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Sonic Fan Char Meme

Sonic Fan Char Meme

Sonic Fan Char Meme by TheGameArtCritic
Sonic Fan Char Meme by TheGameArtCritic


This is my first meme EVAR. That's pretty cool considering I never thought I would have the time NOR patience to do one.

Cool. I wanna do moar now. :3

General Info

General Info

Category Miscellaneous » Memetic
Date Submitted
Views 1596
Favorites... 6
Vote Score 7
Comments 24
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken 1 hour 30 minutes
Reference none


Comments (24)

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ShadowsGirlfriend1_0 on April 15, 2009, 12:10:27 PM

ShadowsGirlfriend1_0 on
ShadowsGirlfriend1_0OMG you gots bettererer-er :3 No seriously, you need to draw moar so I can lust over your skill moar @w@
Daww Eclipse's gets the Faker Treatment too xD;; All OC's get it I guess. I especially love his face in question 3. Just wanna smush him with luff~

Dammit, you just made me want to do another meme XD This time with Axel only then! He needs more spotlight, yes!

TheGameArtCritic on April 15, 2009, 2:12:31 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticYay, Axel!

Thanks for the comic, SG!... ... Please continue working on 10 years later: Remake... I... REALLY want to see an ending...

ShadowsGirlfriend1_0 on April 15, 2009, 2:58:01 PM

ShadowsGirlfriend1_0 on
ShadowsGirlfriend1_0I really want to see it too o_o As much as I like to play the whole story in my head, I'd like it better to share it with others. Must..stop..making excuses for self >.<

TheGameArtCritic on April 15, 2009, 3:24:14 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticwell, meanwhile, are you going to remake Dirty's Crazy Game? That chappie made me lmao.

ShadowsGirlfriend1_0 on April 16, 2009, 6:48:54 AM

ShadowsGirlfriend1_0 on
ShadowsGirlfriend1_0Waugh, I personally dislike that chapter xD;; I'm not even sure why, I just do o.o
Seeing that many people approved of it though, I'll have to do something about it. Can't let the fans down lol

TheGameArtCritic on April 16, 2009, 8:48:37 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticNo, less they come after you with blow torches.

le gasp!

mechadragon13 on April 15, 2009, 12:27:17 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13AND YOU SAID YOU WOUDN'T DO A MEME. >8(

I KEEL J00!!

btw, i found a GREAT one on DA, i'll find it and send it to you XD

TheGameArtCritic on April 15, 2009, 2:12:55 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticoh ok :D

Hey, I might do the fanservice meme.

mechadragon13 on April 15, 2009, 9:37:52 PM

mechadragon13 on

mechadragon13 on April 16, 2009, 6:00:35 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13......that response was involuntary ^^;

ShadzGirl on April 15, 2009, 10:16:39 PM

ShadzGirl on
Bunny rabbit 'ClipseyX3333
THat's cute>w<
I think 'Clipsey's had more then one embarrassing moment
Hint,hint licking StrikeXP.....

Darkecho on April 15, 2009, 2:22:30 PM

Darkecho on
Darkechothis made me lmao

TheGameArtCritic on April 15, 2009, 2:24:08 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticGlad it did :D

.. ...

I fuggin LOVE your avatar.

Darkecho on April 15, 2009, 2:24:39 PM

Darkecho on


THANK YOU if only i made it, i'd be flattered more :b

mangakid on April 15, 2009, 12:47:49 PM

mangakid on
Comment Deleted

TheGameArtCritic on April 15, 2009, 2:13:12 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticthanks! ^^

Falconlobo on April 15, 2009, 12:28:33 PM

Falconlobo on
Falconlobogreat expressions^^

Aizoku_TheJoker on April 15, 2009, 11:42:53 AM

Aizoku_TheJoker on
Aizoku_TheJokerI am loving the explosions of expressions you've used in this meme~
Great job!

TheGameArtCritic on April 15, 2009, 11:48:26 AM

TheGameArtCritic on

matthespeedstar on April 15, 2009, 11:40:20 AM

matthespeedstar on
matthespeedstarI saw xMetaKnightx do this on DA with her OC, Venus.

TheGameArtCritic on April 15, 2009, 11:48:03 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticyeah, that's where I found it.

WillHawk14 on April 15, 2009, 11:24:18 AM

WillHawk14 on
WillHawk14LoL XD Best Character Meme evar! He's just a WEEEEEEEEEEE bit paranoid eh?

TheGameArtCritic on April 15, 2009, 11:32:59 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticyes, yes he is. XD

I'm having fun with these memes. You should expect more soon.

WillHawk14 on April 15, 2009, 11:33:42 AM

WillHawk14 on
WillHawk14Yay! Yours are funny^^