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Leon/Claire by VampireWarith
Leon/Claire by VampireWarith


Leon/Claire: When it first Started
In RE2 I thought it was going to happen, it would have made a lot more sense if it did. The writer of the Resident Evil novels, S.D. Perry, was able to do more with them. While they are non-canon, but a writer like her had to go with what made sense.

Leon is the strong, nice, quiet, understanding, trusting, loving, sweet, sometimes serious and sometimes funny young man. Claire is the strong, sometimes independent, caring, loving, sweet and funny young woman.

Opposites Don't Attract
This whole thing with Leon and Ada and Claire and Steve is like they're trying to have that whole thing of opposites attracting and trying to have characters falling in love in a matter of seconds or hours... and it just doesn't work. Well opposites don't attract, they "attack" and that's what happen to Leon.
Studies have shown that more and more people look for things that they have in common with others. Look how much Leon and Claire have in common and this whole thing with Leon... and Ashley doesn't make any sense at all and the fact that he blew her off shows that's not going to happen. Then there are RE pairings that some people base on nothing like... Leon and Angela and Claire and Wesker (sick fracks).

Unlike Leon/Claire... Ada has nothing in common with Leon. She already had a boyfriend, John, and she really didn't care when he died, she got over him pretty quickly, she was just using him, like what she does Leon. She left Leon when he got shot, used Leon twice to retrieve a sample of the G-virus and the Las Plagas. She withheld the truth from him up until her "death" in RE2, she still didn't tell him the truth in RE4 and openly admits that he's an asset in one of her reports.

"Ada carried out her own orders by using Leon, and Leon was at Ada's mercy. They don't regard each other with hostility, but neither a clear friendship nor love is seen. The two's relationship would look strange to others."
Strange is not a big enough word... she's untrusting, uncaring and she's the type of character who lies so many times you can never ever be sure if she's telling the truth or not. You'll never know when she'll backstab you.

What happens in RE2, RE4 and 6 is proof of all of that, Leon is none of these things. These two couldn't be any more different. Leon is the type of person who wants to do the right thing and that's shown in every RE game that he's been in and in Degeneration where he says
"I'm gonna scrub this virus from the face of the earth."
It's the same thing with Claire, she's a member of Terrasave, an organization that handles search and rescue at chemical and biological attacks. Ada is not that type of person at all, she doesn't think of others, she thinks of only herself. Whatever Leon and Ada had... it wasn't love or even a partnership. How can you even have a partnership with someone you can't even trust at all??
Leon and Claire are fully able to trust each other and that was shown in RE: Degeneration. The short team-up and scenes between them... well unlike Leon and Ada, there was no mistrust and no lying. Leon and Claire didn't get into a physical fight where they hold a gun or a knife threatening to kill each other. Leon didn't act like some stupid immature pervert jackass punk and Claire wasn't a dog and wasn't going to backstab him. A Leon and Ada team-up is a crappy one, you can barely call it a team-up. Now with Leon and Claire... everything works, it's a team-up that works very well. Although like I said, it was a short team-up, but nevertheless a team-up that worked far better.

Leon and Ada's History
Leon and Ada were only with each other for only a few minutes or hours at the most in RE2.

6 years go by of these two of not seeing or hearing from each other at all. In RE4 they are once again with each other for a short time. The fact that they got into a fight and are ready to kill each other doesn't say a whole lot for them as a couple or as partners.

7 years go by until 2011, but she just leaves him to fight for himself again, and it's not as if he can't take care of himself, but she doesn't care. As for what was said in Behind the Scenes of RE: Damnation… keep in mind the writer pretty much knew nothing about the series going into the project, and his comment about the line is his own fracking head-canon. Capcom wouldn't let him write any Leon and Ada romance, so he just added in that line to satisfy himself.

2 years later in 2013 and it's the same thing all over again.
That's supposed to be some type of love relationship history between these two??? Give me a fracking break! What do some people see in this type of shootty writing???? It's the same thing between Leon and Angela and Claire and Steve, it's not believable one bit and the fact that little punk tried to take advantage of Claire when she was asleep showed what a sick little frack he was. Now if Leon and Claire did end up together in RE2 or RE: D during that same time span... it would have had two people who are more right for each other but I would still criticize it for it happening too fast.

I don't care how well written it is or how anyone puts it (it's never well-written at all because it's entirely unrealistic in every single way), you don't fall in love with a person within a few seconds or minutes of knowing a person. When you love someone that means you nearly know everything about them, if not everything, who they are, where them came from, what there like, what they do, what they like or don't like, what they believe or don't believe in, what there past was like for them like there childhood and so on. Love... real love takes time, months or years... not within hours, minutes, or seconds. Why some people try to make sense out of that crap, falling in love in the blink of an eye and making it seem realistic in a fan fiction story... I don't it get...

