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Submitted August 20, 2009 Updated August 20, 2009 Status Incomplete Chapters: 1 Size: 21k Words: 4,121 Comments: 0 Views: 2,511 Faves: 0 Rating: 0 | It''''s been 5 years since the Dark Lord has fallen. The war was heavy on many, especially heroes Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. But can a chance of fate once again mend their lives to how it used to be? |
Submitted February 4, 2007 Updated February 22, 2007 Status Incomplete Chapters: 2 Size: 19k Words: 3,838 Comments: 16 Views: 2,422 Faves: 4 Rating: 1 | Misty gets in an accident and loses her memory. Can Ash get it back or is this the new and permanent Misty? AAMR
Anime/Manga » Pokémon series |
Submitted December 24, 2006 Updated January 21, 2007 Status Complete Chapters: 5 Size: 96k Words: 19,175 Comments: 37 Views: 3,386 Faves: 9 Rating: 1 | After 10 years of seperation Misty is reunited with old friends. Will she stay friends or put a certain someone in the past and keep him there? AshxMisty |
Submitted November 27, 2006 Updated December 30, 2006 Status Complete Chapters: 7 Size: 88k Words: 17,687 Comments: 38 Views: 3,848 Faves: 8 Rating: 2 | Ash and co.are spending the weekend in Cinnabar Island & meet a kid named Derek who sweeps Misty off her feet causing Ash to get jealous , But Derek isn't who he seems,can Ash convince Misty of the truth or is she going to have to see for her self? |