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Unavoidable Truce

Unavoidable Truce

Unavoidable Truce by Seifer-sama
Unavoidable Truce by Seifer-sama


It was my first time drawing these two. Luckily they turned out okay... Naraku ended up looking better than Kikyou though... Oh well. ^^ (Colored Pencils)

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Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Couples/Pairings
Date Submitted
Views 13370
Favorites... 153
Vote Score 1
Comments 75
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (75)

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puppetgir on June 2, 2007, 5:18:18 AM

puppetgir on
puppetgiryour anime is amazing i hope i can get close to this good i usually do realistic art i haven't done anime, but anyway your detail is impeccable and use of color catches the eye ;)

Nesha on March 27, 2007, 6:34:52 AM

Nesha on
NeshaWell I like it because I like both Kikyou/Inuyasha as a couple and Kikyou/Naraku as a couple. I HATE the thought of Kik/Sess, though! But it's an awesome pic, anyway. And the only reason I believe Naraku looks better than Kikyou, is because he's wearing makeup!

demon_dragon on October 13, 2006, 11:38:11 PM

demon_dragon on
demon_dragon*faves pic*

*faves artist* lol

your such an amazing artist!!!!!

do you do requests by any chance?

sharingan_sisters125 on September 8, 2006, 5:34:33 AM

sharingan_sisters125 on
sharingan_sisters125i love all the deatils and how the clothes look so smooth and they look like they flow with the body, and once again the colouring kills ^^


Water_Princess on June 28, 2006, 8:10:32 AM

Water_Princess on
Water_Princess*deep growl* awesome pic, but i HATE Kikyo!!!!!

inuyasha_naruto_lover on June 18, 2006, 1:30:14 AM

inuyasha_naruto_lover on
inuyasha_naruto_loveri hate Kikyo..
awesome pic by the way -favs-

yamisprincess on June 16, 2006, 12:25:30 PM

yamisprincess on
yamisprincessI don't know I hope it's Kikyou kill him.

goldmoon on June 14, 2006, 8:26:29 AM

goldmoon on
goldmoonkikiyo could get strangled and naroku could get his throat slit open....tuff choice on whos gonna kill who huh? o9h and by the why great pic*clicks favs button*

yamisprincess on June 12, 2006, 1:17:51 PM

yamisprincess on
yamisprincessKill him Kikyo you every right to.

Yue3 on June 8, 2006, 11:23:09 AM

Yue3 on
Yue3wow this is great!'faves'.you color great!(go Naraku!Kill her!)

VioletAngel on June 6, 2006, 8:03:35 AM

VioletAngel on
VioletAngelOMg amazing pic! I love the coloring and the background of it. Gosh this is an interesting concept! Slit his throat! Kikyo XD You're the awesomest!!!

DarkFlameAngel on May 11, 2006, 7:46:50 AM

DarkFlameAngel on
DarkFlameAngelnaraku!!!!DIE!!!but before u do...KILL KIKYO!!!!!DIIIIEEE KKIIKKYYOO!!!!

kikyo_lovers_59 on February 10, 2006, 10:19:36 AM

kikyo_lovers_59 on
kikyo_lovers_59(Kikyo must kill naraku now)NOW!!!!!!!!!

kikyo_lovers_59 on February 3, 2006, 9:27:14 AM

kikyo_lovers_59 on
kikyo_lovers_59Kikyo is better and is naraku chocking kikyo (I will kill him)

RaexBB_4ever on December 11, 2005, 10:32:27 PM

RaexBB_4ever on
RaexBB_4everYou did that with colored pencils?0_0 wow i'm amazed.READ MY FIC!!!!IT'S A KIKYOU NARAKU FIC!!!

Inuyashas_gurl on December 11, 2005, 10:22:28 AM

Inuyashas_gurl on
Inuyashas_gurlI love it! -faves it-

Anime_Dragon91 on November 5, 2005, 2:20:30 AM

Anime_Dragon91 on
Anime_Dragon91That`s awesome!Way to go Seifer-sama.

