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Yami and Anzu

Yami and Anzu

Yami and Anzu by Teana
Yami and Anzu by Teana


my old pic and my FAV couple.

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series
Date Submitted
Views 6467
Favorites... 24
Vote Score 0
Comments 20
Media Unspecified
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Comments (20)

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yafoolin on November 2, 2006, 12:00:35 PM

yafoolin on
yafoolinI love this couple

Dreaming_Of_The_Stars on April 20, 2006, 2:44:15 AM

Dreaming_Of_The_Stars on
Dreaming_Of_The_StarsYami is eather mine or Yugi's! No Tea/Anzu! If I must kill her to get her out of the way, I WILL!

Darling_425 on February 17, 2006, 11:14:23 PM

Darling_425 on

Meisaroku on January 20, 2006, 4:39:58 AM

Meisaroku on
Meisaroku*GAGS!!!* Sorry!!! But i hate Tea. Don't hit or hate me!!! I'm a supporter of NekoaXYami (Nekoa=my friends OC) and RukiXYami and CassandraXYugi my other OCs

jonrio3 on December 18, 2005, 9:44:56 AM

jonrio3 on
jonrio3*jonrio kiss tea
tea revives

Shonen_Shoujo_Kid on November 29, 2005, 3:42:55 AM

Shonen_Shoujo_Kid on
Shonen_Shoujo_KidI just LOVE this couple too!

Yamikitten4390 on August 21, 2005, 11:16:25 PM

Yamikitten4390 on
Yamikitten4390I agree with u i think tea and Yami wud make a gr8 couple.
o & gr8 pic :D

RayaAnimeGirl on August 11, 2005, 6:56:20 AM

RayaAnimeGirl on
RayaAnimeGirlAww.. So cute. Teas the only one that can comfort Yami when hes mad...DemonThiefQueen!? I THOUGHT I KILLED YOU LAST TIME! DIE! *kills DemonThiefQueen and heals Tea* *Tea poses the same way she did before* Ah..Now everything is as it should be...*swat team arrives* NO, NOT AGAIN! Great piccy! AHHHHH!!! *runs from swat team* AHHHH!!!

Kichiko_the_Winged_Musha on May 30, 2005, 1:18:15 PM

Kichiko_the_Winged_Musha on
Kichiko_the_Winged_MushaB-e-a-utifulll!!! awesomes! fav couple!( Stop burning the kupl!!)
you always do great work. but is it just my com, or did tea die her hair? plz answer? or just ignore... awsomes!!>u< (lol!)

DemonTheifQueen on May 7, 2005, 11:53:24 AM

DemonTheifQueen on
DemonTheifQueenNO! GO DATE YAMI KURA HE'S THE ONLY ONE THAT I THINK REALLY LIKES YOU! *kicks Te'a in shins till she runs out with bloody knees* ^-^ That's better!

Yami:0___0 Did you just kick her?


Yami:And you were jelous cause she was moving onto me?

Me:Yea...ur point?

Yami:I thought you hated me!

Me:NOPE! ^-^ I only like to tease and torment and secretly crush on you! Wait......0_0 YOU HEARD NOTHING!

Yami:Yea right! I heard that! *cracks up laughing*

