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My1stSesshoumaru by Tamoko_Sanjii
My1stSesshoumaru by Tamoko_Sanjii


Eeeerg. *Makes a face* He really DOES have the most annoying mouth EVER. AUGH I must have erased it 50 times! Such a simple line, right? RIGHT? WRONG! >_< I had to go into paintshop and fix it: it looked like he ate graphite for breakfast, lol. PLEASE REVIEW!! Arigatou!

General Info

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Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Character Fanart » Sesshoumaru
Date Submitted
Views 3789
Favorites... 56
Vote Score 0
Comments 27
Media Unspecified
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Comments (27)

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Vampire_Elf on July 28, 2004, 6:01:41 PM

Vampire_Elf on
Vampire_Elfi know what you mean about the mouth!! GRRR!!! it is EVIL and yet so sexy!! but on my sexy sessy pic I had to do his mouth about 2587349 times!! but ohh well!! this is great for a first time of sessy pic !! keep it up!!! ^^

B_chan on July 6, 2004, 6:01:19 AM

B_chan on
B_chanHis left eye kinda bugs me

Maylia_Intusha on June 8, 2004, 2:12:00 PM

Maylia_Intusha on
Maylia_IntushaSheckshay. o.o;; Hai, I agree - his mouth is a pain to draw - it's the one thing more complex than his boa - and all you have to do is draw a darn line, which is really ironic. o.O Anyway, great pic! +favs

Aeris_Darkwood on June 5, 2004, 8:25:35 AM

Aeris_Darkwood on
Aeris_DarkwoodWOW! That is an awesome pic. I completely agree, his mouth is hard to draw, especially if you draw in charcoal like me. I like the shading , sometimes people totally forget to shade clothes, and it kind of looks tacky if you don't add shading. OK I'm done now.great pic.

Armada_Sonu on June 4, 2004, 2:10:35 AM

Armada_Sonu on
Armada_SonuHe probably DID eat graphite. XDDD I agree. His mouth is a FREAKING dog to draw. @_< It's like ", actually, here it's more of a frown. This'll be easy."<br />
<br />
*5 hours later*<br />
<br />

krysofdeath on April 16, 2004, 4:12:10 AM

krysofdeath on
krysofdeathyoure FIRST?! O_O; my first drawing of sesshy wasnt even HALF that good! >.> *faves* its AMAZING! ;-; and i agree, his mouth IS annoying to draw u.u i always have to erase it like...twenty times in order to get it right @_@

ReiRei on April 15, 2004, 3:02:29 AM

ReiRei on
ReiReiWhat's wrong with eating graphite? ::notices is getting funny looks:: Erm. . . anyway, great pic. I love it! It's really good for a first. . . keep drawing!

Thaliel on April 15, 2004, 1:39:19 AM

Thaliel on
ThalielCool, this looks good,

Tamoko_Sanjii on April 14, 2004, 6:16:53 PM

Tamoko_Sanjii on
Tamoko_SanjiiLol When does Sesshy not look girly? Heehee Yes while i was drawing I saw that the shoulder was off but I was too far along to erase it and risk smudging horribly (because the pencil eraser was CRAPPY!!!). Thanks: I do appreciate a detailed, critical eye from time to time ^.^ Thanks for the comments, all! Please keep them coming and check out my other Sesshy pics coming SOON! :) I love y'all!