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Poor Kikyou Voodoo?

Poor Kikyou Voodoo?

Poor Kikyou Voodoo? by Tamoko_Sanjii
Poor Kikyou Voodoo? by Tamoko_Sanjii


This is in response to Angeladorable, and to others who are going to leave me a 50 line post defending Kikyou.

People like what they like and dislike what they dislike, and they have the right to express their opinions if they choose to. That's why I can say I don't like the president, I don't support him, and I think he should be tossed out of the white house- and not get arrested.

I understand the NEED for Kikyou's presence in the story line and for character development, but beyond that I don't like what she represents. I won't bother saying what she represents to me because there are 1,000 different ways to interpret a character in a story, and all can be correct, but most people are going to fervently aruge when they're over identifying on a personal level with a fictional character. I know, I've been there before.

So I poked fun- I drew something that I could see Kikyou resorting to doing. It was just something that the people who don't like kikyou could giggle at together. That's IT. A lot of people do so much worse, so much, much worse. To her, and beyond Inuyasha: making racial 'jokes' that are really horrible slanders in disguise, and etc. And SO WHAT if people call Kikyou names and say she should die? That shouldn't upset you. 1) She's already DEAD- she doesn't have a soul because it's reincarnated in Kagome- she's a walking, talking personality. And the two according to Shinto are not the same thing. The personality is only the mask of the soul through each lifetime. (I remember that, reading an essay that covered this subject... I'll have to find it again to make absolute sure). 2)Why take it so personally? I don't understand that. If someone trashed Kagome, that wouldn't bother me. I like Kagome a lot, but beyond a playful debate with someone, someone calling Kagome a this and that, really doesn't affect me. I don't take it personally for the character. They don't know what's going on, afterall, they're paper and ink.

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Character Fanart » Kikyo
Date Submitted
Views 4398
Favorites... 18
Vote Score 1
Comments 46
Media Unspecified
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Comments (46)

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Super_Slyfox on November 6, 2005, 12:13:21 AM

Super_Slyfox on
Super_SlyfoxKagome sucks! KIKYO RULES!

shinto_grrl on November 6, 2005, 12:07:56 AM

shinto_grrl on
shinto_grrlYaaaaaaaaaaay! ^^ Kikyou's in pain! :) *does a little dance. I feel the exact same way about her as you do. I'm glad to know there's someone else out there (that I know of) that dislikes Kikyou.

kikyo1267 on November 6, 2005, 12:07:43 AM

kikyo1267 on
kikyo1267You go girl kill kikyo i don't like kikyo some girl was mean to me because i don't like kikyo

tikalgirl52 on October 22, 2005, 6:43:42 AM

tikalgirl52 on
tikalgirl52If people are Kagome fans and hate Kikyo, doesn't that TECHNICALLY mean they hate Kagome? I_T anyway nice drawing, n_n

firefox777 on October 22, 2005, 6:08:47 AM

firefox777 on
firefox777ps: nice pic. yay! pic of the hour!


firefox777 on October 22, 2005, 6:07:08 AM

firefox777 on
firefox777My dreams have come true! A Kikyo voodoo doll. *rips the head off the doll*
Get away from my jelly!!!(random) (and from F.O.P.)
I need my own chatch phrase

oakaki_girl1993 on October 22, 2005, 6:01:13 AM

oakaki_girl1993 on
oakaki_girl1993i dont really like kikyo but i dont really hate her.alls i care about is the show.great pic.

Kagome9234 on August 23, 2005, 2:47:46 AM

Kagome9234 on
Kagome9234Ok, Im going to be calm about this... Whats with the friggin essay?! I mean people can tell her to die, and call her a dog if they want to! The whole explanation about why people shouldnt hate kikyo/kikyou (theres some kinda debate about the spelling) is stupid cause ya so what if wasn't for kikyo that kagome wouldn't be there. And about it being fair to kikyo/kikyou, she aint even real! So who cares about a fictional characters supposed *feelings*?! Kikyo fans shouldnt even look at pics like this! I mean im no fan of kikyo or kagome really, im neutral about them. Sry for the really long essay of mine. Nice pic -favs-

Kagome9234 on August 22, 2005, 5:12:10 PM

Kagome9234 on
Kagome9234OMG! For the people who wrote the three page essay defending kikyo/kikyou: If you have the ability to read you can see that the artist says that you have a right to an opinion, and i agree, just dont right a friggin essay about it! And for you who hate kikyo/kikyou: Ok we get you don't like her, say it once, maybe twice but dont get too excesive k? I mean we all have a character we dont like, cant we just get along?! These characters aint even real!

XxSupreme_MikoxX on August 12, 2005, 3:16:24 PM

XxSupreme_MikoxX on
XxSupreme_MikoxXNUUU!!! NOT KIKYOU!!! * takes all the pins out* Are you okay, Kikyou!? How dare you hurt Kikyou-sama! *runs away with voodoo doll* I won't let you get hurt!