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Smezzed up Roxas ft. Sora? xD

Smezzed up Roxas ft. Sora? xD

Smezzed up Roxas ft. Sora? xD by Snake_Eyes
Smezzed up Roxas ft. Sora? xD by Snake_Eyes


Well, its the second part of the Smezzed Up line. Just because Roxas says no to taking off his clothes, doesn't mean squat. See, Roxas even has that "O_o" look going on. xD<br />
<br />
The moral of the story is...Sora has lovely lady lumps? xD<br />
<br />
Okay. Yes. I was bored. o.o

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series » Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II » Roxas
Date Submitted
Views 12466
Favorites... 174
Vote Score 18
Comments 98
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (98)

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YnxoXIV on June 3, 2008, 11:15:56 AM

YnxoXIV on
YnxoXIVhaaaaa..... =3= *stares at picture for hours* nyeeheeheeheehee... *is finally snapped out of it and starts hyperventilating*

omg soooo sexxxxyyyyyyy!!! so flippen epic... =3= yessss.... *faves* mwahahahaha...

pixiewolf05 on February 5, 2013, 9:05:00 PM

pixiewolf05 on
pixiewolf05NOSE BLEED 

TheWorldSpins on July 10, 2009, 9:50:43 AM

TheWorldSpins on
So smexy...
*falls over while drooling*

TheWorldSpins on July 10, 2009, 10:23:39 AM

TheWorldSpins on
TheWorldSpinsOh, I forgot to mention that i totally
into a puddle on the floor. Go get a mop and clean me up.

_ren_tao_fan_ on April 9, 2009, 11:10:39 PM

_ren_tao_fan_ on
_ren_tao_fan_daaaaaaammmmmmmnnnnnnnn, he's got a sexy bod. 0_0
Sora: ...why is that girl staring at meeh? o_o
*fangirls glomp him*

SweetxinsanityxSarah on October 15, 2008, 7:16:17 AM

SweetxinsanityxSarah on
SweetxinsanityxSarah-shifty eyes...favs- I KNOW YOUR WATCHING POLLEH! xDDDD -runs off with the roxas pic- pwahahahaha~!

rayne-bow on October 2, 2008, 4:08:42 AM

rayne-bow on
rayne-bowso hot!!!!!!

nothingempire on May 24, 2008, 5:28:26 PM

nothingempire on
nothingempirewow damn hot! *fav*

mechadragon13 on May 20, 2008, 4:10:44 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: *dies of roxas's hotness*
Shidako: err..... i think she'd like me to do this..... *faves*

nupinoop296 on May 9, 2008, 2:01:44 PM

nupinoop296 on
nupinoop296AHMAHGAWSHx2. *dies* SO HOT!!! <33333

Cowgirl10 on January 11, 2008, 2:43:29 AM

Cowgirl10 on
Cowgirl10*stares blankly*

Wow, dude Roxas!!Roxas is freak'n hot! Roxas so totally rox my sox! Weeeee!!!

*looks at Sora*


*starts rolling on the floor laughing*

finalxfreak on November 4, 2007, 5:56:27 AM

finalxfreak on

sims2lover78 on October 2, 2007, 8:45:23 PM

sims2lover78 on
sims2lover78OMG nice abs sora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BeautifullyHeartbroken on August 10, 2007, 12:12:01 AM

BeautifullyHeartbroken on
BeautifullyHeartbrokenAHHH!!! <3333333333333333333

thornthecat on July 19, 2007, 12:06:27 PM

thornthecat on
thornthecatOMG! he ish hotter then ruku right now! *breaks the favs buttin*
opps ^^

axeldemnyxroxassorariku on July 12, 2007, 3:48:36 PM

axeldemnyxroxassorariku on
axeldemnyxroxassorariku*Runs up to Sora, not knowing he is naked, then examines him, throws his clothes at him, then goes to Roxas* Roxas!!!! yay!!! my Roxas!!! Rawr! *punches fangirls and runs off with Roxas and Sora*

riverthehegdgehog13 on June 30, 2007, 11:34:49 AM

riverthehegdgehog13 on
riverthehegdgehog13funny n hot= cool

IndigoPaint on May 10, 2007, 2:07:17 PM

IndigoPaint on
IndigoPaintI CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF HIS SEXY ABBS!!!!!!! *mega-nosebleed*
................WOOOOOT WOOOOTT!!

