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Pirate Orlando

Pirate Orlando

Pirate Orlando by Sway
Pirate Orlando by Sway


My first painted Portrait, based on a photo of Orlando Bloom (example).


General Info

General Info

Category Real People » Actors/Actresses » Orlando Bloom
Date Submitted
Views 13345
Favorites... 272
Vote Score 21
Comments 190
Media Acrylics
Time Taken
Reference Orlando Bloom photo


Comments (190)

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osasokime on February 6, 2011, 5:31:40 AM

osasokime on
osasokimeWOOPS 4got

osasokime on February 6, 2011, 5:31:13 AM

osasokime on
osasokimeu hav GOT 2 be kiding did u REALLY draw that its SSSSOOO AWESOME!!!!!!

MsCandi on July 24, 2009, 10:56:27 AM

MsCandi on

luckylace222 on June 21, 2009, 3:47:55 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222xD OH GOD ORLANDO BLOOM= WIN!!!!!!!

Fourarms on February 1, 2009, 11:07:18 AM

Fourarms on

Fourarms on February 1, 2009, 11:06:45 AM

Fourarms on

THATS LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE HIM!!!!!!!! FAVES! your such a great artist! im sure your gonna have a great future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LD4Japan on July 27, 2008, 12:25:07 PM

LD4Japan on
LD4JapanOMG!! Acrylics are hard to paint anything with let alone a portrait!!! Good job!!

JamietheGuardian on June 20, 2008, 2:14:59 AM

JamietheGuardian on
JamietheGuardianThats hot. LOL. no joke.

Dragondash on April 30, 2008, 5:17:37 PM

Dragondash on
DragondashYAOWZA! What.. who... where? What is that? My fingers are frozen I cant type. All i can say is... SUPER ULTRA AWESOME! 

AdventChild13 on April 24, 2008, 11:30:12 PM

AdventChild13 on
that is so amazing, its not even funny! *faves* you captured his eyes extremely well.... O.o

BlakWolfBeast on April 20, 2008, 9:12:52 PM

BlakWolfBeast on
BlakWolfBeastdamn man das awsome
what or who did u have to paint it for

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on April 14, 2008, 11:26:20 PM

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on
Gardian_of_the_shadow_relmtruley stunning ^_^

madamlaracroft on April 11, 2008, 5:51:50 PM

madamlaracroft on
madamlaracroftwow (O_O) you are so good with water paints.. really nice

ShadowGuarderForever on March 20, 2008, 2:34:19 AM

ShadowGuarderForever on
ShadowGuarderForeverWow... Your really good with the water colors! Amazing job, but you alreadly knew that, huh?

titanz_rule on February 27, 2008, 3:23:20 AM

titanz_rule on
titanz_rule*dies* that is amazing...

Tombraidergirl on February 14, 2008, 12:01:04 AM

Tombraidergirl on
TombraidergirlIS IT A PHOTO

Lucky2bBlonde on December 17, 2007, 1:59:22 PM

Lucky2bBlonde on
Lucky2bBlondeJust wow.

SinlessSoul on October 14, 2007, 4:12:17 AM

SinlessSoul on

littlecapnjack on June 28, 2007, 12:29:19 AM

littlecapnjack on

xJOSIE on June 26, 2007, 3:41:25 AM

Hes So Phitt!


silidragos on June 25, 2007, 7:17:50 PM

silidragos on
silidragosyou're a very good artist...i'm not good to paint:(

Lipkiss on June 22, 2007, 11:25:27 AM

Lipkiss on
LipkissSweet Nibblets!! this is good forget good its great especially for being your first one! Great job love the lighting!

Bluestar2007 on April 7, 2007, 2:20:06 AM

Bluestar2007 on
Bluestar2007omg omg omg he's so freakin awsome and cute

pinippi01 on March 31, 2007, 11:31:41 AM

pinippi01 on
pinippi01waaaaaaait... is this a pic i requested?????? I remember rq-ing something Orlando Bloom related...

Sonic2 on February 25, 2007, 1:19:39 PM

Sonic2 on

Kebee14 on February 9, 2007, 2:10:31 PM

Kebee14 on
Kebee14Wow, that's really cool!

