Sars and ecstacy...I guess Sars would be the nurse rigth now..but Ecstacy is hardly a doctor..Shes all bloody cause she got shot in the head. O.o <br />
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I just love my hospitals freaks so much! *Huggles Sars and Ecstacy* <br />
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god you can't help but love these two n.n I think SARS is becoming one of my all time fav characters ever lol<br />
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keep it up! we want more lol
ooh oh oh oh I love that gunshot wound It looks so real lots a blodd ^0^ Ecstasy's mask is frickin awsome, she looks evil muha! and well we all know Sars is all of our favorite Nurse Skank :3 yaaa needles for Sars!!!!
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keep it up! we want more lol