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Next Generation

Next Generation

Next Generation by cherry_bubblegum
Next Generation by cherry_bubblegum


If all my favourite Naruto pairings had kids...Mhmm.

in order from left to right:

NejiHina (A boy. Can someone say holy crap, Neji''s Mini-me!? But this guy''s personality is more like Hinata''s. He''s very polite and quiet.)

(in the back) ShikaTema (Oh god, I don''t like how this one turned out at all...which is alright ''cause she''s shoved in the back And come on! You know it''s destiny for Shikamaru to have many b!tchy daughters XD)

NaruSaku (I had issues on deciding on what colour to make his hair....)

LeeTen (probably my favourite I''ve created. A strange, hyper girl. A.K.A a girl-version of Lee....whatch out for her stick-weapon of DOOM!(and to any Tsubasa readers out there, yes, her hair design was taken from a minor character that showed up in volume 3))

InoCho (A boy. Luckily he got his body-type from his mom eh? I don''t know what type of personality he would have, but I''d like to imagine him being a total flirt )

As for their names...I have no idea. I was thinking maybe Hotaru for Neji''s kid (though, is Hotaru to girly?) and maybe Kitaro for NaruSaku...but hey. I''m open to suggestions if anyone happens to see this buried in my scraps.

And I''m sorry for anyone''s eyes I may have burned because of lack of ''skillz'' when it comes to designing outfits -.-;

(What kind of disclamer does this need? "The characters are mine...but their DNA belongs to Kishimoto" lol?)

And sorry this pic is kinda crappy in comparasin to my others. In my defence, it''s in the scraps section on deviantart ^^;

** Thanks to somekindoffreak for the suggestion of Ren as the name for Lee and Tenten's daughter

**Thanks KisaShika for the name Hitaku for Neji and Hinata's kid :)

***Thanks Voaw for the names Toshi for the InoCho, and Seiko for the ShikaTema :)

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Naruto series » Fan Characters (OC's)
Date Submitted
Views 1983
Favorites... 3
Vote Score 6
Comments 21
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken 3.5 hours


Comments (21)

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rasengan on December 12, 2008, 11:15:42 PM

rasengan on
rasengannot bad at all great work... not too big a fan of NejiHina but I don't really dislike it either

frubiafan on November 2, 2008, 7:14:02 AM

frubiafan on
frubiafanyays! I like those pairings! (mega love nejihina!)the leeten and the narusaku came out great!

manga333666 on March 28, 2008, 11:24:28 PM

manga333666 on
manga333666*poke* shikatema makes me happy.

FelixNeko7 on February 2, 2008, 10:15:07 AM

FelixNeko7 on
FelixNeko7I think you should change narusaku's hair color to strawberry blonde since naruto is blond and sakura is pink.
put them together and you get a pinkish blonde hair color labled strawberry blonde.and the reason I'am saying this is because I'am a guy and and I know no guy wants pink hair!
pink polo shirts are ok and hot pink on skateboards is cool but not pink hair!Of course this is your character and can make his hair color what ever you want.(but if I were you I'd go with my plan);p

flyingeagle13 on November 18, 2007, 1:34:25 PM

flyingeagle13 on
flyingeagle13Cool idea and they all came out great, good job. ^_^

stellabird87 on October 11, 2007, 12:48:50 AM

stellabird87 on
stellabird87it really cute..... never thought of lee and tenten before...

Voaw on September 28, 2007, 12:56:59 PM

Voaw on
VoawThis is so gorgeous, I love it! I have ideas for the names, of people you haven't decided on yet. For the ChouIno Kaemon=Joyful, Yukio=Gets What he Wants, and Toshi=Mirror Image. For the ShikaTema Uta=Poem, Seiko=Force, Truth, and Toki=Time of Opportunity. As for the NaruSaku, how about about... Ryu=Dragon, Mitsu=Light, or Kaemon=Joyful. Ren I learned from a Japanese Name site means Arranger... But I also know that it does mean lotus. Weird... Yes, I'm bored and decided to look up names for your characters. :D

cherry_bubblegum on September 29, 2007, 1:41:04 AM

cherry_bubblegum on
cherry_bubblegumToshi for InoCho is a winner! As is Seiko for ShikaTema :)

zerotimberwolf on August 22, 2007, 7:03:52 AM

zerotimberwolf on
zerotimberwolfX( ahhh
my eyes neji+hinata
their cousins
the rest aint bad :)

skysong14 on August 1, 2007, 8:50:08 AM

skysong14 on
skysong14ohhh @_@ too cute

luffylover92 on July 31, 2007, 7:29:57 PM

luffylover92 on
luffylover92ok I like leeten together(actually their my favorite couple) and shikamaru and temari but I dont really like nejixhinata because they are cousins im more of a fan of naruto and hinata because she has had a crush on him sense the begining and i think she deserves him plus its kinda cute ino and chouji i really dont really care who ino ends up with although one of my friends would probably cuss u out for that one she likes ino and sasuke together me i really dont care because i dont like ino very much sorry but ur still my favorite artist on here

cherry_bubblegum on August 1, 2007, 1:16:16 AM

cherry_bubblegum on
cherry_bubblegumI-I'm your favourite artist on here!? *feels honoured and unworthy* Wow, that means a lot to me, thanks! :D

And I understand about you not liking a NejiHina pairing. It's one those pairings, I think, that people either love or hate; there's no middle ground.