HorseSpirit on January 30, 2007, 12:18:40 AM

HorseSpirit on
HorseSpiritHoly hell!! This is amazing!! Damn he's fine. ^^ Awesome!! You are insanely talented!!!!  Wonderful job!! LOVE IT *favs*

daniparra on January 20, 2007, 12:01:12 PM

daniparra on
daniparrawow!!! amazing!!!!!!!

i love it!!!! *favs!*

Piggy01 on January 19, 2007, 5:39:59 AM

Piggy01 on
Piggy01really ,really awsome!!!11

mizimewichigo101 on January 8, 2007, 7:07:33 AM

mizimewichigo101 on
mizimewichigo101AMAZING! I LOVE IT! --faves--

d_wolv on January 7, 2007, 7:28:39 AM

d_wolv on
d_wolvThat's Good!

K_moon on January 5, 2007, 1:54:36 PM

K_moon on
K_moon<3  O_O  I worship you.

Tv123 on January 5, 2007, 7:13:39 AM

Tv123 on
Tv123OMG!!!! You made orlando look soooooo hot! haha *faves*

Meicko on January 4, 2007, 2:37:30 AM

Meicko on
MeickoHe looks so HOT (Favs)

PurpleKittyCat126 on December 25, 2006, 3:38:57 AM

PurpleKittyCat126 on
PurpleKittyCat126omg. it looks exactly like him!!!! I LOVE ORLANDO BLOOM!

Dear_Me on December 22, 2006, 8:48:07 AM

Dear_Me on
Dear_MeI love it!!! That's so good! *fav*

Lex on December 21, 2006, 7:26:27 AM

Lex on

chipmunkgirl14 on November 28, 2006, 1:14:16 AM

chipmunkgirl14 on
chipmunkgirl14its not good............its BEAUTIFUL!! great job! favs favs favs!

jell0 on November 24, 2006, 1:20:44 AM

jell0 on (that means i love it) *0* it's beautyfull! *favs!*

cloudemmi1 on November 22, 2006, 4:08:19 AM

cloudemmi1 on
cloudemmi1that is really good!! ^^

blusand30 on October 26, 2006, 8:35:42 AM

blusand30 on
blusand30that is soooo awesome! i love the contrast.

crimzonbeauty01 on October 25, 2006, 9:43:27 AM

crimzonbeauty01 on
crimzonbeauty01dude that awesome!!!!

Love2talk11 on October 23, 2006, 10:48:21 AM

Love2talk11 on
Love2talk11it so good i thought it was a photo!

Emiko9 on October 18, 2006, 9:14:48 AM

Emiko9 on
Emiko9When saw the little version I thought it was a photo.O_O!!!!!

BubbleBendingNinja on October 14, 2006, 12:04:42 AM

BubbleBendingNinja on
BubbleBendingNinjao.O no words.....

SilverSea0413 on October 11, 2006, 6:34:34 AM

SilverSea0413 on
SilverSea0413*stares.......*wow..... that is really good! o_O Keep up the good work!

Itachilovesme912 on October 2, 2006, 11:18:13 AM

Itachilovesme912 on
Itachilovesme912amazing, that's the only words that can come out of my mouth

PurplePhoenix on September 26, 2006, 11:34:30 AM

PurplePhoenix on
Beautiful! *.*

odysseygirl on September 22, 2006, 3:37:28 AM

odysseygirl on
odysseygirlreally really great - acrylic is one of my fav mediums, but im not very good with it yet :D it looked like a photo! great muscle tone etc
in fact great everything lol

Xander00 on September 11, 2006, 1:09:14 PM

Xander00 on
Xander00WHAT!!! HOW DI- How can- You can't- AW PHOOWEE!!! THAT IS GREAT!!!!!!!!

