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Ember by hobbes
Ember by hobbes


this is Ember i saw danny phantom and i just HAD to draw her, i like the art style of danny phantom
hope you like it.. i do :P
2-D is mine :P *kisses D*

General Info

General Info

Category Cartoons » Danny Phantom
Date Submitted
Views 2696
Favorites... 22
Vote Score 0
Comments 31
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken 1 hour


Comments (31)

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The_Haunted on August 7, 2011, 12:32:57 AM

The_Haunted on
The_HauntedYa know, the first time I saw Ember I thought she was really cool lookin' too. I wanted to draw her too but unfortunetely I suck at drawing lol. Faves

hobbes on June 13, 2008, 4:39:28 AM

hobbes on
hobbesYAY PM IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'll tell you more there ok?

YnxoXIV on June 13, 2008, 2:54:54 AM

YnxoXIV on
YnxoXIVwow... you are truely talented in this art style XD i luff it :D and... dewd, i could imagine your art being great in the my life as a teenage robot art style too (wow, i sounded like a n00b just then D: *cries* i used to be a n00b... those were the days... XD) uh, yeah, excuse my rambling...

hobbes on June 13, 2008, 3:46:56 AM

hobbes on
hobbesim concidering doing my life as a teenage robot for years ^^ never did it tho .. dunno why,.. yer no noob ^^

YnxoXIV on June 13, 2008, 3:50:02 AM

YnxoXIV on
YnxoXIVlol i used to be such a huge fan of my life as a teenage robot XD used to draw it all the time ^_^;; u still say i'm not a n00b? i had an OC for MLAATR (lol shortening >_>) O_o that's pretty much how obsessed i can get O_o

hobbes on June 13, 2008, 3:52:29 AM

hobbes on
hobbeshaha nope still not a noob ^^ ooh dont get me talking over obsessed :P im head over heals on ratchet ( ratchet and clank) for about 5 or 6 years now,.. my WHOLE room is coverd with him making a lifesize plush and a figure of him i even got a bag with him on it i buyed the ps3 JUST to play the latest game of it.. so ^^ yea i know all about obsessed ^^ haha

YnxoXIV on June 13, 2008, 3:59:01 AM

YnxoXIV on
YnxoXIVlol don't worry, i'm totally obsessed with Kingdom Hearts ^_^;; i have the keyblade (that i got from the roxas action figure i have) on a chain and i wear it as a necklace- never taken it off (okay i lied, i take it off for special occasions if i have to >_>), lol, and i have this HUGE poster of the KHII logo i drew for i math assignment, kept it, and pinned it on mai wall O_o, AND i mainly bought mai DS for the new KH game that's coming out... cuz 1) it's mainly based on Roxas-kun (lol can u tell i'm obsessed with him yet? XD), and 2) it's mainly based with the Organization XIII (not sora D< lol) SQUEE!! it makes me happy~ XD

nao... can you tell i'm obsessed? O_o i can understand you tinking i'm not a n00b, but last year...oh last year, i was such a n00b D: it was scary DX lol

man, did i give you an essay there or something? O_o

hobbes on June 13, 2008, 4:02:51 AM

hobbes on
hobbeswhaaa thats awsome!!! i got an action figure of roxas too :P but thats just cus i liked the game he is allll yours i just wanna be with my hot little lombax kun ratchet * love in eyes*
being obsessed with somethin is amazing dont you think???
you love roxas dont you ? :P

eh why do you say you were a noob last year? what happend? if you wanna talk about it ofcourse.. im a total stranger to you so you dont have to if you dont want to >.<

YnxoXIV on June 13, 2008, 4:08:37 AM

YnxoXIV on
YnxoXIVWHOA!! U DO?! :O DEWD THAT EPIC!! XD (puh-sha that's liek mai second favorite word~ ;P first fave- huzzah! XDD)

hmm, i've been wondering... ur username... did you get that from 'calvin and hobbes'? LOL random question thar XD

meh, technically ur not a stranger to me any moar, we've sorta became friends in the last 5 minutes XD O_o lol

but yeah, i used to be a n00b last year... i claimed i was an anime freak, and i barely watched any anime D: and i drew HORRIBLY too DX and... i used to think sora and roxas...were the same person!! DX *cries* I'M SO SORRY ROXAS!!! DX *glomps roxy-kun* LOL and imma spazz nao too 8D

