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Chibis FIGHT!!!

Chibis FIGHT!!!

Chibis FIGHT!!! by SolitaryDreamer
Chibis FIGHT!!! by SolitaryDreamer


I was doing this for fun, but then I entered it into OrangeArt's competition^_^

Ahem... Cless,(The one with the sword) is helping out Klarth, (The man with the book)...
...As if he needs it^_^ ... I could watch him attack with that book for hours^.^...
Arche, (The girl with the pink hair) is casting a lightning spell at the black bird... while at the same time, Chester, (Blue haired youth) is shooting an arrow at the same unfortunate creature...
And Mint, (The girl in white) is either casting a healing spell or about to materialize a giant hammer out of nowhere...^_^"

Okay, I doodled this picture about 5 months ago... scanned it about 3 months ago, And finished colouring it today...^_^ ... Although I did forget about it until about a month ago, and I've been kind of busy...~.~;
Oh, um... Something else... I flipped chester around on the computer, (He was facing the other way) so he is now using a different hand to hold the bow...I didn't notice until I nearly finished colouring...^_^"
And... I drew that bird on paint^_^... I coloured it in photoshop, though...

Heh, all this information, and some people probably don't care...6_6
I'm just taking up space...

Ah well, enjoy ^.^
Comment if you feel like it...^_^

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - All Titles » Tales Of... series » Tales of Phantasia
Date Submitted
Views 4246
Favorites... 39
Vote Score 0
Comments 28
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (28)

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_rika-chan_ on March 20, 2006, 9:10:33 AM

_rika-chan_ on
_rika-chan_AWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! ITS SO CUTE!!!!!! *favs*

drex on February 25, 2006, 6:20:08 PM

drex on
drexlol i always put klarth in the front of my party, cuz he never gets hit, always zeros o_0 lol klarth is the koolest...he's actually kinda like me... he doesn't like to help people...then his wife yells at him... then he does. Good pic :)

Kitty_Angel on February 25, 2006, 3:09:41 AM

Kitty_Angel on
Kitty_AngelAww, cute! And funneh! I really want to play that game... *favs*

Symphoniagirl12 on January 14, 2006, 6:27:18 AM

Symphoniagirl12 on
Symphoniagirl12OMG!! THIS IS ADOREABLE!!!! *favs*

SpoonyBard on December 16, 2005, 8:49:27 AM

SpoonyBard on
SpoonyBardYayness, Klarth's in it! With his book, nonetheless! They're all so cute! But I like Arche the best, since I like her facial expression with her action. ^^

LisaJen on October 15, 2005, 6:13:08 PM

LisaJen on
LisaJenThat's so cute and well done!!! *congrate you and fav the pic*

silent-insaneminako on October 7, 2005, 4:28:05 AM

silent-insaneminako on
silent-insaneminakoIt's another attack of the chibi's!!!!!!!^//_//^Love it!!!

Midnight_Snow on September 25, 2005, 3:09:52 AM

Midnight_Snow on
Midnight_SnowAw... so kawaii! I like Arche's expression! The poor bird! Heheh. Books are dangerous... lol I like this one a lot.

Inuyasha_Demon_Boy on September 25, 2005, 2:05:07 AM

Inuyasha_Demon_Boy on
Inuyasha_Demon_BoySO CUTE!!!!!
Deri: yeah yeah yeah.....i hate chibis!
Me:but....but...THEY ARE SO CUTE! anyway *favz*

theGhostofInuYasha on September 4, 2005, 5:26:36 AM

theGhostofInuYasha on
theGhostofInuYashaTHE CUTENESS!!!

Thanatos- *twitch* grr.....
chibis, how I dispise them!

AW! Come on they are SOOOOO cute! Just like you! ^_^


Shutup anyway *favez* ^_^