PPhantom on September 5, 2006, 7:53:39 AM

PPhantom on
PPhantomjaw drops floor* i must say thats pretty damn awsome!! ok no awsome is not the word--FANTASTICLY DRAWN! god im gonna start drooling i love orlando hes my future husband..he just doesnt no it its gonna b a surprise =]

EnvysLover01 on September 5, 2006, 12:37:35 AM

EnvysLover01 on
EnvysLover01dddaaaaaammmmmnnnnnn................How the hell did you do it? I mean, I'm good at realistic pics, but not that damn good.

kennylives64 on September 4, 2006, 6:00:04 AM

kennylives64 on
kennylives64*bottom jaw falls off while clicking the faves button*

hamtaroluvr on August 31, 2006, 3:24:13 AM

hamtaroluvr on
hamtaroluvrYou drew that? ... OMG I thought it was a picture taken on Camera, I mean you've captured the detail!

LyokoLover2134 on August 28, 2006, 5:02:48 AM

LyokoLover2134 on
LyokoLover2134:O *faves* i LOVE orlando bloom! heheh

KayTennant on August 26, 2006, 6:52:55 PM

KayTennant on
KayTennantWOA thats awesome. WOW!! Well done!!!

IceQueen29 on August 24, 2006, 4:22:07 AM

IceQueen29 on
IceQueen29me: this is awesome!!!
 my friend: dang! he's so hoooottttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!! i want him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Angel_With_Crimson_wings on August 22, 2006, 5:47:23 AM

Angel_With_Crimson_wings on
Angel_With_Crimson_wingsAMAZING I LOVE IT *FAVES*

5th_child94 on August 18, 2006, 6:17:05 AM

5th_child94 on
5th_child94omg...that's so good! YOU ARE AWESOME! How did you do that? it's amazing!

IloveKyoSohma on August 18, 2006, 5:17:25 AM

IloveKyoSohma on
IloveKyoSohmaHoly crap! This is by far the best picture I have ever seen!

KairiDono on August 18, 2006, 5:05:01 AM

KairiDono on
KairiDonoWhoa!! I bet my art teacher from elementary might go OMG!!! if she sees this!!

shiny_angel on August 17, 2006, 5:05:57 AM

shiny_angel on
shiny_angelOMG!!!! Love HIM!!!! SOO COOL!!!! Waaaiii!!!!
and the movies is... OMG!!!! Love it!!!!^^

Sutaru on August 15, 2006, 1:32:13 AM

Sutaru on
Sutaruoooooooh! cooooooooooool! *favs*

DivineNightshade on August 12, 2006, 7:00:26 AM

DivineNightshade on
DivineNightshademan i'm ticked this should have been a featured PIC!!


kiddy_neko on August 9, 2006, 10:12:47 AM

kiddy_neko on
kiddy_nekoOMFG ITS ORLANDO!!!!*faints*

cocobean527 on August 9, 2006, 8:12:24 AM

cocobean527 on
I love Orlando.

littlester on August 2, 2006, 2:00:29 PM

littlester on
littlesterOne word- fabulous!

KT on July 28, 2006, 7:33:37 PM

KT on
KTyum yum. that is well gud. U got his eyes jst rite i luv it!!!
Thats a message from my cus.
She's obbsessed with him. Hee! That is real good. Well done!

Arashi on July 26, 2006, 8:04:10 AM

Arashi on

FluffyPuff12345 on July 24, 2006, 12:15:51 PM

FluffyPuff12345 on
FluffyPuff12345this is amazing i luvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv orlando bloom...he is so hott!!!!!!  this is gorgeous...keep up the good work. *~favies~*

scootsXgal on July 24, 2006, 7:13:32 AM

scootsXgal on
scootsXgalOMG that is amazing!

fullnarutoZ on July 21, 2006, 8:08:05 AM

fullnarutoZ on
fullnarutoZthats awsome great job!

amy_takura on July 16, 2006, 9:25:16 PM

amy_takura on

sasukesakura1 on July 16, 2006, 1:11:56 PM

sasukesakura1 on
sasukesakura1sexy sexy sexy sexy whooooooooooooooo h is so fuineeeeeee

orliej16 on July 16, 2006, 5:35:40 AM

orliej16 on
orliej160.0 OMG!! This is AWESOME!!
*presses the fave buttom a thousand times*
I'm a big orlando bloom fan so that's one of the reasons why I like this pic soooooooo much!! But you've done a great job on this one! Really^-^