luckylace222 on May 6, 2007, 3:14:03 AM

luckylace222 on

Lilliandra on April 27, 2007, 2:13:04 AM

Lilliandra on
LilliandraI shall faves this right here, right n-OMG ROXAS IS FRIGGIN HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I BOW TO YOUZ FOR DRAWING SMEXEH ROXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*ahem* Sorry, hyper moment :D *favies*

roxra on April 13, 2007, 12:31:01 PM

roxra on
roxramy acts sexy for a bit and the other takes off his pants and shirt and sings!

Saphirewolf on April 3, 2007, 8:25:35 AM

Saphirewolf on
Saphirewolf*stares and drools over Roxas*
o.O Sora has lady lumps xD lol
*grads Roxas and runs like crazy from crazied fan girls*
me: hes mine all mine haha.

volleyballerof09 on February 12, 2007, 10:39:18 PM

volleyballerof09 on
volleyballerof09Sora has Lady lumps? *twitch*..
That actually a rather disturbing thought *shivers*

But Roxas looks awesome!!

marisa937 on January 23, 2007, 3:26:48 PM

marisa937 on
marisa937lol cool one roxas is hot!!!!

RoxasXsister249 on January 13, 2007, 6:35:13 PM

RoxasXsister249 on
RoxasXsister249AHHH ROXAS IT BURNS!!!!!!!!
Roxas:See Snake I can make her shut up
Snake:Hmmm I see
Me:Damn all of you!

MEXD on January 7, 2007, 4:46:57 AM

MEXDThats sooo smexy! i wuv Roxas...Anyways awesome! *faves*

KagomeTheArcher on January 4, 2007, 3:43:48 AM

KagomeTheArcher on
KagomeTheArcherLol... His expression makes him look like a male model... *Imagines him strike a pose* Not bad...
Anyways, great job!

HikennoAce on December 28, 2006, 12:45:55 AM

HikennoAce on
HikennoAce"roxas looks pissed the f**k off....
I'm glad I don't like him much, but good work!
You should do that with Leon and Cloud!
^.^ >.>
or Sephiroth and Riku
I'm twiching all over because of it...

I agree Leon and Cloud! But I, personally, would make Cloud the one in the back. xD I can't stand could. xD Anyway, Good job and VERY funny.

yumisatare11 on December 10, 2006, 12:54:18 AM

yumisatare11 on
yumisatare11oh yeah that's real nice.

theamazingladyshoe on December 3, 2006, 12:07:41 AM

theamazingladyshoe on
theamazingladyshoeI'm gonna drown in my own saliva now...

yumisatare11 on November 28, 2006, 12:52:13 AM

yumisatare11 on
yumisatare11That's...uh...that's strange.

dark_marieriddle on November 21, 2006, 7:40:28 AM

dark_marieriddle on
dark_marieriddleroxas looks pissed the f**k off....
I'm glad I don't like him much, but good work!
You should do that with Leon and Cloud!
^.^ >.>
or Sephiroth and Riku
I'm twiching all over because of it...

Riku6Roxas6LOVERS6 on November 11, 2006, 5:42:49 AM

Riku6Roxas6LOVERS6 on
Riku6Roxas6LOVERS6I LOVE THIS PICTURE!! OMG !! its soo awsome!!
I<3 Roxas =] hahehe

Kaisangelgirl on November 6, 2006, 1:54:18 AM

Kaisangelgirl on
Kaisangelgirloh la la. Roxas is scorching hot!!

luffylover222 on November 2, 2006, 7:27:08 AM

luffylover222 on


lets be friends snake!!

