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Flip, Dandy-style

Flip, Dandy-style

Flip, Dandy-style by TheWolfy
Flip, Dandy-style by TheWolfy


I'm rather happy with how this turned out. ^3^ It's t3h evil Flip-meister again, this time dandy style, i.e. male gothic lolita stlye.

Colored with sharpies and prismacolor pencils. The uneven coloring on his suit is due to my black sharpie's slow (and untimely) death. I actually had to crop a bit off where I couldn't finish coloring it.

Comments make Meredith happy, happy, happy. >:D HAPPY HAPPY!

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Characters (Kemonomimi) » Male (Shonen)
Date Submitted
Views 1552
Favorites... 4
Vote Score 0
Comments 11
Media Ink or markers
Time Taken 3+ hours


Comments (11)

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hvite_angel on August 27, 2006, 3:14:49 PM

hvite_angel on
hvite_angelOH MY GOD!! this is AWESOME! your style is amazing!! O.O
i like her hair the most i think! sooo many details! And her eyes are BEATIFULL!! n_n

good job!

Animegirl2429 on July 28, 2006, 12:49:21 PM

Animegirl2429 on
Animegirl2429i love lolita. i'm actually trying to design lolita clothing...but its rather difficult >_<

i aodre hi hair. that is my fav part i think. and the lace on his shirt is awesome!

Kerushi on July 13, 2006, 12:30:20 PM

Kerushi on
KerushiDid I comment on this before? Something about it seems familiar, but not really o_0
It's really awesome though!!! I ADORE dandies :D his cravat is to die for! And those lips! uwah~
I still envy your sharpie skill.
Awww and you make me so happy with all your comments. They really do mean a lot to me, especially because you write more than just "cool"" or whatever. Can I draw you a picture? Tell me something you want me to draw for you and I'll do it, kay? :)
Won't be up for a while cuz my grandma doens't have a scanner but, hey...I want to thank you for being so nice to me :3

wolfofdeath on June 20, 2006, 2:26:55 AM

wolfofdeath on
wolfofdeathwell M I like this one O forgot to introduce myself nelly is the name like it A LOT!!!!!

youkainokitsunei on June 18, 2006, 4:17:23 AM

youkainokitsunei on
youkainokitsuneiwow..he has awsome hair!!! I love EVERYTHING about this picture! and I love that hat! *adds to faves*

Meisaroku on June 18, 2006, 3:13:08 AM

Meisaroku on
MeisarokuWow he's hot. ^^

KichigaiNeko-Chan on June 17, 2006, 3:59:34 PM

KichigaiNeko-Chan on
KichigaiNeko-ChanDear holy mother of abraham lincoln! Im friggin flipping on the hat, lady! I love it! xD An hez haiiir, all shimmy shinny shwaaay~! Oh! And thank you for the comments, they were delectably pleasing... ;3

TheWolfy on June 14, 2006, 2:42:37 AM

TheWolfy on
TheWolfyActually, he's not that evil. XD But he's extremely impulsive and slightly bipolar. And enjoys making people think that he's a bit. . . twisted.

He is sooo fun to draw. 8D

sesshy_lil_gurl on June 12, 2006, 2:55:16 AM

sesshy_lil_gurl on
sesshy_lil_gurlthat is amazing. I love it..favs...keep up the great work.

Trinity_Fire on June 11, 2006, 3:40:03 PM

Trinity_Fire on
Trinity_FireOooh, snap, I do have to say, I absolutely love your Flip baby. :) Is he really so evil?? XD
Ooooooooooooooh, man. His pretty pretty lovely expression, I just love those types, eheheh... and the hair! O__O Bfweh, that hair is just muchas awesomeness! :o
And, and the lovely shading and highlights, and his awesome design with the makeup and whatnot, stunningly gorgeous. X)
Rawr, the outfit looks fine from here. :3 Damn sexy. XD
I wuuuuuuuuuuuuvs him~! Uber-uke-eatable bish-kit-boy he is! ^_______________^-
You doi deserve comments, it makes me sad that you don't get the comments you deserve. ;___; Keep it up~!