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The Effects of "Borrowing"

The Effects of "Borrowing"

The Effects of "Borrowing" by Sennia91
The Effects of "Borrowing" by Sennia91


Just a crappy little comic I did and I probably over-rated it a little, but better safe than sorry, I guess. ^.^<br />
<br />
Anyway... Since the writing is just about illedgible, here's what is says/what it's trying to say:<br />
<br />
They've been picked up for SHOPLIFTING! After pulling off all those things. And Dax is trying to ease Jak's temper unsuccessfully, since it was his fault. Jak is so pissed that he's turning into Dark Jak.<br />
<br />
Dax: Hey there, uh, Jak! I was only "BORROWING" that beer...<br />
<br />
(Dax stops to listen to Krimson Guard reading off their charges to another guard.)<br />
<br />
Krimson Guard: ...Yeah, we got 'em on account of vandalism, evading arrest, assalt of an officer, endangerment of innocent citizens, civilian casualty, 67 accounts of speeding, destruction of property, escaping criminal confinement-- Oh, wait. You know when I said "assalt of an officer"? I meant OFFICERS. Oh, yeah, and their newest offence:<br />
SHOPLIFTING! *the guards break out laughing* (when they calm down, their arresting officer says:) Heh, half assed losers.<br />
<br />
Dax(Starting to feel really nervous): Think we'll be in for life?<br />
<br />
Jak(in a creepy half Dark Jak voice): WE!?! Damn, Dax if only I wasn't CUFFED!!!<br />
<br />
The end.

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - All Titles » Jak & Daxter series » Jak 2 » Fan Comics (doujinshi)
Date Submitted
Views 2930
Favorites... 6
Vote Score 0
Comments 22
Media Unspecified
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Comments (22)

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MoonWalker82958 on February 28, 2006, 9:48:57 AM

MoonWalker82958 on

moonandstars on November 8, 2005, 6:48:31 AM

moonandstars on
moonandstars*slaps krimson guard accross the head*

Gaurd-*beats the living hell outta me*

*crawls torward jak*


Daxter:want some beer?*holds up bottle*


Hidden_Shadow_13 on May 18, 2005, 12:35:18 PM

Hidden_Shadow_13 on
Hidden_Shadow_13sry i think i sent it bad sorry :'(

Hidden_Shadow_13 on May 18, 2005, 12:33:40 PM

Hidden_Shadow_13 on
Hidden_Shadow_13mad gonna get in on the fight thing....

*After Darkdesire, Mike, and Sennia get out of there by beating up yet another Krimzon Gaurd and jacking his hellcat :)*
Me- looking in awe *sees gun on ground* oooooo shiny!!!!!!* picks up gun* *Krimzon Gaurd wakes up rubbing his head*
KG- Ugh, what happened? *looks over and sees me with gun* CODE RED WE HAVE ANOTHER LITTLE JACK @$$ WITH A GUN!!!! SEND IN THE METAL HEAD MERCENARIES!!!!....

*TO be continued*

Hidden_Shadow_13 on May 18, 2005, 12:33:38 PM

Hidden_Shadow_13 on
Hidden_Shadow_13mad gonna get in on the fight thing....

*After Darkdesire, Mike, and Sennia get out of there by beating up yet another Krimzon Gaurd and jacking his hellcat :)*
Me- looking in awe *sees gun on ground* oooooo shiny!!!!!!* picks up gun* *Krimzon Gaurd wakes up rubbing his head*
KG- Ugh, what happened? *looks over and sees me with gun* CODE RED WE HAVE ANOTHER LITTLE JACK @$$ WITH A GUN!!!! SEND IN THE METAL HEAD MERCENARIES!!!!....

*TO be continued*

Hidden_Shadow_13 on May 18, 2005, 12:33:33 PM

Hidden_Shadow_13 on
Hidden_Shadow_13mad gonna get in on the fight thing....

*After Darkdesire, Mike, and Sennia get out of there by beating up yet another Krimzon Gaurd and jacking his hellcat :)*
Me- looking in awe *sees gun on ground* oooooo shiny!!!!!!* picks up gun* *Krimzon Gaurd wakes up rubbing his head*
KG- Ugh, what happened? *looks over and sees me with gun* CODE RED WE HAVE ANOTHER LITTLE JACK @$$ WITH A GUN!!!! SEND IN THE METAL HEAD MERCENARIES!!!!....

*TO be continued*

little_Light_Dark_Artist on April 2, 2005, 10:22:16 AM

little_Light_Dark_Artist on
little_Light_Dark_Artistyeayaaa madd awsome and funny

DylanSanders959 on January 4, 2005, 4:37:01 AM

DylanSanders959 on
hehe........... this is great !
nice jobby !

Sesaka-Spade on November 20, 2004, 11:08:57 AM

Sesaka-Spade on
Sesaka-Spade*slurps her Boba drink and saw this!* MEEP-BUMP! *accidently dropped her Boba drink and jaw-dropped*** OMFGOMFG! (ugh my dress is spilled in Boba!O.O*** *squeals*
OMG Creepy creature-feature! O.O Stunning when U have Jak in mid transform like this O.O MEEP! *hyper*

darkdesire on October 26, 2004, 6:17:23 AM

darkdesire on
darkdesireJust gotta get in here.
Me-Muahahahaha!!!Hey,Gurds,over here you lilly livered land goats!!
Guard-How many of these kids we gonna have to take down?
Me-Untill your @$$ is beatin to nothin!!*Kills guards*Okay,Yo,Mike,Sen,you guys all right,should get the hell outta here ey?