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Tea in Spring

Tea in Spring

Tea in Spring by Rikusgurl
Tea in Spring by Rikusgurl


Been very busy lately. O_o; Just got back from Panama City, Florida. XDDD I submitted this pic the day I left, but I come to find out that it was rejected for some stupid dash I put in the title. omg. *growls*<br />
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Alright, holy CRAP this took me forever to do. Like... FOREVER. I'm so happy with how it turned out. But the background kinda makes me twitch. It's too happy. O_o;; I say this because I've been wanting so badly to draw either an Evil Mad Hatter or and Evil Willy Wonka. I've just been in an evil mood lately. XD<br />
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Okay, well... this is my versions of Alice, the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, and the Dormouse. Hatter is serving Alice some spring tea, and Alice is afraid he's gonna splash it all over her the way he's pouring it. >_>;; The March Hare is just playing with his tea. XD I think he's mixing it with another type of tea. Or maybe he just got sick of the cup he was using. OH, and I must tell you, I set the tea party atop of a hill. *looks around nervously* ... okay, honestly, I just didn't wanna make more trees in the background. ._.' *ish lazy* But without the trees in the BG, it gives it a more open Springtime feeling, ne?<br />
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Alice in Wonderland (C) Lewis Carroll<br />
Art and character designs (C) Meh

General Info

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Category Books » Classical Literature » Alice In Wonderland
Date Submitted
Views 3896
Favorites... 27
Vote Score 0
Comments 17
Media Unspecified
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Comments (17)

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animefangirl1234 on August 21, 2008, 7:32:27 AM

animefangirl1234 on
animefangirl1234sooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a good pic the hat guy actually looks cute oh i love your art!!!!!!!!!!!! riku san

luckylace222 on July 26, 2007, 2:05:21 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222XD AWESOME!!! TEA!!!!

LadySymphonia on July 29, 2006, 12:21:33 PM

LadySymphonia on
LadySymphoniaIt's Riku as the Hatter guy!

RoyallyJenova on October 13, 2006, 4:30:56 PM

RoyallyJenova on
RoyallyJenovaRun for the friggin hills!!!!!!!!

thomast67 on September 3, 2006, 5:55:27 AM

thomast67 on
thomast67AWESOME!!XD I love the Madd Hatter!XD I was going to draw (once I get my scanner-_-) to draw my new sexy character Sauko a Punk/evil Madd Hatter.XD I LUV evil things too!XD
I'm just a twisted 16 year old girl!XD

Voltra_The_Lively on September 2, 2006, 4:44:23 AM

Voltra_The_Lively on
Voltra_The_Lively*hearts like mad* I LOVE THE MAD TEA PARTY!!! THE DORMOUSE IS ADORABLE!!! *SQUEE!!!*

darkXchild on July 14, 2006, 8:58:48 AM

darkXchild on
darkXchildUhg, you had to come to Florida, you poor thing...I hate it here. Anyways, hurling back to your fantastic drawing, this is excelent.^_^

ragdoll21092 on July 4, 2006, 2:16:59 AM

ragdoll21092 on
ragdoll21092the rabbits face scare me, but i like it anyway!

GoddessOfAllThingsPurple on June 23, 2006, 11:01:44 PM

GoddessOfAllThingsPurple on
GoddessOfAllThingsPurpleis it just me or do they look like they have rabies or somethin'. truth is i think it's kinda cool
I hee hee

Rikusgurl on June 4, 2006, 8:22:47 AM

Rikusgurl on
RikusgurlIn reply to wakko:

Maybe. XD If that's what you wanna believe, sure! O_o;;

wakko on June 4, 2006, 2:41:04 AM

wakko on
wakkoare they about to rape alice