Itachilovesme912 on November 2, 2006, 6:26:45 AM

Itachilovesme912 on
Itachilovesme912*faints* DROP DEAD SEXY!

bloodblackrose on October 10, 2006, 6:26:43 AM

bloodblackrose on
bloodblackrosesexy !

kerry90 on October 3, 2006, 5:54:17 AM

kerry90 on
kerry90Hillarious and sexy at the same time. YOU ROCK!

kyonkichi on August 22, 2006, 12:22:08 PM

kyonkichi on
kyonkichigo sora go!

AminArtistPunkChick on August 1, 2006, 4:53:46 AM

AminArtistPunkChick on
AminArtistPunkChicklol that's cool

kawaiishoujo on July 27, 2006, 6:56:57 PM

kawaiishoujo on
kawaiishoujoXD w00t Roxas! Why's Sora singing My Humps? lol

Pabbit_da_Rabbit on July 27, 2006, 2:45:46 PM

Pabbit_da_Rabbit on
Pabbit_da_RabbitAhahahahahahaaaa! are hilarious! And man you make him look so much (I can't believe I'm saying the word about a fake person) sexy...


LadySymphonia on July 16, 2006, 3:51:47 PM

LadySymphonia on

JustANobody on July 15, 2006, 1:31:32 AM

JustANobody on
JustANobodyHeh heh...Roxas is hot.... -glompeth-

Much better this time.^^

maddy12 on July 13, 2006, 8:43:19 AM

maddy12 on
maddy12this is so funny! it seemd nearly imposable to make anyone other than riku hot... but you did it! im amazed!

YuriYaoiGurl on July 11, 2006, 11:28:41 PM

YuriYaoiGurl on
YuriYaoiGurlYou're funny....I like you.

himura_rikuo on July 11, 2006, 9:22:19 PM

himura_rikuo on
himura_rikuoOMFG!! **drools while laughing**

AEJAE on July 2, 2006, 10:10:11 PM

AEJAElmao!!!!! (at sora) *drools* (at roxas)

funny and hot, wow, you don't get that often all in one picture ^_^ good job

Shadow_HFlame on June 24, 2006, 5:51:29 AM

Shadow_HFlame on
Shadow_HFlameWow..OO; Thats sweet! XD WOOOO!!! *major droolage*...i mean...*wipes drool, and runs away* XD Thats an awesome pic. Nice job, i give it 3 thumbs up! ...i have a third thumb?..OO; *runs away screaming* XD but seriously, Thats awesome!~ you have alot of talent! ^^

maerchen_boy on June 13, 2006, 2:46:21 AM

maerchen_boy on
maerchen_boywhoa! I wish I had his hairstyle!

Namine-chan on June 8, 2006, 11:26:44 AM

Namine-chan on
Namine-chanO-M-F-G!!!! it Roxas!! wait till Victoria sees this!!

PolarisNorthStar on June 8, 2006, 2:56:27 AM

PolarisNorthStar on
PolarisNorthStaro.O Since when does Sora have lovely lady lumps? Actually, I don't want to know... Very funny

Mikari on June 4, 2006, 7:06:37 AM

Mikari on
Mikarioh my god. that Sora chibi made me laugh so much XD

*can't laugh out loud; will wake up mother XD;;;*

Odd_xo on May 19, 2006, 11:26:32 PM

Odd_xo on
Odd_xo Omiigawsh. xD I lubb it so uberly much.

Jeffs_in_a_Skirt on May 16, 2006, 3:15:01 AM

Jeffs_in_a_Skirt on
Jeffs_in_a_SkirtOMFG, it's Roxas.....:gasp:....with no shirt! OMFG, I'm going to take him home! :graps Roxas and runs off: Hey, wait, Sora you can strip for my friend JoyKaiba! I'll bring her right to ya! :D :faves:

Akiame_Cross on May 8, 2006, 3:35:41 PM

Akiame_Cross on
Akiame_CrossDONT DO IT SORA!