InvaderEztheGothic on July 15, 2006, 7:27:08 PM

InvaderEztheGothic on
InvaderEztheGothicOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U IS A PROFESSIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *favz* Ma fwend Alice wud luv this^___^

lighttails1067 on July 14, 2006, 2:13:43 PM

lighttails1067 on
lighttails1067damn he hot!!!!
jack spicer:i thought i as hot
lighttails1067:i ..didn't say anything about you,you son of a dog who likes old people at e~harmony
(kh2)riku:oh that wasn't a burn,that was cold snap that there
angel(the fox girl with angel wings):you just read my mind?!

dulce on July 14, 2006, 1:51:58 AM

dulce on

sasukesakura1 on July 11, 2006, 2:49:08 PM

sasukesakura1 on
sasukesakura1orlando bloom is just sexy *coughS* yall didnt hear that

iamme on July 9, 2006, 8:04:15 PM

iamme on
iammelord almighty! thats beautiful! you're amazing. this looks like an actual photograph! hehe i should show my sister this drawing, shes obsessed with both orlando bloom and johnny depp.

DarkWaterAngel on July 9, 2006, 2:34:58 AM

DarkWaterAngel on
DarkWaterAngelO_O Holy...! That's amazing! Beautiful detail!

Links_REAL_girlfriend on July 8, 2006, 2:37:54 PM

Links_REAL_girlfriend on
Links_REAL_girlfriendWow! Look at that detail! This must have taken a lot of time and effort! It really shows for the best! Wonderful job! You get both faves for this masterpiece!

Biolord42 on July 8, 2006, 11:19:42 AM

Biolord42 on
Biolord42 I thought it was a picture
Wow you're good

sasukesakura1 on July 8, 2006, 8:53:58 AM

sasukesakura1 on
sasukesakura1looks hot *sweatin* *sigh* is it hot in here or is it me

stupot on July 6, 2006, 10:33:24 PM

stupot on
stupotHOW DID YOU MAKE THE HOT WILL TURNER EVEN HOTTER???!!! It's a Amazing job!*favs a billion times*

SxK_YGOfan on July 4, 2006, 10:02:34 AM

SxK_YGOfan on
SxK_YGOfanOMG!!!!! That is amazing!!!! How did you do that?! Awesome job! *Definite fave! = 3

chibibreeder on July 3, 2006, 5:30:57 AM

chibibreeder on
chibibreederOMG thats HAWT!!!! *faves a million*

phoenixh20 on July 1, 2006, 9:07:10 PM

phoenixh20 on
phoenixh20wow love your pic its wikid

beastgirl on June 29, 2006, 6:18:34 AM

beastgirl on
beastgirlfavs definately...

beastgirl on June 29, 2006, 6:17:43 AM

beastgirl on
beastgirlhe is cute....

Escariot on June 26, 2006, 3:39:40 AM

Escariot on
Escariot Hats off to you mate!

mystic_girl on June 25, 2006, 10:40:50 PM

mystic_girl on
he looks.. Gorgeous!
You captured him so well!
Im amazed..
you and the picture are definetly going to my favs !

DarkWolf1591 on June 23, 2006, 6:04:39 AM

DarkWolf1591 on
DarkWolf1591geese i thought this was a photograph man i was wrong
keep it up mabey someday you can be in my parents art gallery.

serjicalstrike on June 21, 2006, 1:59:22 PM

serjicalstrike on
serjicalstrikeOooooOOooooOo very nice the eyes are so real looking....... the whole thing is!

InvadrKet1 on June 20, 2006, 1:42:40 PM

InvadrKet1 on
InvadrKet1Oh my gosh. That is so awesome!Fantastic!Keep up the good work!

johnofe on June 8, 2006, 5:29:14 PM

johnofe on
johnofedelsih! heck, that is phenominal :-)
keep it up!

andrysb on June 2, 2006, 3:35:29 AM

andrysb on
andrysbwow this is really good it really looks like a picture!!! awesome work

Eldameldo on May 29, 2006, 9:14:29 PM

Eldameldo on
EldameldoHe`s beautiful! He`s beautiful! He`s beautiful, it`s true!!!
P.S. I love Orlando!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

spaZzgirl8 on March 14, 2006, 10:44:55 AM

spaZzgirl8 on
spaZzgirl8holy chinese shoot may i massage your art hand??? JK this is excellent beyond is my desktop background +faves

Jawsismyhomie on February 18, 2006, 9:00:07 AM

Jawsismyhomie on

Jawsismyhomie on February 18, 2006, 8:59:04 AM

Jawsismyhomie on
JawsismyhomieYour art is truley amazing, Orlando looks so real.

fire_and_johnny_depp_luver on February 12, 2006, 8:23:55 AM

fire_and_johnny_depp_luver on
fire_and_johnny_depp_luverOk. Normally I don't like Orlando Bloom...but you are AMAZING!!!!