Ariya_Eretsee on November 5, 2005, 12:34:32 AM

Ariya_Eretsee on
Ariya_Eretseepicture of the hour congrats. you coloured that with pencils? thats amazing. really great. everything looks great. awesome job

shinto_grrl on November 5, 2005, 12:32:50 AM

shinto_grrl on
shinto_grrlOh my gosh, the coloring in the picture is extremely good. And don't say that, Kikyou looks great, too! ^^

DarkEnigma on November 5, 2005, 12:30:27 AM

DarkEnigma on
DarkEnigmapic of the hour.... and a freakin' good one too XD I love it! *runs off to look at more of your work*

LinkinPark_ChazzyChaz on November 5, 2005, 12:01:05 AM

LinkinPark_ChazzyChaz on
LinkinPark_ChazzyChaz**clap** good job

Assassin_girl on October 1, 2005, 11:49:41 PM

Assassin_girl on
Assassin_girlREALLY GOOD!!!!! ;D

Poison_Ivy on September 8, 2005, 5:39:45 AM

Poison_Ivy on
Poison_IvyAwesome Job, I LOVE your work! and naraku! ^_^ But seriously you do these with colored pencils? I'm just amazed. 0.0 It's so cool! keep it up! ^_^

MangaWhit on August 30, 2005, 5:35:59 PM

MangaWhit on
MangaWhitooooooooo... Creepy good. Actually a pretty believable pairing. I think they secretly like each other.... *shifty eyes*

marshallsgirl on August 25, 2005, 11:01:29 AM

marshallsgirl on

the_stranger on August 18, 2005, 9:03:16 PM

the_stranger on
the_strangerwow...your coloring is great!!!

LilMizDevil666 on August 15, 2005, 5:19:25 PM

LilMizDevil666 on
LilMizDevil666wow. Those two look great together! I'm not a huge fan of kikyou, but i am a HUGE fan of naraku......

chibi_girl on August 15, 2005, 12:57:47 AM

chibi_girl on
chibi_girlthis is really great!!!!!! i really like it plz plz plz draw more inuyasha pics i tottally love the way you draw the pics for the show!!!!! keep up the frickin awesome work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

XxSupreme_MikoxX on August 13, 2005, 4:46:33 PM

XxSupreme_MikoxX on
XxSupreme_MikoxX* Waves little flag* I'm rooting for Kikyou!

the_dark_dragon on August 9, 2005, 11:47:08 PM

the_dark_dragon on
the_dark_dragonThey look like your-no-so typical couple at first, then you notice the fact that she's got an arrow at his throat and his claws at hers.

ghost_guy on July 19, 2005, 3:53:30 AM

ghost_guy on
ghost_guyWOW! The coloring is so smooth and beautiful! The folds in the clothing and the hair is so beautiful!!!!

Yukina-chun on July 15, 2005, 4:52:39 PM

Yukina-chun on
Yukina-chunThe coloring is so breathtaking I admire the way you colored the hair. And such detail!!!! I love your coloring style ^^

KrimtheCeruleanAzure on July 8, 2005, 10:28:16 AM

KrimtheCeruleanAzure on
KrimtheCeruleanAzureThis is a cool pic. And I really enjoy your art. Calling yourself 'sama' seems a bit vain, yet it fits. Anyway, yeah. I don't like the possibibility of it happening but it's probubly ineventable.

hungryflashes735 on March 25, 2005, 10:21:44 AM

hungryflashes735 on
hungryflashes735my god that an awesome picture!! but how do you do it with color pencils??? my god!! i love it!! i think that is awesome!! my god!! i love it!!! keep up the good work!! //_^

chaos_isnt_here on March 8, 2005, 5:58:14 AM

chaos_isnt_here on
chaos_isnt_herevery cool

inu-girl on March 8, 2005, 5:33:17 AM

inu-girl on
inu-girl*doesn't have anything to say, but stares at picture in amazement* *saves to faves*

bloodyangel on February 16, 2005, 10:09:57 AM

bloodyangel on
bloodyangelWhen does Kikyou ever look better than anyone? Sorry but I do not like her one bit. She's a whiny brat to me. But still good pic! *bows before your greatness*

mskchick on January 4, 2005, 6:31:44 AM

mskchick on
mskchickthat is kewl!!

kaname_yasha5689 on November 24, 2004, 4:22:25 PM

kaname_yasha5689 on
kaname_yasha5689i love the way you draw and the way you you take requests?if you do e-mail me at

Tamoko_Sanjii on November 16, 2004, 3:53:56 AM

Tamoko_Sanjii on
Tamoko_SanjiiYou have mad colouring skills.

