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Random Pairing Offspring!

Random Pairing Offspring!

Random Pairing Offspring! by SomekindofFreak
Random Pairing Offspring! by SomekindofFreak


Pandora's pic of her and Siggy's son inspired me to do this!

Yes, these are offspring of some of my favorite pairings!
(pairings can be Yaoi Yuri or Het)
if there's a pairing you really want to see me do a child for, then i will consider it if you tell meh! because I love making these, and Im already planning on more...XD

Im happy with the way these bois came out! X333
Not as happy with the third one...might have to take another shot at him...
Yes, they're all male. XD
Guess Guess Guess! X33
they're kinda obvious XD

One Left To Guess!
1st one - Arac/Elet - Guessed Correctly by Wayra!
2nd one- Jex/Dez - Guessed Correctly by Pandora!
3rd one- Sig/Jake - Guessed Correctly by Pandora!

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » - Original art
Date Submitted
Views 2396
Favorites... 8
Vote Score 9
Comments 73
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken


Comments (73)

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yurilover15 on December 28, 2007, 4:09:31 PM

yurilover15 on
yurilover15whooohooo nice! GO YURI!

desertbreeze on December 5, 2007, 9:14:44 AM

desertbreeze on
desertbreezeOoh I luv the one in the center kinda looks like my Rory ^^

SomekindofFreak on December 9, 2007, 6:35:27 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakXD yes, I see the resemblance! o3o

Zenshii on December 7, 2007, 9:16:20 AM

Zenshii on
ZenshiiSimply adorable!! XD *FAVZ*

Manga4ever on October 1, 2007, 10:02:15 AM

Manga4ever on
Manga4everAwww! This picture is so cute!! ^^
*huggles all three of them*....>_>...umm...*cough*.
*adds picture to faves then adds you to favorite artist list* ^^

ARCHERcat on September 29, 2007, 2:58:26 AM

ARCHERcat on
ARCHERcatCool I like the one on the left with the orange in his hair

FallenAngel0792 on September 23, 2007, 12:33:40 PM

FallenAngel0792 on
FallenAngel0792Awesome, I love the outfits!

SomekindofFreak on September 24, 2007, 6:55:11 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakThank you! wow, FallenAngel! youre alive! X333

Torchic1030 on September 22, 2007, 3:58:31 AM

Torchic1030 on
Torchic1030I like the coloring.
Good job on this one! :)

SomekindofFreak on September 23, 2007, 10:48:29 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakthank you very much! ^^

NAERA on September 20, 2007, 6:52:24 AM

Comment Deleted

SomekindofFreak on September 20, 2007, 7:28:04 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakThank you!!! :3333 *hugs*

ShadowMantis on September 20, 2007, 12:15:30 AM

ShadowMantis on
ShadowMantisWaaaah!!! How did i not guess that the middle one was Jex and Dez?!?!?!?! D=

SomekindofFreak on September 20, 2007, 6:32:03 AM

SomekindofFreak on
*pats you on the head* its okeh Wayra XDD
JexandDezChild: *smiles slightly*

ShadowMantis on September 21, 2007, 12:07:55 AM

ShadowMantis on
ShadowMantisIrrisistably cute!!!! XD
must...resist... *huggles the JexDez child tightly*

ScolexIsGod on September 16, 2007, 9:22:56 PM

ScolexIsGod on
ScolexIsGodKihabala!! n_n Nyaaan!! That is soooo adorable Skoffie!! ^-^ Awwww, Jake and I have a son now? xDDD
Jake: Nothing happened!! It was.... Er... IVF!! Yes yes!!
Nyuh-huhhhh!!! ^____^ Awesome work Skoffie!! And I agree with Panda!! The middle one is Jex and Dez!! Either that or Jex and Akire, but methinks Jex and Dez!! *nods frantically* Yep yep yep!! ^^

Lurking_Shadow_Creature on September 19, 2007, 11:21:13 AM

Lurking_Shadow_Creature on
Jake: We should have anothger.... *nudge*


SomekindofFreak on September 17, 2007, 5:11:59 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakThank so much Siggeh!
Yessshhh you and Jake have a son! XDD warharhar!
and yep, you're both right! He is Jex and Dez's son! ^^