Huapua95 on January 30, 2006, 10:52:52 AM

Huapua95 on
Huapua95hot!!!!!HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!

BlueBlazesWildcat on December 19, 2005, 4:35:52 AM

BlueBlazesWildcat on
BlueBlazesWildcatWow...these pictures just keep getting better and better! I can draw, but I absolutely CANNOT paint. *lol* Anyway, I'm you do requests? If so, please send me an e-mail at Thanks very much!

perfectpureblood on December 10, 2005, 2:35:46 AM

perfectpureblood on
perfectpurebloodThats amazing.

Wolflife on November 30, 2005, 11:48:25 PM

Wolflife on
this is just beautiful it looks like a real photo of him!

Fenjano on November 8, 2005, 11:25:30 PM

Fenjano on
FenjanoIt is amazing, really beautiful!

stippie on October 22, 2005, 8:23:33 AM

stippie on
stippieOMG!!! this is so goooood,
and i dont sai it becouse he is orlando bloom, i sai it becouse it is a great drawing.

lordoftheocarina on October 10, 2005, 11:46:52 AM

lordoftheocarina on
lordoftheocarina I am in Love!!! He is so hot and this picture looks so like him great job!

Chisai_Kitsune on August 23, 2005, 5:12:17 AM

Chisai_Kitsune on
Chisai_Kitsune*looses breath* THATS...ABSOLUTLY...PERFECT!!! *faves*

Darkmasterbabe on July 21, 2005, 3:35:51 PM

Darkmasterbabe on
DarkmasterbabeThis Is a really awesome picture of him *favs*

Clampworship on July 11, 2005, 7:10:33 AM

Clampworship on
ClampworshipWow you've got so many comments mine probably won't even seem to matter... anyway I like OB... and you did good with your color

pencil-master1 on July 2, 2005, 1:49:25 PM

pencil-master1 on
pencil-master1CARAMEL!!! That's wut this picture reminded me of...It's a good thing by the way...HOT SEXY CARAMEL!!! (goin' to my favourites...uh...NOW!)

snitch026 on June 12, 2005, 1:05:49 PM

snitch026 on

Jinx666 on June 1, 2005, 6:47:36 AM

Jinx666 on
Jinx666OMG!!! That is SOOO awesome! I love it! I should send it to this girl i know who's a TOTAL Orli nut, i think she might end up running around in circles squealing. As fo me, I'll just squeal. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! *favs*

Freakshow on May 25, 2005, 12:39:10 AM

Freakshow on
I cant even sum this into words...

Spartan_112 on May 11, 2005, 2:11:58 PM

Spartan_112 on
Spartan_112O_O this is some amazing painting O_O how long did it take u to draw this O_O soo amazed O_O O_OO_OO_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O

Plainntall on May 9, 2005, 4:32:00 AM

Plainntall on
Plainntall oh my gosh! I love it . Hot eextereme

ocecat007 on May 7, 2005, 11:11:59 AM

ocecat007 on
ocecat007Wow. So realistic. You truly have mad skills...

OrangeArt on May 6, 2005, 6:15:31 AM

OrangeArt on
OrangeArtI have absolutely nothing to say. I can't think of a word that is good enough to describe this

Dark_blue on April 15, 2005, 11:42:32 AM

Dark_blue on

redbeefandwine on March 19, 2005, 4:07:17 AM

redbeefandwine on
redbeefandwinedude!! it looks like a photo!! nice job!!