I love'em alot!

Awesome pic all in all!

Angel_of_Purifing_Light on November 11, 2004, 11:17:01 AM

Angel_of_Purifing_Light on
Angel_of_Purifing_LightThat is really good! I wish that I had your skill!

Cara on September 17, 2004, 1:53:34 AM

Cara on
CaraWHOA O_O amazing again.

xxmandy_chanxx on September 14, 2004, 10:40:28 PM

xxmandy_chanxx on
xxmandy_chanxxO_O<br />
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />

Aura on August 22, 2004, 2:28:51 AM

Aura on
Aurawhoa! your pic is awesome!! :D Keep on drawing. *adds to favorites*

BeautySeeker on August 21, 2004, 3:45:13 AM

BeautySeeker on
BeautySeekerOMG! O_O I absolutely love this one. The pose, is wicked! Awesome job, a definant fav ^^

cold_hearted on August 3, 2004, 12:57:08 AM

cold_hearted on
cold_hearteddo you have a thousand comments on all of your piccys!? ah well you deserve it!!*adds artist to favs*

Karesu on July 24, 2004, 3:41:59 AM

Karesu on
KaresuKaresu: Kurama_lover101 told me i should do something funny but i couldnt think of anything to say!<br />
Inu: thats sad...almost all your reviews are funny!<br />
Karesu: see! you said 'almost'! but there is nothing funny to comment on about this pic! its to dang good!<br />
Inu: yah whatever.....

kurama_lover101 on July 23, 2004, 9:58:03 AM

kurama_lover101 on
kurama_lover101*sweatdrop* first?!?!shoot, your good!!!

Lechau on July 21, 2004, 7:08:01 AM

Lechau on
LechauThe coloring is great as always^_^. I love how you drew them together. Very creative

manda on July 19, 2004, 6:57:41 AM

manda on
mandaI know you already have enough comments but I have to say I love your style. I'm determined to improve my skills until I'm at least at your level, or even just below it would be fine. Just, don't quit drawing, even if you don't submit it, you should never quit. You probably won't but still, I can't let it happen. Anyway, You Rock!!

KagomeTheArcher on July 12, 2004, 2:45:53 PM

KagomeTheArcher on
KagomeTheArcherI hate kikyo, I hate Naraku... so their PERFECT!!!<br />
Anyways, Beautiful pic!!!

anime_queen on July 3, 2004, 9:09:03 AM

anime_queen on
anime_queenhow are u so good????? i really luv ur pics!! the 2 things i luv most about this pic is the bacround, and naraku's monkey suit thingie, oh and just to let u know, i'm adding u to my faves artists list, and only one other person has been added before, so i REALLY luv ur work

Gunner_Yuna on June 24, 2004, 1:52:56 AM

Gunner_Yuna on
Gunner_Yunai dunno...kikyo's cold personality is pretty charming. Hey! Another nice job on the pic! U've got a great sense of uniqueness and style

animelover22 on April 26, 2004, 9:23:51 AM

animelover22 on
animelover22Wow that is so beautiful. Despite the fact I despise Kikyo they make a good couple cuase there both maniacle.Anywho once again a masterpiece.

Sumari_Kitsune on April 2, 2004, 11:46:05 AM

Sumari_Kitsune on
Sumari_Kitsune WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * starry eyed* Amazing!

Narcissus on March 21, 2004, 8:40:02 AM

Narcissus on
NarcissusOh wow! I love the color job! That's pretty sick for color pencils! ^o^ But are they supposed to be a couple in this pic? Cuz... they're so wrong for each other ^ ^;;

DarkDevil on February 23, 2004, 9:11:14 AM

DarkDevil on
DarkDevilI love your art!!!!

