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Global Warming Anime Mix

Global Warming Anime Mix

Global Warming Anime Mix by Rinkuchan
Global Warming Anime Mix by Rinkuchan


FOLLOW #''s in order to follow PANELS!

ANIME MIX COMIC!!! lol....

sorry for the late update!!! I did this all day yesterday for my Chemistry project. My weirdest comic yet, lol. I never did comics in a long time. I tried to make it funny. its so disorganized sorry and the size is too big. ()_(). If i said something offensive, please don''t take it seriously. I tried to make Sasuke sound EMO XDDDD my teacher must think I''m weird now. Heres anime used.....

D.GrayMan(Allen Walker):the smart@$$ in the comic XD

Naruto(Naruto and Sasuke): the helpers and learners

Hikaru No Go (Hikaru Shindo): the confused one haha.

I wanted to add more anime char., o wells, maybe next time. I rushed through this, so a lot of errors. Though my fav. panel was the one with Naruto asking a question. (with his face showing up close) ^__^ HOPE YOU LIKE IT

PLEASE EVERYONE, NOT ONLY I DID THIS FOR A PROJECT, I RECOMMEND YOU TO HELP OUT~ I''M REALLY DETERMINED ABOUT OUR WORLD.....please feel free to leave concerns and determination toward global warming....(if you like)^_^ laterz.


General Info

General Info

Category Comics » - Other Comic not listed
Date Submitted
Views 1830
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 4
Comments 45
Media Other drawing
Time Taken 12 one day *_*
Reference mangas that i have...


Comments (45)

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BrokenMoonScar on June 9, 2008, 2:01:34 AM

BrokenMoonScar on
BrokenMoonScar Lol The Death Note effect^^ My friends and I joke around about that manga so often. . . ^^

Rinkuchan on November 19, 2008, 4:57:08 AM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchanlol yeah? xDDD oic. haha.

andrew13845 on February 17, 2008, 5:09:20 PM

andrew13845 on
andrew13845it would be better to see the world flooded than hit by an asteroid XD

Rinkuchan on February 18, 2008, 10:24:37 AM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchan@__@ lol~ DX i dont want to see either one XDD

artyfowl3 on October 30, 2007, 2:04:49 PM

artyfowl3 on
artyfowl3it's cool someone would make a comic about global warming!!! whoever that was that said that a few reviews ago (i forgot and i'm too lazy to check, sry), global warming is ALL OUR FAULT!!!! WE'RE GOING TO KILL EVERYONE!!!! WAAAAAHH!!!!!!!

Rinkuchan on October 31, 2007, 12:14:51 PM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchanlol thanks~ i know right? TT.TT *cries* ~_~

Vanesa on September 5, 2007, 8:10:06 AM

Vanesa on
VanesaI imagine it... (Snowy day, teacher on bike, bike does a funny thing and teacher falls *Smak!*T: Ouch! Note to self: Biy chains 4 bike...>.<[Note 2 teacher: BIKES AREN'T CARS!!]) XD

Rinkuchan on September 5, 2007, 8:11:23 AM

Rinkuchan on
RinkuchanLOL HAHAHA~ xDDDDD~~~

Vanesa on September 5, 2007, 8:13:55 AM

Vanesa on
VanesaYeah, another teacher of mine(reeeeeeally annoying one!!) also used her bike 4 everything... (I hope a car smashes her someday though) Guess we all have our way of facing it

Rinkuchan on September 5, 2007, 8:15:18 AM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchanlol you're so mean~ XD jk jk. hey at least they are working out. good health xDD

Vanesa on September 5, 2007, 8:17:22 AM

Vanesa on
VanesaI'm mean?? SHE'S mean!! Everyone that knows her agrees! >.<
They even protested 2 the principal so she would get fired!(Hm... Fire... Not a bad idea...)

Rinkuchan on September 5, 2007, 8:19:00 AM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchanlol oooh i understand now. +_+ i had a mean teacher too. she almost got fired too but right now they are all kool. ^__^

Vanesa on September 5, 2007, 2:18:41 AM

Vanesa on
VanesaYeah, global warming is a problem... and the worst part is that it's all our fault-no one else to blame...

