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A Shivery Death

A Shivery Death

A Shivery Death by TheGameArtCritic
A Shivery Death by TheGameArtCritic


What, you thought i only did Sonic stuff? Well you're WRONG! Behold, my extremelly uncalled-for, and just as grusome "A Shivery Death".

I don't know where this idea came from. I had it after i went to the Academy of Art in San Fransisco. On the train back home, this idea came to mind, and refused to free itself from my cranium. So here is the result.

General Info

General Info

Category Miscellaneous » Macabre/Horror
Date Submitted
Views 1471
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 4
Comments 79
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken 1 day
Reference my hand


Comments (79)

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mechadragon13 on July 15, 2008, 6:28:30 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: NO ITS NOT!!! HE KILLED SOMEONE!!!

TheGameArtCritic on July 16, 2008, 8:03:42 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: nuh uh! Condemned did... kinda... he went all "stabby"

the ball-kick didn't kill the guy. It just scarred him for life XD

mechadragon13 on July 17, 2008, 3:30:52 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13uhh...... okay.... but yeah, it was condemned.

TheGameArtCritic on July 17, 2008, 11:41:32 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticstupid Condemned. Stupid stupid stupid stupid....

mechadragon13 on July 18, 2008, 7:16:56 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13stupid, stupid, stupid......

TheGameArtCritic on July 19, 2008, 3:49:57 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticCondemned: *comes in and kills us both*

Me: HEY!

Eclipse: OMG I'M SORRY!!!!

Me: *sigh*... the sad part of it all is that i can't yell at him or i'll feel bad about it afterwords...

mechadragon13 on July 19, 2008, 4:24:38 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13i know..................................

TheGameArtCritic on July 24, 2008, 1:42:46 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticme: it's not faaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiirrr.....

Eclipse: i SAID i was sorry... god...

mechadragon13 on July 26, 2008, 7:29:01 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13tis ok, clipsy ^^ condemned is dead now ^^

TheGameArtCritic on August 6, 2008, 12:19:39 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: no... no he's not...

Me: a true villain never dies.

mechadragon13 on August 7, 2008, 2:53:57 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13....darn it.

mechadragon13 on July 6, 2008, 6:08:20 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Fria: *rolls eyes* (she IS.)

Me: yes i am. although if eclipse want to be friends with fria, go ahead ^^

TheGameArtCritic on July 6, 2008, 10:53:48 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: cool. I... i don't need any friends...

Condemned: THATTA BOY! Please try to issolate yourself from others... they only allow HAPPINESS! *shudder*

Me: in a minute... i'm going to kick his @$$... if he HAS one...

mechadragon13 on July 7, 2008, 7:13:36 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: can i join you?

Fria: *rolls eyes* (gahh.....)

TheGameArtCritic on July 7, 2008, 10:23:49 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: sure ^^ of course, this may result in us going through him, and accidentally landing on Eclipse...

Eclipse: DON'T.

Condemned: ahahahahaha!!

mechadragon13 on July 8, 2008, 9:56:41 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: -_-; boo.

TheGameArtCritic on July 8, 2008, 2:32:53 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticme: the terror of the spirit that we could never touch...

mechadragon13 on July 9, 2008, 7:16:43 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: blargh. you stink. like cheese.

Twilight: uhh.... -_-'

TheGameArtCritic on July 9, 2008, 8:00:15 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticme: naw.. i'm just trying to find a way to protect a plot point.

mechadragon13 on July 9, 2008, 8:06:48 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: too true..... just like the fact that acid will never be caught....

Twilight: WHAT????????

Me: MIND WIPE!!!!!

TheGameArtCritic on July 9, 2008, 1:54:23 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: D:

Eclipse: what the hell? you were all smiley and crap, and now you're not!

Me: D:

Eclipse: i need an answer...

Me: D: -

Eclipse: *kills me*

mechadragon13 on July 10, 2008, 5:59:46 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: terrible i know...

TheGameArtCritic on July 10, 2008, 9:56:31 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticme: what's that? I'm dead.

Eclipse: OH GOD, NOW I KILLED CRITIC!!! *curls up into a tiny ball*

me: oh. my. GOD! *smacks him* it's ok to kill ME! Wait... that came out wrong...

mechadragon13 on July 11, 2008, 8:55:53 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: yes it did XD dont worry eclipse. *hugs*

TheGameArtCritic on July 11, 2008, 9:19:23 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: everything was fine when i lived in my little alleyway...

Me: you mean when you didn't have any friends? SHUT UP. *hits him with a sausage*

Eclipse:... the hell..?

Me: cheer up, emo ki -


Me: - id... *backs away slowly*

mechadragon13 on July 11, 2008, 9:32:35 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: she's right. having no friends does NOT make anything better..