Inu-Yasha_Crazy on February 15, 2004, 5:24:07 PM

Inu-Yasha_Crazy on
Inu-Yasha_Crazy*jawdrop* very good!! I like it! and I can't help but think that they are a couple that actually DESERVES all the backbiting in a normal relationship:D:DXD *adds to faves* a much better pairing than InuXKikyo^___^

AngelKagome on February 3, 2004, 6:19:04 AM

AngelKagome on

mikoa on January 28, 2004, 9:08:59 AM

mikoa on
mikoaWHOA awesome naraku looks hott and i like the fact he looks like hes choking kikyio<br />

MiKotheHalfbreed on December 5, 2003, 5:27:37 AM

MiKotheHalfbreed on
MiKotheHalfbreedYou are right about one thing Nami, the pic is way to awesome. But I think that Naraku and Kikyo don't make a good couple. Seifer-sama it's GREAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!

Asil on November 26, 2003, 9:49:23 PM

Asil on
AsilWOW- beautiful! the hand holding kikyou is a lil off and the char dont look that much like them but its a really great pic! and teh coloring is amazing^^

Nami on November 9, 2003, 2:20:42 AM

Nami on
NamiWOW this pic is way too awesome!! I think Naraku and Kikyo would make a good couple! And i LOVE the way you colored it!! *saves to faves*

ChrissyC on November 4, 2003, 2:49:18 AM

ChrissyC on
ChrissyCLol, everyone loves the coloring (for good reason!) but I wonder if anyone has noticed that Kikyou's arrow is at Naraku's neck and Naraku's hand is around Kikyou's neck. So even at a truce they can't trust each other. Heh.

narakulover_and_worshipper on October 29, 2003, 12:26:25 AM

narakulover_and_worshipper on
narakulover_and_worshipperso colorful! i love this drawing and naraku actually looks close to the real thing go you! *hands Seifer-sama the best naraku drawing trophy* keep up the good work ^^

kohaku_theblackwolf on October 22, 2003, 2:37:05 AM

kohaku_theblackwolf on
kohaku_theblackwolf*Faints from how good the colors are*

kuramas_girl on October 20, 2003, 3:22:58 AM

kuramas_girl on
kuramas_girlI love the colors!!! It's looks so real in it's own sort of way.

BlackWingedAngel009 on September 29, 2003, 3:57:15 AM

BlackWingedAngel009 on
BlackWingedAngel009I LOVE ALL OF YOUR DRAWLINGS . i am determined to get your IM adress lol

HIEIS_FOX_GIRL on September 6, 2003, 1:59:47 AM

HIEIS_FOX_GIRLi really like this one too!! you drawl very well!

Vehred on September 3, 2003, 5:51:24 AM

Vehred on
VehredFinally, a pic with Naraku being... uh, not evil? Can't really say romantic yet, can we? Heh. I've always thought he and Kikyo made a good pair. Now if they could both just forget about Inuyasha, they'd be fine.

CheshireGoddess on August 2, 2003, 2:00:47 AM

CheshireGoddess on
CheshireGoddess*gasp* your coloring is just breathtaking i can't even take my eyes off it long enough to i tried to draw narakus family n it was pretty kick @$$ until i tried to color as u do...erm 0.0 i totally burned it lol! ya even tho its very unlikly that naraku n kikyo will do shoot they r a pretty kool couple i like kagome+kouga the most they b just too cute :) please draw a kagome n kouga one please for me?

SleepyShippo on July 22, 2003, 2:45:11 AM

SleepyShippo on
SleepyShippoIt's creepy to think of those two as a couple, but to be honest, it sorta makes sense. They both want Inu Yasha and Kagome dead and the Shikon jewel is their key element. As for your art style, it's downright gorgeous! the shading is superb and even though you used your own style, they still resemble the characters that they are. Thumbs and toes up to you!

Synaesthesia on July 11, 2003, 4:10:49 AM

Synaesthesia on
SynaesthesiaWow..i wish i could color with colored pencils like you do!

Slayeden on July 1, 2003, 1:40:34 PM

Slayeden on
Slayedenoh my goodmness! i love how you colored them, it's beautiful!

xshiny on July 1, 2003, 6:53:40 AM

xshiny on
xshinyi love the colouring! keep it up ^.^