Rinkuchan on September 5, 2007, 7:18:16 AM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchanyeah~~~ i know~ >.< *is scared* D88

Vanesa on September 5, 2007, 7:22:39 AM

Vanesa on
VanesaWhen my class was studying it, they all lookes like "WTF!!0.o" And I was like "Gosh, I can't believe they haven't heard of it -.-"

Rinkuchan on September 5, 2007, 7:56:57 AM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchanwoooow >.< thats kinda sad of them that they dont notice anything xDDDDDDDDD~~

Vanesa on September 5, 2007, 8:00:59 AM

Vanesa on
VanesaYah. There was this movie some time ago, 'bout this problem, but when it was released, you could only watch it from mondays to fridays at 8:00am(I think it's obvious I'm talking 'bout cinema's sceudle) and any other movie like Spiderman 3 was like every hour or so...

Rinkuchan on September 5, 2007, 8:02:28 AM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchanoh i barely watch i dont know any shows. >.< LOL.

Vanesa on September 5, 2007, 8:05:17 AM

Vanesa on
VanesaYa know, one of my teachers was totally OBSSESED with this... He even carried the supermarket stuff with corn-flour made bags or something like that...(I'm also concerned but I just recicle the plastic bags I use...)

Rinkuchan on September 5, 2007, 8:07:25 AM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchanwooow! *__* yeah i have a teacher in my school, he believes in global warming...and all he does is go biking...he never uses any matter what condition it is he still uses his bike. ()__________();;;;;;;;;;even if its snowing! XDX

Kupo on July 22, 2007, 3:48:14 PM

Kupo on
Kupopheh global warming is bologna...totally. Everyone just believes in it because it's what they've always been told. It's the flat earth society of today.

Anyway though, good job making your science project more interesting ^^' I like to do things like that in school whenever possible ^^ ...but a lot of the time I don't have the creativity -_-'

Rinkuchan on July 23, 2007, 6:04:22 AM

Rinkuchan on is society and our technology is thats making it worse. ~_~ T___T lol.

well yeah---this took like the whole day...just to finish this...~_~ it was crazy. i was so worn out on sunday...i should've done it earlier than doing it on the last minute haha. well thanks. and yes you can do it too. if you try harder enough. ^_^

Kupo on July 23, 2007, 6:33:54 AM

Kupo on
Kupoheh I know I can, I've done things similar to this before. Like in 8th grade (little over a year ago) I had to draw a picture for each part of the bill of rights (not each of the ten amendments, but each part. ie the first amendment required 5 pics for the 5 freedoms) and I did that with final fantasy chars. Took forEVA tho >.> Had to color it and everything -_-;;;

Rinkuchan on July 23, 2007, 6:35:36 AM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchanahh kooooooooollll i want to see it. ^^

Kupo on July 23, 2007, 6:38:24 AM

Kupo on
Kuposorry, I didn't have a scanner at the time (still don't, in fact. Everything I've posted since forever that wasn't drawn in photoshop was posted for me by a friend) I had to turn it in without posting it and then my teacher demanded to keep it as an example ^^' It wasn't very good anyway though, since it was so long ago. I even had my little sisters color some of it for me so I could get it done on time, and you can probably imagine, that didn't go well at all xD

Rinkuchan on July 23, 2007, 6:40:09 AM

Rinkuchan on
RinkuchanLOL me too!!!!!! my teacher kept i saved it somewhere....on photobucket...not in order hahahaha!!! XDDDDD well its okay. thats fine. ^_^

Kupo on July 23, 2007, 6:42:51 AM

Kupo on
KupoYeah, it really is too bad though. I loved it so much (even though some of the coloring was beyond repair) that sometimes I think about recreating it, but it was like 22 pages in all, so unless it's for school it just wouldn't be worth my time *shrugs*

Rinkuchan on July 23, 2007, 7:11:02 AM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchan22 pages??!!!! HOLY------()_______________() wooooooow crazy. !!!!!!~~~

Kupo on July 23, 2007, 8:50:46 AM

Kupo on
Kupolol, I told you I needed one page for each part of every amendment in the bill of rights. Like the first amendment is freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of something else I forgot, and each of those needed to have their own page. The fifth amendment has like 3 or 4 things, and it just adds up after a while.

