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Angry Young Vash Cel

Angry Young Vash Cel

Angry Young Vash Cel by TsukiNoNeko
Angry Young Vash Cel by TsukiNoNeko


Another cel I made for selling! This one came out a MILLION times better then my Naruto cel. I completely perfected my printing technique, and because it looked so much better, I took more time and made more of an effort in painting him. I think he came out damn good, and I hope that'll make him sell better.<br />
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I'm not sure what episode this is from exactly, but as you can see, Vash is but a child here, and very angry. About what, I couldn't tell you.<br />
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Acrylics painted on clear acetate. Same applies as what I said on the Naruto cel, about not asking me whether I did this on a computer, because by saying I PAINTED it on, I clearly did it all by hand.<br />
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Please comment, and check the message boards for the auction listing!

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Trigun » Vash
Date Submitted
Views 5177
Favorites... 42
Vote Score 0
Comments 29
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (29)

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TsukiNoNeko on August 1, 2003, 4:45:20 AM

TsukiNoNeko on
TsukiNoNekoClear acetate, yes, it's sort of like thin sheets of plastic. And about the paint, no, in fact, the thicker the paint, the better I find it works for me. When the paint is thin, you tend to be able to see right through it, and it looks really bad.

Jazzdevil on July 31, 2003, 9:00:45 PM

Jazzdevil on
JazzdevilHey now this is good! And what a whine, you`r on my fav list too... <br />
So, this is made on transparent acetate... that`s like plastic right? Doesn`t acrylic paint need to be thinned with... ahh... don`t remember the word... damn... well anyway with that kind of stuff like petrol/thinner? Must be kinda hard to make those?

Yusuke_SprtDtctv on July 29, 2003, 8:14:34 PM

Yusuke_SprtDtctv on
Yusuke_SprtDtctvFrom Rem Saverem!! It was on last night!! ^^ Dude, this is AMAZING!!!!! YOU ARE REALLY TALENTED!!

ZerikaZaheroux on July 28, 2003, 2:47:29 AM

ZerikaZaheroux on
ZerikaZaherouxyeah, i've checked, and you are on a lot of people's!! trust me, i always look, and i always see at least 1 of your pics in their favorites lists, see, you are popular!

TsukiNoNeko on July 28, 2003, 2:14:17 AM

TsukiNoNeko on
TsukiNoNekoNo, I'm not. :P I seriously checked. I saw you at least a dozen times, but I didn't see me onces, except on yours and Liz's and Chrys'.

ZerikaZaheroux on July 28, 2003, 2:06:29 AM

ZerikaZaheroux on
ZerikaZaherouxyou kidding me? you are on alot of people's favorites lists!! (heh, besides my own) and another wonderful work!! it looks good!

Live17 on July 28, 2003, 12:16:00 AM

Live17 on
Live17I like your art allot And you are one of my fav artist Your art is always good Your just amazing this pic is amazing Great job keep up the awesome @$$ work!!!!! ;-)

TsukiNoNeko on July 27, 2003, 11:43:03 PM

TsukiNoNeko on
TsukiNoNekoNow I feel special! *_* No one has me on their favourite list! I've checked! I feel so unloved, thank you!<br />
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Maybe it would help though if more people got to see my art. I just uploaded this about 5 minutes ago and it's already half-way down the list on the most recent uploads. *glares*

PhunkYMunkY on July 27, 2003, 11:29:54 PM

PhunkYMunkY on
PhunkYMunkYdude he looks pissed! thats amazing... hand drawn too! fantastic!! definately some of the best work here... *favouritised*