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Stainless by beastofoblivion
Stainless by beastofoblivion


Stainless.<br />
<br />
Prints of Red Dragon, Stainless, and the upcomming Shard will be available after the third dragon is done. <br />
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Artwork © Allison Theus 2004

General Info

General Info

Category Fantasy » Dragons
Date Submitted
Views 5168
Favorites... 99
Vote Score 5
Comments 36
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (36)

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lashanta22 on July 30, 2009, 5:21:03 PM

lashanta22 on
lashanta22amazing!!! i cant believe that you got all that detail in there!!

Doxheart on April 15, 2009, 1:55:16 PM

Doxheart on

shewolf2118 on January 14, 2009, 8:29:09 AM

shewolf2118 on
shewolf2118your sooooooooooo good !!

darkwolf333 on January 14, 2009, 7:07:21 AM

darkwolf333 on
darkwolf333wow again and other fantastic dragon. so detailed

beccaboo on December 20, 2008, 12:20:01 AM

beccaboo on

Empis on August 2, 2007, 11:06:50 PM

Empis on

kogalover2013 on July 15, 2007, 4:08:11 PM

kogalover2013 on
kogalover2013awsome favs

xKakashixandxKisax on November 10, 2006, 8:38:05 AM

xKakashixandxKisax on

HimuraKamatari on October 29, 2006, 7:24:06 AM

HimuraKamatari on

ZaneDragon102 on September 11, 2006, 12:29:50 PM

ZaneDragon102 on
ZaneDragon102DAT IS TIGHT YO DAT IS TIGHT *zane smiles and nods and i nods back*

komodozack on July 25, 2006, 2:55:41 AM

komodozack on
komodozackthis is just to...words fail me.... this muct of taken ages! this deserves a faves for sure!

ZidanesGirl on June 19, 2006, 2:00:42 PM

ZidanesGirl on
ZidanesGirltruely awesome *adds to faves*

Goddess_Of_Destiny1230 on March 14, 2006, 8:17:43 PM

Goddess_Of_Destiny1230 on

Windshadows on January 26, 2006, 10:30:44 AM

Windshadows on
WindshadowsHow do you make it look so real?It's amazing!!

LinkDragodius on May 10, 2005, 4:37:27 PM

LinkDragodius on
LinkDragodiusI'm going to eat you... And not in any kind of Sexual or Vorish way.... o.o;; Wait... what am I saying? BAH!!

FireWind on April 10, 2005, 10:43:41 AM

FireWind on
FireWindyet another one of your piccys that i have fallen in love with...GREAT JOB! Spectacular!

dragonnis_human_slayer on November 5, 2004, 3:48:58 PM

dragonnis_human_slayer on
dragonnis_human_slayerhow? Man I love it, I don't see how you can draw so well GREAT JOB

greyhound on October 2, 2004, 3:17:57 AM

greyhound on
greyhoundawww bery nice *pats dragon**dragon eats hand* AAHHHH!!!

Koolkat6968 on September 27, 2004, 12:43:11 AM

Koolkat6968 on
Koolkat6968THAT"S AWESOME!!!

ILoveDanR on August 28, 2004, 12:56:13 AM

ILoveDanR on
ILoveDanRKeep at it! These pictures are great!*Adds on to favoritess*

sooty on August 25, 2004, 1:57:10 AM

sooty on

chrislock on August 24, 2004, 3:08:56 AM

chrislock on

Anime-Chick on August 22, 2004, 1:34:17 AM

Anime-Chick on
Anime-Chickthis is just amazing..i don't know what else to say..i hate it to be one of the last revieuwers..but anyway..i hope you'll read this..IT'S AWESOME!!! YOUR AWESOME!!

SquareSoft_wannaBe on August 13, 2004, 11:18:32 AM

SquareSoft_wannaBe on
SquareSoft_wannaBe .... *jaw drops to the floor*

yuyuyasha33 on August 9, 2004, 12:07:29 AM

yuyuyasha33 on
yuyuyasha33Your masterpieces have owned my soul...KEWL! Ah-ha, the Elder Dragon (that's what I thought when I saw the beard)! xD Seriously, you are the coup de gras of artists! Lovin' the tail.

uriko78 on August 6, 2004, 10:08:21 AM

uriko78 on
uriko78your work PWN's me

Sawyer on August 5, 2004, 5:46:12 PM

Sawyer on
Sawyerwow, you're so good at this dragon thing. keep it up.

Sawyer on August 5, 2004, 5:46:10 PM

Sawyer on
Sawyerwow, you're so good at this dragon thing. keep it up.

Slayeden on May 27, 2004, 2:35:58 PM

Slayeden on
SlayedenYou make dragons beautiful.

BlackWolf on May 23, 2004, 2:08:10 AM

BlackWolf on
BlackWolfwow! beautiful work! there should be a whole lot more comments though; i think you deserve them. ^^ the coloring is awesome, and the creative way you drew the dragon just adds to everything. well done!

SailorMars on May 7, 2004, 11:19:15 PM

SailorMars on

StrikeClaw on April 4, 2004, 5:00:59 AM

StrikeClaw on
StrikeClawHe looks old I meen the dragon not the pic. The pic is so amazing. *faves*

Hearsegurl on March 27, 2004, 11:39:28 PM

Hearsegurl on
HearsegurlI LUV the colour!!! Keep up the awesome work!!

sir_integral on March 19, 2004, 5:06:55 PM

sir_integral on
sir_integralWow...that's amazing! So much detail... ^_^

DreamOfFire on March 19, 2004, 11:58:14 AM

DreamOfFire on
DreamOfFiremeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!!!!you are so killer!

Surfn_Sharkbait on March 19, 2004, 10:53:30 AM

Surfn_Sharkbait on
Surfn_SharkbaitWOOOOWWWWWWW >< thats AWESOME!!!! =D <3