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Self Portrait 2006

Self Portrait 2006

Self Portrait 2006 by TsukiNoNeko
Self Portrait 2006 by TsukiNoNeko


Well well well. It that time of year again? Yes, it is. Time for Allie to post another self portrait.

I've been trying to post one every year now for the past three or four years. This would be Allie Katz circa 2006. I don't think I change much from year to year, but who cares? I think it better exhibits how my skills change. So to you nay-sayers: HA!

This was actually done as the final project for my Digital Illustration II class. I think I'll be okay, and it'll be an A in the hole. But wish me luck anyway. A's are good.

To explain this a little: I wanted to integrate flat vector imaging with gradient mesh to get a nifty stylized look. If you aren't familiar with gradient mesh, it is a vector function that allows you to use a grid to place points of colour that blend seamlessly with each other. That's what creates the soft, painted look. The blocky look is flat vector.

Damn though. This was a tedious one. But it sure takes less thought to do myself. After all, I already know what I look like!

Time Elapsed: 20+ hours
Size: N/A
Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator CS2

General Info

General Info

Category Real People » Self
Date Submitted
Views 5340
Favorites... 25
Vote Score 2
Comments 43
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken 20 hours


Comments (43)

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luckylace222 on June 11, 2008, 6:14:24 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222xD OMG! Your look wonderful!

TheTangoMaureen on February 14, 2007, 6:37:37 AM

TheTangoMaureen on
TheTangoMaureenWow, that's amazing. I have no idea how you did this! Fantastic! *faves*

fruitsbasketfan on October 13, 2006, 11:29:41 PM

fruitsbasketfan on
fruitsbasketfanwow,that rocks!!!!!

kairiandsora4ever on October 8, 2006, 10:19:41 AM

kairiandsora4ever on
kairiandsora4everTAG YOUR IT!

Vamppz on October 7, 2006, 11:06:36 AM

Vamppz on
VamppzThat's so cool.
I really like how some spots looks real, like the top of the hair, the eye, and the hand; and it's cool how the other parts look like vectors.
It's just really awesome.

ray_lover100 on October 7, 2006, 4:52:32 AM

ray_lover100 on
ray_lover100whoa tahts frackin good, lol i love how u madethe colors cahnge in the lil white squarres, and i love how good u did gthe hands, lol i drew a portrait of me but it looks liek crap, so i most likely wont post it up, im not that good of a realism artist lol i suck at shading, but neway who caeres bout me!!!!!!! GREAT PIC!! -faves-

SSOD on October 5, 2006, 4:26:05 AM

SSODcool!! ^ ^ your pic is on the main page!! ^ ^ yay!! *runs in circles*

tailslover300 on October 5, 2006, 3:10:22 AM

tailslover300 on
tailslover300wow thts pretty good

stippie on October 3, 2006, 10:45:25 PM

stippie on
stippieit's really good! *favs*

Touzoku-joou on October 3, 2006, 4:01:21 PM

Touzoku-joou on
Comment Deleted

TsukiNoNeko on October 3, 2006, 4:08:08 PM

TsukiNoNeko on
TsukiNoNekoEhhh, that would be my own fault I suppose. The more points in a gradient mesh, the more realistic the outcome. Since I did each finger individually, there were far more points than in the face, since the face was only split into a few parts. It seems so much more daunting to do that sort of ratio of points on a large chunk of mesh, as opposed to a finger. But I so liked how good the hand came out! I guess I shouldn't have made it so real though. XD