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Zeon Monster Adoption!

Zeon Monster Adoption!

Zeon Monster Adoption! by crocdragon89
Zeon Monster Adoption! by crocdragon89


yup that's right! i'm putting theses babies up for adoption! they need homes!

1.Ice Zeon: this little one loves to play. weather you're busy or not she'll keep bugging you until you play with her. she switches from being affectionate the next to being hyper. squeaky toys are her favorite thing to play with. if you plan on keeping her you have to have lots of time on your hands.

2.Electric Zeon: a fiesty zeon who likes to pick pick fights. he doesn't get along with other zeons so it's best you keep him away from them. he likes to wander so you have to keep a close eye on him so he doesn't get into trouble. he likes attention and will show off now and then.

3.Ground Zeon: this big fellow loves attention. he's like an overgrown kitten. he'd always stay by your side no matter what. he loves playing in the mud so prepare to give him a bath afterwards. he's very patient and obeys every order you give him. he loves others company and enjoys digging holes.

4.Water Zeon: a lovable friendly zeon as most water ones are. he loves fruit. and will go through your cuboard or fridge to get some that is if you have any. on rainy days he'll be outside running in the rain. he's afraid of the dark so he'll stay close to you for comfort for some strange reason he likes to eat rocks. but that's not good cause he could get sick but it's happened before you just need to make him throw them up so he won't get sick.

5. Fire Zeon: normally fire zeons are mean and prefer to be alone, but this one is very friendly and loves being around others. he's been through so much abuse yet he still trusts people. he only has one eye due to being beaten by his old owner as a puppy. mostly quiet and loves to play fetch.

that's all. now all you need to do is adopt one, name it and give it love and attention! i promise you you won't be disappointed in your selection!

all of them have been adopted!

General Info

General Info

Category Fantasy » Creatures
Date Submitted
Views 1800
Favorites... 5
Vote Score 0
Comments 14
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (14)

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Youkai_exe807 on July 16, 2006, 1:20:12 AM

Youkai_exe807 on
Youkai_exe807Aww, those are so cute! Congrats to all who have adopted a Zeon!

Say, I just got an idea. Is it OK for me to have a Zeon adoption thing aswell? I have a few Anime Zeons that can be held up for adoption!

*Giga Fave* Great pic!

ikickbutt on May 6, 2006, 6:31:34 AM

ikickbutt on
ikickbuttOMG! ME WANT 1!.....awww there all gone....*starts crying*

CatWhoHas14Tails on May 5, 2006, 11:49:08 PM

CatWhoHas14Tails on
CatWhoHas14TailsAww darn!! All of them are taken!! I wanted to adopt one sooooooo badly!! TT_TT Are you going to have more adoptions soon?

Weirdo on May 4, 2006, 8:27:06 PM

Weirdo on
Weirdo..Umm. Yeah. Yes, I would LOVE to adopt number #2! ^___^ Can I have him? *does The Puppy Eyes to you*

Weirdo on May 4, 2006, 8:23:18 PM

Weirdo on
WeirdoEEEEEK!!!!! I WANT ONE!!! ME WANTS TO TAKE CARE OF NUMBA #2!! *Gets hysteric fangirl-attack and glomps number #2*

Dracoanimegurl on May 3, 2006, 3:39:55 AM

Dracoanimegurl on
DracoanimegurlAww...I feel my heart go out to the fire one. I hate abusers so much. Man, now I want to adopt XD Hmm....tempting...very tempting...I love your Zeon creatures, very original. Ok, I cave. I think I'll adopt #5. Promise to take care of him! I have a feeling the others will go pretty fast ^^

BlackSpiritWolf on May 2, 2006, 4:16:04 PM

BlackSpiritWolf on
BlackSpiritWolfI CAN'T TAKE IT!!!! *presses #3 on the adoption panel* I have to adopt him! If I can't, just tell me because I know I alredy have too many pets, but I can't resist him! He just looks so Boss! ^^V

BlackSpiritWolf on May 2, 2006, 12:02:54 PM

BlackSpiritWolf on
BlackSpiritWolf*goes to adopt # 3* GAH! *stops* I have too many already!!! *hits hand* Bad reflexes to Adopt Zeons!

BlackSpiritWolf on May 2, 2006, 11:30:24 AM

BlackSpiritWolf on
BlackSpiritWolf*continues to stare* I will not adopt, I will not adopt.....I can't adopt! My house would cave!

BlackSpiritWolf on May 2, 2006, 11:27:56 AM

BlackSpiritWolf on
BlackSpiritWolfI was wondering when you were gonna do one of these! ^^ There all adorable! I especially like 3 but I think I might have too many pets right now! ^^V