Rinkuchan on July 23, 2007, 8:52:42 AM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchanbut....but ()___() oh i see...... man....i would die.... X_x -.- X3

Kupo on July 23, 2007, 8:54:55 AM

Kupo on
KupoOh i know it took FOREVER!!!! You see why I had to recruit my sisters? And to think that if I had just done it in stick figures like everyone else it would've only taken like 2 hours tops instead of like... idk all my freetime for a wk.

Rinkuchan on July 23, 2007, 8:56:23 AM

Rinkuchan on
RinkuchanHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAH XDDDDDDDDDDDDD~~~~ i dont have siblings, but i know how you feel cuz i got annoying little cousins too so it makes them as my sibligs LOL. XDDD

Kupo on July 23, 2007, 9:01:25 AM

Kupo on
KupoHa! I don't know whether to say lucky you or poor you that you don't have siblings. Mine can seriously drive me nuts. I've got an older brother (17) two younger sisters (14, 12), and a younger brother (11). They can be cool but sometimes they are so terrible! My older brother used to wake me up in the morning by bellyflopping on meh!!!!!!

Rinkuchan on July 23, 2007, 9:03:31 AM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchan()___() LOL!!!!! woow...alot of siblings. and yet i got a big family AKA alot of cousins too hahahahahaha! yeah i agree witn ya...sometimes they can be kool and sometimes not. its always like that. that is why i lock my room so they wont mess up my room. muhahahahahaha >XD

Kupo on July 23, 2007, 9:15:29 AM

Kupo on
Kupoah! not fair!!! I want a lock on my door! My little sibs leave their crap in my room when I'm not looking and wake me up by coming in and play loud games on the comp early in teh morning! Lucky you! I always thought it'd be fun to have more cousins. I only have like 4 and I don't really see 'em much.

Rinkuchan on July 23, 2007, 9:23:27 AM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchan*__* you can buy locks but then again their stuff is in there haha~~ lol XD i got like.......*counts* 8 or 9 cousins close by XDDD haha and more in other places. hey got to go i got projects. we should talk again~ ^_^ fun fun. lets be friends neh? x33 hehe. Do you have AIM or Yahoo messenger chat??? :/

Kupo on July 23, 2007, 9:31:19 AM

Kupo on
Kupono, but maybe I'll get aim soon. i couldn't until just recently when I got a comp in my room, cuz the other family comp in my house won't connect to aim for some reason. If I do get one it'll most likely be TehSavageNymph, that's my screenname now on most things.

And that's totally fine that you gotta go, I was about to tell you the same ^^' Me and my little sister bought Harry Potter Deathly Hallows a few hours ago (since then I've just been talking to you/making that pink heartless pic I just posted) and now it is so my turn >.>

One question though, when you come back: a project for what? Oh, are you back in school already? Until this yr my school has always started really early, but this year I've still got another month.

crazygemini124 on June 15, 2007, 3:45:04 PM

crazygemini124 on
crazygemini124i fell asleep during that.

32) GOD DAMN YOU BELIEVE IT! I hate being american

LuNa200 on April 2, 2007, 4:30:02 AM

LuNa200 on
Comment Deleted

Rinkuchan on April 2, 2007, 10:29:41 AM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchan^_^ thanks~

Jounin93 on February 26, 2007, 5:04:07 AM

Jounin93 on
Jounin93yo, nice mix.  I think you made the comic a little long though.

AriaGunnir on February 12, 2007, 10:23:48 PM

AriaGunnir on
AriaGunnirVery nice details...  Funny and educational! 8)

Rinkuchan on February 12, 2007, 10:33:50 PM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchanhehe thanks~~ ^_^