hobbes on June 13, 2008, 4:13:35 AM

hobbes on
hobbesyep i do ^^ i have a lot of figures,
ooh i actually dont watch anime, i did some.. but .. i didnt much like it to be a TOTALLY OBSESSED MANGA FANGIRL ...
neh.. ratchet for me it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeahssss were fwiendsss!!! isnt that coolish!??
how old are you btw if i may ask?
just currious ^^

haha my user name?/ no its not from calvin and hobbes, i was once obsessed with lord of the rings frodo,.. i had a dream where i were a crossover between an elf and a hobbit they called me hob- elf,.. my friends laughed at me and called me hob elf all the time but it was easier for them to say: hob,.. hobby... hobs,.. hobbes... so there it is.. hobbes. my name for over 8 years already almost :D

YnxoXIV on June 13, 2008, 4:18:33 AM

YnxoXIV on
YnxoXIVmeh, so that means imma totally obsessed manga fangirl! >D yush!

lol uhm... my mom doesn't want me telling people mai age... >_> just to keep privacy and stuff... but i'll only say this, 'i'm not a teenager yet'... D: that's it SOWWY!! DX lol

lol that's one way to gain a nickname XD i really don't have a nickname... only with mai sister... she calls me Xennex, cuz that's mai OC's name :D lol i call her xira (hence, her OC's name LOL)

lol i like that word... hence XD

hobbes on June 13, 2008, 4:22:12 AM

hobbes on
hobbeshaha well i do read some manga's like chobits and im starting naruto ive read some wall flowers and chalengers,.. but im not much of a reader actually >.< haha

aww thats ok you dont have to tell,.. im sorry i asked!! *sob* i understand ^^

haha it sounds funny yea hence ^^
hey how about me "note" eachother on DA? thats a bit more private, everyone can read this.. >.< ??

YnxoXIV on June 13, 2008, 4:25:32 AM

YnxoXIV on
YnxoXIVlol i watch moar anime than read manga, actually XD

eh, it's fine ^_^;;

meh... i'm not allowed on DA anymoar D: *sob* my mom banned me cuz she thinks there's 'offensive images' on there, even though they have a filter nao D:

but, if you look at your username at the top of the page, there's a thing that says 'PM' between 'add fanwork' and 'logout', so i think we can do that... just as private as 'note'ing each other on DA

awright? ^_^

hobbes on June 13, 2008, 4:28:45 AM

hobbes on
hobbesAH! i see it! alright!
but i have to tell you.. i have on here also images on that are kinda.. you know.. but they have a warning so dont open them till your 18 ^^
i myself am 21,5 you may know that.
but you know.. on hee there are a lot offensive images as well,.. even more then back on DA,.. i truely know so >.<.. believe me .. haha

well lets PM ^^ haha i hope i know how it works >.<

YnxoXIV on June 13, 2008, 4:37:42 AM

YnxoXIV on
YnxoXIVwow! no wonder your so good with your art :O *le gasp* and, seeing as how obsessed you are with your ratchet, i was expecting for you to be younger :O (eh heh... sorry if that offended you in any way D: meh...)

well, the farthest i've gone (in ways of that whole 'privacy' thing [like telling my age and stuff]) is my profile picture right nao... ^_^ tis meh :D <3 mai hair XDD

awright! we shall PM! :D TO ZHE INTERWEBZ!!112@#@12ONE (XD)

Waffle on February 2, 2008, 8:46:49 AM

Waffle on
Waffleember is very pretty. this is really good. actually i think i commented on this before oh well faves

hauntedxemoxkitty on December 16, 2007, 8:29:57 AM

hauntedxemoxkitty on
hauntedxemoxkittythis is very good work. i will fav this now

hobbes on December 18, 2007, 4:44:58 AM

hobbes on
hobbesthank you very much :D

XxAnarKissedxX on August 30, 2007, 7:35:33 PM

XxAnarKissedxX on
XxAnarKissedxXI <3 it...
she has a blow job face, though.....

Waffle on June 23, 2007, 8:08:09 AM

Waffle on
Wafflethat's very good. i'm not a big danny phantom fan but I couldn't draw them like this if my life depended on it. faves

EmberLover on May 9, 2007, 1:47:03 PM

EmberLover on

Karannah on September 30, 2006, 11:24:58 PM

Karannah on
KarannahI love Ember!!! *favs*

DaniPhantom92 on September 12, 2006, 7:23:10 AM

DaniPhantom92 on
DaniPhantom92YAAAY Ember you will remember !!!!!Really great picture !!!!!