Steve was just 17 years old... he knew nothing of love and knew nothing about Claire, he only liked what he saw. He was thinking with his dick and when he looked at her @$$. Steve he tried to steal a kiss from Claire when she was asleep and that's pretty low for someone to try and do. That just shows how much of a dumb pathetic loser he is.... or was (Steve fans either sympathies, ignore or make excuses for such behavior. Even when such a thing happens in real life they try to make it seem that anybody would do that... it just goes to show how sick some people are). It's something a lot of Steve fans ignore or make excuses for.

How is Claire supposes to relate or be with someone who's that immature, annoying, whiny, cocky, hypocritical, fracks up all the time, and a perverted loser???? What the hell do people see in those two being together???? Hell, Sherry during RE2 showed more maturity than Steve, are these character traits that Claire or any woman looks for in a man?????? Although he wasn't a man, he was still a child.

Claire's voice actress, Alyson Court, said that she had only motherly feelings for him, like she had for Sherry. In the Code Veronica novel, again I know it's non-canon, but S.D. Perry had to make sense of those scenes, Claire only thought of Steve like a kid brother, "He was a good-looking guy, definitely, but she'd spent most of the last twelve hours thinking of him as an obnoxious kid brother - not exactly easy to get past, even if she wanted to."

Incompetent Writers
The people who make the Resident Evil games say they want to make as many RE games as there are James Bond films, then they never should have been any romance going on in any of the games. Not with a storyline that's trying to have events going on that only last a few hours.

Final Thoughts
Now having said all that I know and understand that the world of Resident Evil is not the real world, it's fiction, it's a fantasy type of world, not everything is going to happen the way it does in the real world, but not everything in a storyline can be complete fiction on all levels of a story. There can be too much fantasy, to the point where it gets ridiculous.

You know some people have copy and paste word-for-word with what I've said but I don't care... but then there are those who steal your work (3 times), like the people at Deviantart. Beware of such users like SimsManWeekly and sweetdreamsdmc. Now others have asked if they could link this picture to wherever, and I said "yes" but those people asked. Now I might say "No" and I might say "Yes", but you have to ask.

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Genre » - Macabre (Horror) games » Resident Evil » Couples/Pairings
Date Submitted
Views 13927
Favorites... 20
Vote Score 13
Comments 12
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Comments (12)

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mikeroach113 on June 16, 2007, 8:41:50 AM

mikeroach113 on
mikeroach113Please do more Leon x Claire artwork! They are a sexy couple together! And there's hardly any other pics of them like this out there!

sweetXcatastrophe on February 21, 2007, 4:48:04 PM

sweetXcatastrophe on
sweetXcatastrophei know this picture is really old and your probably wont even read this comment, but holy crap i totally agree with you. not only do i love the picture, i love the description.

it feels good to not be the only one that mentioned the little spark from S.D. Perry's book.

seriously though wonderful picture and description.

VampireWarith on February 22, 2007, 12:27:33 AM

VampireWarith on
VampireWarithI always read reviews I get no matter how old the picture is. So thank you for the review. It's always good to find another fan (in this case Leon&Claire) who agrees with you.

"it feels good to not be the only one that mentioned the little spark from S.D. Perry's book."

I wonder what else she would have done with them if she went on with the story.

montypythonfan87 on May 31, 2006, 9:09:49 AM

montypythonfan87 on

mikeroach113 on March 5, 2006, 8:54:55 AM

mikeroach113 on
mikeroach113Mmm, hot.

inuyasha_fan2 on August 23, 2005, 6:17:42 PM

inuyasha_fan2 on
inuyasha_fan2leon and claire i love them good job faves

Linklover91 on May 26, 2005, 1:45:55 PM

Linklover91 on
Linklover91im jealous of this picture, its so... romantic.. *sniffles* i love it.

serenityflame on March 18, 2005, 10:12:49 AM

serenityflame on
serenityflameim a leon&claire fan too cool!!!*faves*

Darkmasterbabe on March 18, 2005, 3:42:55 AM

Darkmasterbabe on
DarkmasterbabeThis came out Perfectly leon looks cute. Goodwork *favs*

emereldstone on February 22, 2005, 8:07:15 AM

emereldstone on
emereldstoneI'm a Leon Me fan but if I were to chose game characters only I'd be Leon Claire too. Great Pic

jill-valentine on December 3, 2004, 11:31:05 AM

jill-valentine on
jill-valentineO_O wow! I like this!*adds to favs*