WillieB on April 28, 2006, 8:46:07 PM

WillieB on

Mentally_Unstable on April 28, 2006, 2:08:39 PM

Mentally_Unstable on
Mentally_Unstablelol sora is me in the shower...I'd belt out singing too XP Roxas is so seck-say ;D

Whisper_The_Mercury_Panther on April 24, 2006, 9:11:16 AM

Whisper_The_Mercury_Panther on
Whisper_The_Mercury_PantherMe: O_o... I WORSHIP YOU!! *Hugs Roxas* ^^

Roxas: ._. ^_^

+Favs 4-eeeeevaaaaa

VideogameMaster on April 20, 2006, 6:54:17 AM

VideogameMaster on
VideogameMasterHoly c***! Roxas looks so sexy without his shirt!

rayne-bow on April 18, 2006, 8:23:28 AM

rayne-bow on
rayne-bowoh my god this is stupid he is so hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sreams too

Kamire_san on April 16, 2006, 6:51:47 AM

Kamire_san on
Kamire_sanOMFG ROOOOOOOOOOXAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS! I LUV U! *GIRLISH SCREAM* UR HAWT!!!! *record scratch* sora, if you have lovely lady lumps, why are you not wearing a bra?

Firestar-Rised on April 15, 2006, 7:00:56 AM

Firestar-Rised on

silverfox on April 14, 2006, 5:33:11 PM

silverfox on
silverfoxSo, wait... Does that mean Sora has a bubble butt or man boobs? o.o; I hope it's the butt... Yes, it must be. In Atlantica he has pectorals. (And they show.)

I love Roxas's expression... XD Crazy cool.

Eimei_Deshi on April 14, 2006, 11:40:22 AM

Eimei_Deshi on
Eimei_DeshiI just have one question for Sora... Whatcha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk?

Sora: Ima get get get getchyou drunk, gitchyou love drunk off my humps...

Me: 0.o...

At any rate, this picture makes me scream for SoraxRoxas yaoi even more! Your anatomy is great, and his expression is awesome. I'm afraid I have to join the fangirls in screaming "Take it ALL off!!" Keep up the good work!


VenusGoddessofLove2132 on April 13, 2006, 11:19:19 AM

VenusGoddessofLove2132 on
VenusGoddessofLove2132Sora has lady lumps? ...And there goes all Riku/Sora fantasies! Damn....

Oh well. Roxas is the hottness! (That rhymed ... sorta!)

Wilya on April 10, 2006, 1:22:35 AM

Wilya on
WilyaOhhh O.O ROXAS is so hot!!!!!!! Wow *add to favs*

ShawnieLikeWoah on April 9, 2006, 4:38:01 AM

ShawnieLikeWoah on


sorakairi on April 8, 2006, 8:24:38 AM

sorakairi on
sorakairiLMFAO!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!! ROXAS IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO frackIN SECKSHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_O

*HUGE NOSE BLEED*!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blood sqerting...... EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_o...............Awesome....

ShamanQueen1101 on April 8, 2006, 3:45:01 AM

ShamanQueen1101 on
ShamanQueen1101Sora is pretty hot himself. Same with Roxas. Lucky I have the game so i can stare at them both everyday. lmao

BlackPaint on April 3, 2006, 3:13:22 AM

BlackPaint on
BlackPaintLIKE OMFG! ITS LIKE ROXAS! YAY ROXAS! Roxas is hott*drools* *pats Sora on the head* Yes, you do have love lady lumps, now go get me a lollypop! *licks Roxas**favs**licks Roxas again*

Lizzi on April 2, 2006, 4:00:24 AM

Lizzi on
Lizzilol I love it! XD You do awesome work! It always makes me laugh!! ^_____^

Weirdo on April 1, 2006, 5:44:48 PM

Weirdo on

yaoiboy_ace on March 30, 2006, 4:44:28 AM

yaoiboy_ace on
yaoiboy_ace~GLomps Roxas then runs away with him~LOve the Roxas..nuf said

AngelofDarkness on March 26, 2006, 9:10:23 AM

AngelofDarkness on

-passes out from lack of oxygen-

Sephora on March 20, 2006, 5:26:16 PM

Sephora on
SephoraYes, of course Sora has lovely lady lumps! Actually I'm glad I'm not the only one who ever imagined him singing that song. Well, more like in flag corps one day, whilst standing in the middle of the field doing nothing, I imagined a camel-Sora singing that and was tempted to beat myself with a flag. Oops, random jibberish, as usual. I do this too much. Great pic!

