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*Oblivion Keyblade (papermache)

*Oblivion Keyblade (papermache)

*Oblivion Keyblade (papermache) by blind_stranger
*Oblivion Keyblade (papermache) by blind_stranger


AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!! AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...After four moths of slaving-away over this thingy, I have both developed severe tendonitus and never been happier w/ mt art! :D
(and it's only the third keyblade I've ever made!) ^-^

(note): The little keyblade in the box on the right is the official-art of Oblivion-- I included it so that you guys could compare my sculpture to it. :)
(Oh, and that hand is mine just so ya know... and it's the one w/out the tendonitus cause that keyblade is actualy REALLY heavy!!) ^_~

I hope you like my keyblade!! :D
(if u wanna know how I made it you'll have to ask cause it's insanely long and complicated)

Please tell me what you think! *hopefull grin* :B

(2 years later)
Update!!! =D

Ok, now that all the water's actually gone out of it, it hardly weighs /anything/ anymore! 0.o

Materials used:
~ newspaper
~ cardboard from cerrial-boxes
~ diluted glue
~ colored tisue-paper
~ purple nail-varnish (for the two jewls at either end)

...just one problem though: the tissuepaper on the handle is peeling and turning funny shades of brown and yellow now, because of skin-oil, so I'll be repairing it with white-slick faberic paint (because its' water/oil-proof) just as soon as I get some before shots w/ my camera.

~ white-slick faberic paint


General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series » Keyblades
Date Submitted
Views 21121
Favorites... 38
Vote Score 0
Comments 55
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (55)

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hi5 on July 9, 2006, 9:34:38 AM

hi5 on
hi5favs wow a keyblade

blind_stranger on April 29, 2006, 3:52:59 PM

blind_stranger on
blind_strangerIt seems a LOT of people are wantong to know... :-)

I'll type up some official instructions and put them in my fics section. I can't do that right away cuz I'm going out of town tomarow, but I will as soon as I can....

The basic trick to getting a papaer mache keyblade, or just plain ol' cosplay weapon, picture-accurate is to print out a life-size version of the official art-----then build upon that with your paper-glue stuff, keeping in mind that you want to "lift it off of the paper" and make the image into a 3D /object/.

Thanks for commenting!
.....does this page REALLY show up on Google???!!!

I really do apreciate all the comments, everybody. Thank you x a million! =D

As of recently, this keyblade--- has obtained some....some damage... (it's been dropped, sat on, and dicolored and pealed by sweaty, oily hands) ....So I will be repairing it now. Some things will be different about it from how it was origionally (what you see here), but right now I think it's bad enough that I should show you some new pics with it repaired. Dispite the extent of what's happened to it, it should be easy to fix.

Awwwwwwweeee, MAN!!! *discovers Blind Riku actually weilds "WttD"* ...Now I have to make /another/ one!
Oh well-----maybe I can photograph the process along the way and make a tutorial 4 y'all... :-\

jeffrey0919 on April 29, 2006, 2:35:07 PM

jeffrey0919 on
jeffrey0919i was browsing around pages on google... etc.. on how to make a keyblade. yours is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! i really want to noe how to make it. im not trying to be demanding.. but how do you make it?

BlueSteam on April 16, 2006, 9:46:16 PM

BlueSteam on

This.. is.. so... amazing!


LukeBlaziken7 on April 15, 2006, 11:14:15 AM

LukeBlaziken7 on
LukeBlaziken7you should make the Oathkeeper to go with it!!! THAT WOULD BE SOOOOOOOOOOOO AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!

StarAlchemist on April 11, 2006, 7:46:04 AM

StarAlchemist on
StarAlchemist !!

That is a hot sword...If u gould get a swords maker to make this.....omg! fav to this! what did u make it out of?

PrincessTala on April 5, 2006, 2:05:28 PM

PrincessTala on
PrincessTalaThat is so awesome!!!!!
Can you please tell me how you made that? Because I've been wanting to make an Oblivion keyblade...

-KANI- on March 10, 2006, 6:07:31 AM

-KANI- on
-KANI-how much ya sellin it 4

BlackFish on January 7, 2006, 10:44:58 AM

BlackFish on
BlackFishNeato, check the one I made out!

CrimsonCrossAKACrimsonNova on November 18, 2005, 12:25:37 AM

CrimsonCrossAKACrimsonNova on
CrimsonCrossAKACrimsonNovaThis is your best yet its fikin awesome.