TheGameArtCritic on July 12, 2008, 2:51:04 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: yes it does.


mechadragon13 on July 12, 2008, 4:07:06 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: no it doesnt. you STAY. otherwise you'll have people looking for you all the time! i know i will!!

TheGameArtCritic on July 12, 2008, 5:58:58 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: *DEATH GLARE AT MISH*

Me: hmmm... you can go, Eclipse... *quietly to self* but i know you'll be back... heh

mechadragon13 on July 12, 2008, 7:29:55 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: ...... fine. if you feel that way. *disappointed.... and sad....*

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2008, 6:12:14 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: *nods* When Lightning returns, I'm off.

Me: :'(

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2008, 6:24:13 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: ...... be quiet critic.

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2008, 6:34:05 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticme: i never said anything...

Eclipse: *kinda sad about his decision, but believes it's for the best*

mechadragon13 on July 13, 2008, 7:19:29 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: eclipse.... i can see you're not happy with your choice. you know we're always here for you.

TheGameArtCritic on July 13, 2008, 1:23:14 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: *bitterly* you won't be here when i accidentaly rip your arms off....

Me: gaahhh.... stop thinking like that...

mechadragon13 on July 14, 2008, 5:18:36 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: *teasingly* well, technically we are there if you're ripping our arms out XD *back to serious* what i'm trying to say is, dont think that just because you leave we'll forget you.....

TheGameArtCritic on July 14, 2008, 11:58:40 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: *left*

Me: he left. No... He's... in a city now... i don't know which one, but it's a city. I thinkhe's getting mugged.

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2008, 2:21:20 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: i hope he's ok..... *emo sad look*

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2008, 3:32:06 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: lol. He kneed one of them in the balls. Oh. Now he's in an Insane Asylum.

mechadragon13 on July 15, 2008, 5:12:51 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: OoO WHAT????????

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2008, 6:15:47 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: it was funny.

mechadragon13 on June 26, 2008, 7:53:34 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13O.O le-gasp!! its a freaky hand!! you should really color your pics more often!

TheGameArtCritic on June 26, 2008, 10:12:57 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticwow. everyone keeps saying that - i think it MEANS something.... hmmmm

mechadragon13 on June 27, 2008, 6:08:35 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13uhh, it means COLOR YOUR PICS!!!

Fria: *randomly appears* *small smile* (hmm..... i should try that sometime.....) *creepy evil smile of crazyness)

TheGameArtCritic on June 27, 2008, 6:09:48 AM

TheGameArtCritic on


mechadragon13 on June 27, 2008, 6:17:50 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: star wars references now??? gaah....

Fria: *quiet laugh* (i was just joking. by the way, did you know i have a brother? ^^)

TheGameArtCritic on June 27, 2008, 7:36:36 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticme: i did NOT! Who is he?

Eclipse: a brother? As in Twilight's brother as well? How facinating...

mechadragon13 on June 29, 2008, 12:11:09 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Fria: *shakes head* (oh no, twilly and i ain't blood related ^^)

Me: yes she does. hiz name is Scorch and he's an echidwolf. you know how i had you vote...?

TheGameArtCritic on June 30, 2008, 9:51:23 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticme: OMG YESH!!! So THAT'S what that was about!

Eclipse: hunghawha what?

me: *huggles Eclipse* oh nothing, you silly little possessed abandoned son of a hedgehog who was framed for murder ^^

Rosette: hey! He's touchy on that subject!

me: i know ^^

mechadragon13 on June 30, 2008, 9:55:07 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: yes. when im done with the RQs im on, i'll post his piccy ^^ its funny, he's the total opposite of fria.

Fria: *rolls eyes* (oh god. its true....... he can be quite chatty...)

TheGameArtCritic on June 30, 2008, 10:47:00 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticme: omfg lol. *squeezes Eclipse*


Me: but you inherited all of your father's huggableness!!! *hugs tighter*

Eclipse: *hisses at me*

Me: geez, what are you, a cat?

mechadragon13 on June 30, 2008, 10:48:27 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: hedgehogs can hiss ^^

Fria: *fanged smile* (and wolves can growl.) *low growl*

TheGameArtCritic on June 30, 2008, 11:08:34 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticme: huh. Didn't know that.

Eclipse: meeOOWWWRRRR!! *slashes at my face*

me: daww... *auto heal* now i have to kill you...

Eclipse: >:(

mechadragon13 on June 30, 2008, 11:11:00 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: aww.... dont kill the poor little hedgie....

Fria: *silent laugh* (HA! poor? i heard he almost clawed lightning's face off!)