CresAya on March 9, 2006, 11:46:36 AM

CresAya on
CresAyaroxas rulex forever...

Shuichi_X on March 4, 2006, 2:50:15 AM

Shuichi_X on
Shuichi_X. . . ! HAHAHAHAHA!! (why is he naked, anyway?)

KupoKweh on February 27, 2006, 11:23:54 PM

KupoKweh on
KupoKwehWow... Roxas DOES look hawt... O_O

ufuking_tar on February 26, 2006, 4:31:13 PM

ufuking_tar on
ufuking_tarfunkyness o^-^o

sili on February 22, 2006, 10:01:21 AM

sili on
sili1hippegal1!!! Or I'll burn your Gym Uniform!(Yea, I have her uniform again...She keeps forgetting it at school) Sora look's Smecksay
without implants!!! (Not in dat way, peoples! Manly!)

1Hippiegal1 on February 18, 2006, 11:01:16 PM

1Hippiegal1 on
1Hippiegal1Sora needs implants if he wants "lovley lady lumps"

fox_kairi on February 7, 2006, 10:25:39 AM

fox_kairi on
fox_kairi*foams at mouth* yay!!!!!!!!!! my dreams are coming true!!!!*looks at sora* nvm screw what i just said -.-'

RockStar2005 on February 7, 2006, 6:36:41 AM

RockStar2005 on
RockStar2005drools so SEXY!!! EEP!!! *favs* sorry id im being all off but i cant help it when i see hot guys!!

Rikus_Lover_MINE on February 5, 2006, 4:30:41 PM

Rikus_Lover_MINE on
Rikus_Lover_MINEAnd Of course Roxas_Lover_MINE beat me too it

Rikus_Lover_MINE on February 5, 2006, 4:30:37 PM

Rikus_Lover_MINE on
Rikus_Lover_MINEAnd Of course Roxas_Lover_MINE beat me too it

Anjinx4 on February 5, 2006, 12:33:57 PM

Anjinx4 on
Anjinx4Woohoo take it ALL off!!! XD luff dis picc * adds to favs * your my new fav artist ^_^

Roxas_Lover_MINE on February 5, 2006, 12:02:41 AM

Roxas_Lover_MINE on
Roxas_Lover_MINE Don't let him put the shirt back on. Please....o.o; I luv it! Great work!

-Kitti-chan/Cheese-chan & Roxas-kun
I STILL need fwends. Pwease?! ;-;

Tinkybellrox on January 30, 2006, 10:24:52 AM

Tinkybellrox on
Tinkybellroxhah nice! -favs-

GalletasCookies on January 30, 2006, 3:11:50 AM

GalletasCookies on
GalletasCookiesFunni ^^ Sora put your clothes back on *favs*

sili on January 28, 2006, 10:09:01 AM

sili on
Luv the sora in this one and you're my idle just so you know....

alchan on January 28, 2006, 6:38:26 AM

alchan on
alchanmeh still likes teh sora one better! my humps.. my lovely lady lumps.. goddammit.. i hate that song..... errrr.... voodoo its what to doo...

Ziggurat-chan on January 26, 2006, 8:42:03 AM

Ziggurat-chan on
Ziggurat-chanSora is hawt stuff

TehKupoKween225 on January 26, 2006, 7:23:39 AM

TehKupoKween225 on
TehKupoKween225*favs* SEXY! XD
*dances with Sora*

-KATZ o^_^o

soras_girl_247 on January 26, 2006, 6:51:15 AM

soras_girl_247 on

Roxas actually O.o

And I hate that song.xD

Sora,PLEASE put your clothes back on.Youre not hot and stuff like that anymore.=D lol

val_ze_hedgehog on January 26, 2006, 5:52:59 AM

val_ze_hedgehog on
val_ze_hedgehogOH MY...GAAAAAAAWD *_* ROXAS

AnimeDarin on January 26, 2006, 1:31:28 AM

AnimeDarin on
I LOVE Sora in this picture! x3