:29:58 AM

KagomeTheArcher on
KagomeTheArcher*Sigh*... I'll miss your art!
But I'll always try to check it out on the other site! ^_^

lorripop on June 10, 2006, 12:09:24 AM

lorripop on
lorripopim gonna miss all yr fan art... :'(

Dark_Phoenix on April 14, 2006, 6:04:05 PM

Dark_Phoenix on
Dark_PhoenixLong time no chat eh? Well, I feel that that I myself have outgrown this page as well. In fact, I have a website now ^_^

I would love for you to check it out sometime when you get a chance. If you get a website, will you please inform me?? thx

~Phoenix (and thx for the compliment)

cyborggirl on April 7, 2006, 10:06:08 PM

cyborggirl on
cyborggirlI can't belive you're leaving....listen I really would like it if you would stay I promise not to be immature! I swear!

kittenzass on January 22, 2006, 3:58:43 AM

kittenzass on
kittenzassi was one of these who want reqests but i'm new so dont get me wrong........oooooooohhhhhhhh good pic by the way

KittyTitan on January 18, 2006, 4:13:39 AM

KittyTitan on
KittyTitanThat picture offence...

kyokyokatsmoochi on January 6, 2006, 1:57:33 PM

kyokyokatsmoochi on
kyokyokatsmoochiAw. Its sad to hear you go. I have enjoyed your art!

Pyscho_Spaz on December 30, 2005, 9:54:49 AM

Pyscho_Spaz on
Pyscho_SpazHey, At least you get comments.

Mustard_Drunk on December 26, 2005, 2:38:44 AM

Mustard_Drunk on
Mustard_Drunkso ur leaving.....:(