TheGameArtCritic on June 30, 2008, 11:23:12 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: i did? *thinks*

me: was this when he was Mr. Rabies?

mechadragon13 on June 30, 2008, 11:26:19 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me+Fria: *nod nod*

TheGameArtCritic on June 30, 2008, 11:37:41 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: OH shoot I DID????????????? Gah... ah...naugh... omg Lighting.... *big frown of sad emoness*

Me: nice going there, ladies...

mechadragon13 on June 30, 2008, 11:50:06 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: no but you didnt hurt him! he's like, totally fine now.

fria: *evil smiley* (he wasnt right after eclipse bit him)

Me: *smack fria upside the head* SHUT UP!!

TheGameArtCritic on June 30, 2008, 12:05:34 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: :(((((((((((((

Me: chu made him all sad now...

Rosette: no no! Everthing's fine now, Eclipse, i swear!

mechadragon13 on June 30, 2008, 12:09:31 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: now look what you did fria! *darts her*

Fria: *lets out an audible yelp* (HEY!! whoo......) *falls*


TheGameArtCritic on June 30, 2008, 12:20:16 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticme: no, it's a sign of the apocolypse.

Eclipse: :(((((((((((((((((((((((

Rosette: no. Seriously. No one got hurt, Eclipse.

mechadragon13 on July 1, 2008, 12:28:07 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13me: yeah dont listen to her, everyone's fine ^^

TheGameArtCritic on July 1, 2008, 2:32:30 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: are you sure..?

Rosette: positive! Cheer up, emo kid!

Eclipse: uh... fine.

Me: :D

mechadragon13 on July 1, 2008, 4:15:41 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: positively absolutely.

Fria: *gets up rubbing shoulder where dart hit* (oww..... what the frick was that for??)

TheGameArtCritic on July 1, 2008, 9:34:42 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticme: whelp, Fria... you were makin' Eclipse all sad and emo. That's the LAST thing we wanna do!

Eclipse: no sunlight... no sunlight...

Me: oh great... now he's singing emo songs!

mechadragon13 on July 2, 2008, 4:49:52 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Fria: *silent "legasp"* (oh my god i'm sorry!!!! i didnt mean it! i was just joking around!!)

Me: huh. she actually means this. its not often she gives an apology like that XD

TheGameArtCritic on July 3, 2008, 2:34:18 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticme: dawww... that's cute...

Eclipse: meh ok. I'm usually emo because of HER *points to me* i hate your guts...

me: oh i know... XD

mechadragon13 on July 4, 2008, 5:04:41 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Fria: *sad* (i know... but still.... sorry bout that..)

Me: O.O is it just me, or is fria turning nice? i think its cuz she just made a friend....

TheGameArtCritic on July 5, 2008, 1:54:38 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticme: DAWWWWW!!! Eclipse and Fria are friends? DAWWWW!!!

Eclipse: i think she may be refering to someone else.

WhiteLighting681 on June 25, 2008, 3:34:10 AM

WhiteLighting681 on
WhiteLighting681Whaoz, you should color more often <3 Love the ice effects <3

TheGameArtCritic on June 25, 2008, 3:46:34 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticthanks! I get no ice here in California, so it was hard to remeber exactly what snow looked like.

I guessed

WhiteLighting681 on June 25, 2008, 11:16:39 AM

WhiteLighting681 on
WhiteLighting681Lol. It's Winter here in Austrailia. <3

ShadowsGirlfriend1_0 on June 25, 2008, 1:22:40 AM

ShadowsGirlfriend1_0 on
ShadowsGirlfriend1_0LOL APPLAUSE FOR YOU XD
I was so not expecting that awesome hand of death :D It's like the snow just went OM NO NOM and it was over for that poor son of gun! Ha, wonderful pic, i luff it :3

TheGameArtCritic on June 25, 2008, 3:47:27 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticomg! ROFL!

lolcat reference.

yes the snow went OM NOM NOM.

just like the polarbears went OM NOM NOM to teh fishies.

ShadowsGirlfriend1_0 on June 25, 2008, 4:01:16 AM

ShadowsGirlfriend1_0 on
ShadowsGirlfriend1_0LMAO 8D And along with WhiteLighting681, I think ju should colorz more often! You got skillz, if you don't mind me saying *nods* Soon I may do traditional art instead of photoshop, cause I know how to use color pencils CORRECTLY now :>

TheGameArtCritic on June 25, 2008, 4:32:57 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCritici did not know there was an incorrect way to color something... well... besides scribbling red pencils all over the paper whilst screaming "I COLOR YU RED TA MAKE YU PRETTEH!!"


I just freaked myself out.

Falconlobo on June 24, 2008, 11:40:11 PM

Falconlobo on
Falconlobowow cool^^ nice job

TheGameArtCritic on June 25, 2008, 12:55:24 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticthank you. I believe this one has meaning... er... like... "be afraid of the snow, like you were with trees and the Happening"

Falconlobo on June 25, 2008, 1:02:18 AM

Falconlobo on
Falconloboi never heard of that^^