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Wolf puppy egg adoption??

Wolf puppy egg adoption??

Wolf puppy egg adoption?? by Sukooru
Wolf puppy egg adoption?? by Sukooru


Well everyone seems to be doing this adoption for eggs so I thought I might too... Okay... but these are special eggs... they are wolf eggs o.O
Right... give me the number you want to adopt and I will give you the hatched creature soon... you must take good care of these guys... too of the eggs in this batch are very special... Repeat after me:
"I solemly swear that I ........... will take care of my wolf egg, and when it hatches, it will get the best care it could ever have. I swear to draw him/her at least once."
Eggs adopted:
1# Aquaberry15
2# DemonWolfe
3# Crocdragon89
4# FinalKingdomHeartsFantasy
5# PlasmaPenguin
6# Darkmoogle121
7# wolf-girl-ghost
8# Zamone
9# Saturn13
10# Nekoyasha12

General Info

General Info

Category Furry » Animal art (Non-anthro) » - Mammals » Dogs & Canids » Wolves
Date Submitted
Views 1639
Favorites... 5
Vote Score 3
Comments 31
Media Ink or markers
Time Taken


Comments (31)

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PlasmaPenguin on March 4, 2007, 7:36:17 PM

PlasmaPenguin on
PlasmaPenguinI wouldn't mind egg number 5...plz?

Sukooru on March 5, 2007, 2:46:33 PM

Sukooru on
SukooruTake good care of it ^-^

zamone on March 5, 2007, 2:35:19 PM

zamone on
zamoneOH! I WANT 8!!! SPOTTY!!! XD

Sukooru on March 5, 2007, 2:46:17 PM

Sukooru on
SukooruAlright ^-^

Nekoyasha12 on March 5, 2007, 6:20:06 AM

Nekoyasha12 on
Nekoyasha12v(O.O)v "Um... If u don't mind I'd like three..... 1, 7, and 10... I just can't choose between these three....
v(>.<)v "Ohhh.... I'm trying so heard but I just can't...!!! Bsides...!! v(^////^)v I absolutly ADORE drawing new creature! Of any sort!! And they'll be cared for with all the caring the princess of Felines can give!
Cat paw promise!!!" (a cat paw promise is a promise u can't take away for cats can't cross anything but there arms and legs. AND THOSE DON'T COUNT PPL!!!! But yeah! And if u do take away a cat paw... Well.... The person that was getting promised something but the other person doesn't keep it.... Just tell me and I'll take care of them >x3 And I'll make sure they fufill there promise! Count on it!!) *bows head to show respect to Sukooru* "I promise by the paw of StarClan!!" (StarClan is Feline heaven)

Sukooru on March 5, 2007, 2:43:35 PM

Sukooru on
SukooruSorry... 1 and 7 are taken. You may have 10.

Nekoyasha12 on March 6, 2007, 3:53:54 AM

Nekoyasha12 on
Nekoyasha12K!! v(^//////////^)v
That will do!!!!
Theen Ku!!! (a kawaii was I say thank u)

Finalkingdomheartsfantasy on March 5, 2007, 1:43:25 PM

Finalkingdomheartsfantasy on
FinalkingdomheartsfantasyCan I plessssssse Have number 4 please?^^

darkmoogle121 on March 5, 2007, 12:08:35 PM

darkmoogle121 on
darkmoogle121lmfao #9 looks like those fish crackers ^-^

wolf-girl-ghost on March 5, 2007, 12:12:14 AM

wolf-girl-ghost on
wolf-girl-ghostCan I have 7# please?Lol now everyones doing egg adoptions

Falconlobo on March 4, 2007, 6:00:09 PM

Falconlobo on
Comment Deleted

Sukooru on March 4, 2007, 6:03:23 PM

Sukooru on
Comment Deleted

Falconlobo on March 4, 2007, 6:15:09 PM

Falconlobo on
FalconloboI deleted my comments since i can't particiapte on this

sorry nothing aginst you but it would confuse others

Falconlobo on March 4, 2007, 6:04:18 PM

Falconlobo on
Falconloboon two legs like a human like the Thundercats^^