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Slade's Identity Revealed!

Slade's Identity Revealed!

Slade's Identity Revealed! by Titansluvr
Slade's Identity Revealed! by Titansluvr


Okay, this picture probably needs an explaination.<br />
I have a well studied theory suggesting that this is how it goes:<br />
Alright, so Robin was Batman's sidekick and they kicked butt together, but after a while Robin decided he didn't want to be a dumb sidekick anymore, so he fixed the shiny combed-hair-nightmare,threw away those hideous green underwear that were way too tight, put on some pants, and joined the Teen Titans. Batman was ticked off, and when Robin left him, he devised a plan to get back at Robin, by becoming(dun dun dun!) Slade, an evil villian who, well did evil stuff.<br />
Batman wanted vengeance! Mwa ha ha!

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Category Cartoons » Teen Titans » Villains » Slade
Date Submitted
Views 3694
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Comments 28
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Comments (28)

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jericho on April 16, 2006, 10:02:43 PM

jericho on
jerichoLots of people seem to think that Bruce what's-it is Slade. I don't personally but before I knew about Jericho (cue dreamy sigh) I thought Slade was definiatly going to be connected to Robin some how. Also the thought of Slade going gushy on Robin scares me. Slade's way to much of a womaniser to like Robin! Robin can love Slade though..

Kita_Sessygirl on March 22, 2006, 12:25:11 PM

Kita_Sessygirl on
Kita_SessygirlEven though he is evil, you can tell who he was with the clues.I think slade is cute. :P

Spiral on January 19, 2006, 11:47:18 AM

Spiral on
Spiralhaha that would be funny if it were true after i saw apprentice and i think before i thought slade was robins farther there was also a period when i thought slade was ravens farther i was wrong with rave but i still could be right about robin they could change it from the comics theve changed some of the other things from the comic ya never know well just havta wait^^

cptShort on January 9, 2006, 5:09:35 AM

cptShort on
cptShortHave you never SEEN Bruce's chin? It's his most prominant feature, so it's hard to miss. And no, I don't look at people's chins much (if that's what you asked), but the mighty chin-o-doom on s-man is so huge, and the mask is so normally shaped, it wouls never fit. Anyone can see that.

Unless... maybe... his chin was fake? o.o

beastgirl on December 20, 2005, 10:58:08 PM

beastgirl on
beastgirlyou focus thaeoples chins?!?

cptShort on October 29, 2005, 11:14:55 AM

cptShort on
cptShortI find it odd that your explanation is so plausible... but I know one thing that disproves your theory.

There's no way Bruce's chin could ever fit in that mask!

Teen_Titans_Lynx on October 26, 2005, 7:03:08 AM

Teen_Titans_Lynx on
Teen_Titans_Lynxumm... did you mean that as an insult? I hope not, I don't try to be weird, I think I was just really hyper when I wrote that. I'm sorry if I weirded you out or something...

anime_angela on October 20, 2005, 11:07:09 AM

anime_angela on
anime_angelaI KNEW IT!!!
nice picture!

Titansluvr on October 15, 2005, 6:24:16 AM

Titansluvr on
TitansluvrWow I thought I was weird...

Teen_Titans_Lynx on October 14, 2005, 5:36:17 AM

Teen_Titans_Lynx on
Teen_Titans_LynxGood job, you drew bruce very well. Many people like the thought of Slade being Bruce Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

Personally, I never thought Slade was Robin's father or bruce. I fell in love with Slade almosy imediantly and never gave him any relation to Robin , though I do remember I used to think his name was something other other than Slade (I think I used to call him James something) anyway, then I fell in love with the comics and since then he's always been my Sladey Wilson.