Dark_Phoenix on March 4, 2005, 2:34:16 PM

Dark_Phoenix on
Dark_PhoenixO_o....OMG!!! the eyes...are BEAUTIFUL!!!! AND SKIN TONE!!! wow...this is so good....

scarybuttfreezer on February 12, 2005, 12:11:33 PM

scarybuttfreezer on
scarybuttfreezerYou really can manipulate Acrylics very nicely. It's not an easy paint to work with in blending things smoothly.

TLeon on December 19, 2004, 12:07:30 PM

TLeon on
TLeonMost definately the best Will pic I've seen on the site! This looks exactly like him! You know the pictures that they put on the covers and stuff, that's what this should be ;)

Woolf20 on December 5, 2004, 1:11:31 AM

Woolf20 on
Woolf20I´m speechless O_O

sas on November 11, 2004, 6:28:43 AM

sas on

briari on October 19, 2004, 6:10:45 AM

briari on
briariThis is your first? You are very gifted!

Sorasgal667898 on September 6, 2004, 3:08:20 AM

Sorasgal667898 on
Sorasgal667898so cool.*drools*It looks just like you take requests.if you do, draw Jack sparrow for me plz.sorasgal66789

Tombraider on August 4, 2004, 6:51:39 AM

Tombraider on
Tombraider*faints* DAMN! That is wanna sell it...How does 50 bucks sound...100?

orange_head on July 17, 2004, 10:34:34 AM

orange_head on

Princess_Elemmiriel on July 16, 2004, 8:48:02 PM

Princess_Elemmiriel on
Princess_ElemmirielMy god!!! I love the pic and Orly too, fantastic!!!

Flaming_Green_Worms on July 2, 2004, 11:17:55 PM

Flaming_Green_Worms on
Flaming_Green_WormsThat's so good, its almost as if you cheated.

BaByBuNnY on July 2, 2004, 11:23:20 AM

BaByBuNnY on
BaByBuNnYAHHHHHHHHHHHH u think u can draw chingy ^.^ haha... i luv da pic honestly it looks just like him

The_end on July 2, 2004, 3:15:45 AM

The_end on
The_endOne word.<br />
<br />
SMEZZY.<br />
<br />

Deshwitat666Merlin on June 29, 2004, 12:28:15 PM

Deshwitat666Merlin on
Deshwitat666Merlin~stream of naughty words~ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP HOLY POO U ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +pic/artist

LadyoftheDeadlyDance on June 27, 2004, 1:48:02 PM

LadyoftheDeadlyDance on
LadyoftheDeadlyDanceWow! Holy ****, that looks just like him! ^-^ Awesome job! +favs

moon_child2000 on June 26, 2004, 12:20:25 PM

moon_child2000 on
moon_child2000Wow...this is great. It looks just like him and is I love!! *faints in a drool puddle*

Maroon005 on June 18, 2004, 12:17:52 PM

Maroon005 on
Maroon005HOLY MOLY!!!! thats freaken COOL!

A_dork_you_dont_know on June 18, 2004, 4:07:27 AM

A_dork_you_dont_know on
A_dork_you_dont_knowO_o . . . beyond words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . but just for the heck of it, I'll say this. REALLY COOL AND GREAT AND AWESOME AND . . . . whao.

artchic528 on June 12, 2004, 10:56:05 AM

artchic528 on
artchic528HOLY FREAKIN...WHOOOOOOOOOAAA!!! You must've been Leo DeVinci in a past life or somthing!!!!! This looks so exactly like him that its not even funny!!! *stares at it some more and adds to faves*

Kiyuu_Chan on June 11, 2004, 8:48:25 AM

Kiyuu_Chan on
Kiyuu_ChanHOLY shoot THAT'S HOT*glomps* orlando-samaaaaaaaa *__* *drool*

ScarletFire on June 4, 2004, 12:54:00 PM

ScarletFire on
ScarletFireNICE! *drools*

miriamartist on June 3, 2004, 10:24:36 PM

miriamartist on
miriamartistSTUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
luv it!

MusicBitch on May 31, 2004, 10:38:53 AM

MusicBitch on
MusicBitchHOLY SON OF A MONKEY!!!! SON OF A OMG! *speachless*/ MY GAWD HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU ugh *calms down* omg that is omg.....

