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Ash & Misty (request 4 zoogma5923)

Ash & Misty (request 4 zoogma5923)

Ash & Misty (request 4 zoogma5923) by iNuLuVeR89
Ash & Misty (request 4 zoogma5923) by iNuLuVeR89


Yep! Its been awhile since I did full detail on something!! Yep yep! well this was the first time I ever drew ash and misty...-_- hope ya can't tell...well neways you said you would like them to be kissing, so I did it like a suprise kiss right before sunset...ummm before I forget the bakground like the sunset and all I dont like how I did looks horrible! ohwell I hope ya liek it!! I finishd coloring it last night and I'm sry that I put it off until now well comment if ya like!!! ^^;

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Pokémon series
Date Submitted
Views 7714
Favorites... 9
Vote Score 0
Comments 28
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (28)

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PPhantom on November 16, 2006, 9:49:54 AM

PPhantom on
PPhantomawhh how romantic! mistys like whoa! thats great nice job

iAmFishCrashing on May 4, 2006, 10:25:01 AM

iAmFishCrashing on
iAmFishCrashingwow i cant spell $4!#

iAmFishCrashing on April 11, 2006, 12:58:29 PM

iAmFishCrashing on
iAmFishCrashingyaaay but sadly ash is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too bashful to do this and misty dosent have a spine so thel never finde out and anytime any says anything to them the deni it team rocket once told them and made fun lol the faces ware sooooo red lol but they ware still toooo stubid to figer it out

sasukeluver on March 6, 2006, 7:00:20 AM

sasukeluver on
sasukeluverFinally a pic of ash and misty kissing. It's not horible.(favs)

KionaKina on December 22, 2005, 9:51:02 AM

KionaKina on

Riyu21 on November 16, 2005, 4:50:21 AM

Riyu21 on
Riyu21aww i love AshMisty! i hadnt watched Pokemon in a while but when i did there was no more Misty!!! only May and some other kid... anyway very cute!

Splixx on September 8, 2005, 4:26:55 AM

Splixx on
Splixxthis is what i have been looking for all bloody day...its cool...i like it have you done any others like this?
could you do a pic for me of jessie and james please?

Pikachu-Fanatic on June 27, 2005, 3:46:01 AM

Pikachu-Fanatic on
Pikachu-FanaticYou captured it perfectly *cough* kill *cough* May *cough* good job, hey, InuyashaEarsLuver says you should draw their kid, why not make their kid a she, and call her Ashley or something, greats job.

Dark_Phoenix on June 23, 2005, 7:40:39 PM

Dark_Phoenix on
Dark_Phoenix*sigh* bout time Ash got some courage....nice pic

sorakairi on April 15, 2005, 12:36:38 PM

sorakairi on
sorakairibrock comes by and says nooo!! brock: ash iam going to kill you!! ash: oh uh! ash: got to run see u babe! misty: ash loves me!? *says in mind*

lucky_cat on November 26, 2004, 2:24:04 PM

lucky_cat on
lucky_catAwww, I want my torch back. Oh, well, I slightly like May more now for some reason.
I do like BrendanxMay...
Hey, artist, could you do one of those?

DarkLight on November 25, 2004, 10:36:39 PM

DarkLight on
DarkLightAAMAYL is a load of bull. May does not even like Ash so there is no reason to inflict physical harm upon her*takes away torches and pitchforks of AAML fangirls*
May loves Brendan Ash loves Misty.End of story.

Anime-Chick on September 7, 2004, 1:58:38 AM

Anime-Chick on
Anime-Chickthat's some other side of pokemon ^__^'<br />

lucky_cat on August 31, 2004, 3:59:07 AM

lucky_cat on
lucky_catOh NICE! I LUV IT! I'm off to kill May she's evil...

IcedRikku on August 14, 2004, 1:54:52 PM

IcedRikku on
IcedRikkuThis is good misty's pose is,is,Naturally her!CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH???!Lol,jk!

Sennia91 on August 12, 2004, 6:51:37 AM

Sennia91 on
Sennia91Awww, great pic. One suggestion, tho. Misty's expresstion isn't surprised enough. Great job on the BG! *faves*

2BIT on August 4, 2004, 2:55:13 AM

2BIT on
2BITGator: May sucks!<br />
2BIT: Who are you talking to?<br />
Gator: The magic time-travelling rooster.<br />
2BIT: ....No more coffee for you.

meganbrat on July 29, 2004, 1:06:51 AM

meganbrat on
meganbratcute, i knew already that ash and misty love each other

KagomeTheArcher on July 26, 2004, 12:00:09 PM

KagomeTheArcher on
KagomeTheArcherOh my GOD/ALLAH!!!! I love this couple soooooooooo much!!!! May never will have Ash! I hate May *holds up a sign that says "Kill May"*!!! Ash BELONGS to Misty!!!! WONDERFUL PIC!!!!!<br />
<br />
Ash and Misty forever!!!!

_Spike_The_Anime_Artist_ on July 17, 2004, 11:27:26 AM

_Spike_The_Anime_Artist_ on
_Spike_The_Anime_Artist_AWWW! YAY! Yay finally AAML! I thought everyone had gone and turned traitor by supporting AAMayL. Why people suport that I shall never know.. But when Ash and Misty get together I shall smite thee AAMAYL people! Alright got a little off topic there! Great piccie!

Mangolious_kiwi on July 15, 2004, 11:36:01 PM

Mangolious_kiwi on
Mangolious_kiwiI like the pic a lot, but Misty's arm bends at a weird angle. o.o

anime_kitty on July 14, 2004, 11:22:00 AM

anime_kitty on
anime_kittyAAML! My fave pokemon couple! cute!

catgurl101 on July 14, 2004, 11:17:40 AM

catgurl101 on
catgurl101lmfao! misty is like GET THE HELL OFF OF ME, and ash is all short..thats really funny, GOOD PIC!!

InuyashaEarsLuver on July 14, 2004, 10:53:27 AM

InuyashaEarsLuver on
InuyashaEarsLuverITS ABOUT TIME DAMMIT! XD you captured this in an awesome way! Ya know what you should draw Ash and Misty's kid, that would be cute! Anywho you did an awesome job and you are an awesome artist! Good job!<br />
<br />

Shaman_Dancer_Luvs_Yoh on July 14, 2004, 9:56:51 AM

Shaman_Dancer_Luvs_Yoh on
Shaman_Dancer_Luvs_Yohkool// the clouds r so sweet!!

LilChan on July 14, 2004, 9:14:14 AM

LilChan on
LilChanooo i always loved misty. i stopped watching the show and i didn't know they took her off and put mae in there instead, that pissed me off so much, Misty and Ash are just ment for each other. cool pic btw lol love the coloring!

tsumitobatsu on July 14, 2004, 9:06:01 AM

tsumitobatsu on
tsumitobatsuSqueeeee! So cute!! I'm really not a big fan of this couple (or show, for that matter), even though it is an obviously hinted canon couple (it's my obsession with yaoi and shounen-ai, I swear), but this is a great pic! Dang, I'd never be able to draw and color all those flowers. o_O;; I haven't enough patience. ^-^; I can't believe this is your first time drawing them! You did an awesome job! ^_^ I'mma fave this just cause it's so cute!