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Minwu - Final Fantasy II

Minwu - Final Fantasy II

Minwu - Final Fantasy II by clarion
Minwu - Final Fantasy II by clarion


PaintBBS, about 20 hours<br />
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This is the first temporary character you get in FF2. He's a white mage, kind of babysits your party for the first part of the game. There's not much art out there for FF2, so I took some liberties with his design.

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Final Fantasy series
Date Submitted
Views 4035
Favorites... 17
Vote Score 2
Comments 19
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (19)

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runninglasagna on September 3, 2007, 4:37:46 AM

runninglasagna on

MexicoMelissa on August 1, 2006, 11:12:57 AM

MexicoMelissa on
MexicoMelissaoh yesh I forgot! *faves*

MexicoMelissa on August 1, 2006, 11:07:34 AM

MexicoMelissa on
MexicoMelissaHOLY FRIGGIN FLYING CRAP!!! MINWUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! *glomps* I loved that character but I am saddened that you couln't play him all the time... *sniff*
You pic is awesom the detail you put into it is simply amazing

peppersiren on July 2, 2006, 4:44:29 AM

peppersiren on looks great

Aesgrath on June 21, 2006, 6:28:54 AM

Aesgrath on
Aesgrathit's simply outrageaous maddening EXCELLENT!

Xiaoyuchi on June 16, 2006, 4:30:18 AM

Xiaoyuchi on
XiaoyuchiVery beautiful with the sparkles and I like the thick outline of his hand :D

Symphoniagirl12 on March 31, 2006, 1:15:41 PM

Symphoniagirl12 on
Symphoniagirl12MINWU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH

kaori on March 26, 2006, 8:56:23 AM

kaori on
kaoriNice job :) I like the shading, the bold, thick outlines, and the perspective.

TheQueenofChiba on March 23, 2006, 10:44:43 AM

TheQueenofChiba on
TheQueenofChiba^o^ how you did that was cool, I can't believe you turned a 8 bit charcter into a great piece of work.

Mei on March 10, 2006, 11:11:44 AM

Mei on

pronxly on February 12, 2006, 1:59:59 PM

pronxly on
pronxlyVery very Awesome stuff, i really like the line work it's sooooo good! And the colouring is also sublime! Great work!

brent on January 28, 2006, 9:50:30 AM

brent on
brentmy comment translated is

a good hint in ff2 is to continually attempt to fight the guards with magic. this works very well for me, with level 4 spells it is easy to take him (captains) out in a few hits .....they make it easier for you later in the game, especially if you have Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls for GBA

Liedetector16 on December 23, 2005, 12:39:31 PM

Liedetector16 on
Liedetector16I love your art! it's really great! This is an awesome pic! i love the colors!!! *favs*

eclipse_dragon on November 24, 2005, 7:48:30 PM

eclipse_dragon on
eclipse_dragonTo be honest, I've never heard of that guy. (hm, maybe thats because i haven't played ffII)
But HELL! This is such a great pic!! Perhaps one of the best on this site!!! keep 'm comming!

JHanna on November 6, 2005, 12:06:56 PM

JHanna on
JHannaOMG!!! hes my fave FF2 chara!! I'd say more but that would be talking about spoilers... AWESOME!! *faves*

iwishiwasinananime on July 23, 2005, 9:16:10 AM

iwishiwasinananime on
iwishiwasinananimethis is so awsome, the eyes are amazing, the detail is awsome. I love this, so friggin awsome, its so just... good

Pinkyfreak on June 20, 2005, 6:17:57 PM

Pinkyfreak on
Pinkyfreakn.n!! I absolutely love your linart! The painting is extrodanry too; such soft shading *faves*

Heatherenie on June 20, 2005, 12:45:35 PM

Heatherenie on
Heathereniewhat a talent. It is beautiful. I love the color and the emotions you can actually see if the guy's face. to me he looks kind of bored or fed up for some reason. maybe because he has to babysit the party during the firs parts of the game like you said. But i don't really know. It could be something else. like he's got something on his mind. but other than that. I really like this pic. Great job.

Rodimus84 on June 20, 2005, 11:53:08 AM

Rodimus84 on
Rodimus84To be honest I've never played FF2 but the pic is great.