MusicBitch on May 31, 2004, 10:38:51 AM

MusicBitch on
MusicBitchHOLY SON OF A MONKEY!!!! SON OF A OMG! *speachless*/ MY GAWD HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU ugh *calms down* omg that is omg.....

Maroon005 on May 31, 2004, 8:59:17 AM

Maroon005 on

nienke on May 24, 2004, 5:49:17 PM

nienke on
nienkeI love this one!! looks so good, looks like him!! he's so cute, and you draw him very well!! *adds to faves* and *add artist to faves*<br />
<br />
Greetz Nienke

Mondo on May 16, 2004, 3:50:07 PM

Mondo on
Mondoyour sooo on my favs

kkusahp on May 11, 2004, 10:05:02 AM

kkusahp on
kkusahp???OMG that ROCKS! how did u doooooo that?!

Laialda on April 21, 2004, 1:28:16 AM

Laialda on
LaialdaWOW!!! and you say this is your first one....well...dang...i wish i could do this *bows*

Vampire_Elf on April 17, 2004, 6:07:02 AM

Vampire_Elf on

KitsuneHino on April 11, 2004, 7:18:33 AM

KitsuneHino on
KitsuneHino...holy frack...

legolas_is_roadkill on March 26, 2004, 7:07:08 PM

legolas_is_roadkill on
legolas_is_roadkillholy F_ing gawd-that is GOOD! :bows: i praise you (although my name is legolas is roadkill, which i just realized the irony of this moment). But still, geez, damn, you are GOOD!! GREAT! AWESOME! breathtaking!!!!!!<br />
love always and VERY muchly!<br />

InuyashaEarsLuver on March 2, 2004, 2:47:56 AM

InuyashaEarsLuver on
InuyashaEarsLuver*faints*<br />
<br />
<br />
24 hours later<br />
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You are so talented. I'll see you in the big time amigo. Wow you are so good.

BloodRoses1619 on February 22, 2004, 9:43:09 AM

BloodRoses1619 on
BloodRoses1619*stutters nonsense syllables while drooling on ze keyboard* *dies*

Rhea_Hitoma on February 16, 2004, 1:51:00 AM

Rhea_Hitoma on
Rhea_Hitomaif i was an orlando bloom fan, i'd be screaming, but i'm just looking at the detail and greatness of the work, one of the best i've seen, probly the best colored one ^^

artistically_challenged on February 3, 2004, 5:43:37 PM

artistically_challenged on
artistically_challengedOMG if my heart didn't belong to someone else he would have it *sigh*

Krimzon_Yakkow026 on January 23, 2004, 9:33:19 AM

Krimzon_Yakkow026 on
Krimzon_Yakkow026HOLY $#!T THATS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD..<br />
<br />
*shifty eyes*<br />
<br />
::kisses the sexay pirate::<br />
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WaterNeko_Goddess on January 22, 2004, 10:01:48 AM

WaterNeko_Goddess on
WaterNeko_Goddess::has a heart attack:: OMFG! that is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

moon on January 21, 2004, 3:22:30 PM

moon on

jessie on January 6, 2004, 8:51:14 PM

jessie on
jessiewowwwwwwwwww AMAZING!!! *adds to faves*

akasha232001 on January 2, 2004, 5:59:18 AM

akasha232001 on
akasha232001Ooh. I LOVE ORLANDO BLOOM!!!!!!!!!

em3042 on January 1, 2004, 5:53:15 PM

em3042 on
em3042ORLANDO IS SO HOT!!! thats amazin!

eclipsedmoongoddess482 on December 30, 2003, 7:30:38 PM

eclipsedmoongoddess482 on
eclipsedmoongoddess482Wow, this is so amazing. You are such an amazing artist. How long did it take you to do that? NEwayz, amazing job! ^_^

moon_howler on December 27, 2003, 3:51:01 PM

moon_howler on do this I'd need a damn paint-by-number!!!

Yami_no_Megami on December 24, 2003, 8:12:02 AM

Yami_no_Megami on
Yami_no_MegamiVery VERY good!! ::thinks:: I can't think of any way to describe it. SUPERLY GOOD!!! Looks just like him, like a photograph almost!

ninkira on December 15, 2003, 1:05:48 AM

ninkira on
ninkira All I can say is OMG...other than that, I'm speechless.

Dark_Angel_Of_Death on December 13, 2003, 5:21:27 PM

Dark_Angel_Of_Death on
Dark_Angel_Of_Death*drools* Holy shoot.....that's sooooooooooooooo damn good...damn you why do you draw so good jk...yummy!!! Keep doing great drawings!!!*still drooling* that's too bloody good..*adds to fav.*

Emotional-Distress on December 11, 2003, 8:52:20 AM

Emotional-Distress on
Emotional-DistressOMG..HOLY frack..*DROOLS*(alot) I LOVE IT.*adds to faves..keep em comeing.. ur going to the top.XD

legolaslovingsnapefan on December 5, 2003, 2:30:44 AM

legolaslovingsnapefan on
legolaslovingsnapefan*hypervenilates* HOLY shoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! DAMNIT!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T DRAW THAT GOOD!!!!!!!!! ARG!!!!!!! DAMN YOUR PAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ninsgveen on November 29, 2003, 7:21:05 PM

ninsgveen on
ninsgveenfaved it, it's really good, like a photo, plus he's dead-sexy here ^^

Kita_Kawa_Kami on November 22, 2003, 2:21:27 AM

Kita_Kawa_Kami on
Kita_Kawa_Kamiooooo! So realistic!! ^-^ YUM! lol

whitechocolate91 on November 17, 2003, 7:38:10 AM

whitechocolate91 on
whitechocolate91Woah.... It looks like a photo.....Wow.... The magic of acrylic painting I guess....Really good. In the words of Ebert and Roeper: "Two thumbs up!"

caity_cat on November 16, 2003, 10:24:42 AM

caity_cat on
caity_cat-kisses screen- OMG this is amazing truly amazing i luv it omg omg....-takes piccy and runs away with it- he's mine all mine and u cant have him you draw very well i luv this one sooo realike

sas on November 11, 2003, 4:31:29 PM

sas on

Anime_Girl424 on November 7, 2003, 1:41:23 AM

Anime_Girl424 on
Anime_Girl424You drew that? WOW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!

deadly on October 21, 2003, 1:40:00 AM

deadly on
deadlyd@mn are you sher you did that ? well its really gooooddddd ;)

sas on October 10, 2003, 5:17:46 PM

sas on
sasI really like this drawing!!!!! its beautifull!

DrakenaTheDestroyer on October 4, 2003, 6:17:22 PM

DrakenaTheDestroyer on
DrakenaTheDestroyerYummy Orlando! He looks so sexy! Wonderful job with the colours and all.

OrlandoNut on October 1, 2003, 11:45:08 PM

OrlandoNut on
OrlandoNut I gotta tell ya that its bloody brilliant mate! Looks just like him!

SamariaWarrior on September 29, 2003, 11:48:36 PM

SamariaWarrior on
SamariaWarriorMe likey mikey! Hott off the press

Star57 on September 27, 2003, 4:52:06 PM

Star57 on

Fairygirly on September 26, 2003, 12:43:49 AM

Fairygirly on
FairygirlyHOLY $H!T!! THAT'S SO F-ING GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOAH! You're probably THE best artist on this site! D@MN! *adds to faves*

OrlandoNut on September 26, 2003, 12:22:01 AM

OrlandoNut on
OrlandoNutNNIIIIIICCCCEEEE!!!!!!!!!<br />
I love it.....I could stare into those eyes 4ever!

ne1cab on September 22, 2003, 12:27:58 AM

ne1cab on
ne1cabAmazing. It looks JUST like him. *adds picture to favorites* You should do Jack Sparrow!! ^_^

Sheiksluvr on September 22, 2003, 12:24:44 AM

Sheiksluvr on

Mertin_Dingle_Roxs on September 21, 2003, 10:42:55 PM

Mertin_Dingle_Roxs on
Mertin_Dingle_Roxsawesome painting of Orlando. looks just like him. honest.<br />
keep the job work up.

texas_luver on September 21, 2003, 10:42:30 PM

texas_luver on
texas_luverHOLY CRAP!!! That is SO SA-WEET!! EXCELLENT WORK! *adds to favs*