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saturday the 16th

saturday the 16th

saturday the 16th by kikyo_must_die525
saturday the 16th by kikyo_must_die525


grrr did anyone else watch inuyasha last saturday (the 16th)i saw it at like 3:00 cause i am a retard who love harry potter and stayed at the book store overnight it was rainin 2 -.-' anyways i saw inuyasha over by gaywod kikyo and kagome in flames i was sooo mad that kikyo once again stole the spotlight *kills kikyo again* <br />
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Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Couples/Pairings
Date Submitted
Views 2112
Favorites... 4
Vote Score 0
Comments 12
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Comments (12)

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KikyoXInuyasha on June 17, 2011, 2:46:27 AM

KikyoXInuyasha on
KikyoXInuyashaKikyo is better for Inuyasha.Kikyo only wanted to kill Inuyasha, because she thought that HE killed HER. It was a mistake.When Kikyo died,50 years went by.But when she was resurrected its like it was still happening.And those 50 years DIDNT pass. When they DID pass.So Kikyo thought it was STILL HAPPENING.

Mewlon on December 28, 2005, 6:02:45 AM

Mewlon on
MewlonOMG! How can Kikyo be a better woman for Inuyasha? She tried to kill him every second she had after she got resurrect. Besides...she's nothing more then a zombie roaming around.

Not to mention...she doesn't have much of a point in the story except for the beginning. Other then that, she just roams around and has to be saved by someone like Kagome or Inuyasha. I mean...that's pretty pointless.

Kagome is better off with Inuyasha since at least she cares about his feelings. And in the later episodes, which I happen to see the ending and I'm not telling what happens, is that Kagome and Inuyasha stay together! ^_^

zelda41 on December 22, 2005, 4:35:43 AM

zelda41 on
zelda41TRUE but inu still loves kikyo dead or not and again i love this pic they are all sooooooooo cute favez *how do i join the w.h.k..c.? cuz my opinion of kikyo and kagome changed?*

Pinstriped_Butterfly on December 20, 2005, 3:52:40 PM

Pinstriped_Butterfly on
Pinstriped_ButterflyEh. Everyone's allowed their fifteen minutes of fame.

'sides, I don't like Kagome. Kikyo seems like a much better match for Inu Yasha.

But whatever. Nice picture - Inu looks all sad and mopy. It's cute.

mikita_inugirl on December 16, 2005, 10:30:15 AM

mikita_inugirl on
mikita_inugirlI saw that episode, and I can't stand Kikyo! I wanted to smack Inuyasha for that! (Unfortunately, there's a screen there...) Oh well, she's dead! Yes! Oh yeah, and good pic.

KagomeXKoga4ever on December 1, 2005, 2:14:50 AM

KagomeXKoga4ever on
KagomeXKoga4everBuh Bye Kikyo!!! I give props to naraku for killing her for the 2nd time. Oh yeah,thats really cool and adding to faves

ryuran123352 on November 11, 2005, 8:44:39 AM

ryuran123352 on
ryuran123352Kikyo was killed by Naraku!!!! OMFG!!!! She's finally got what she deserved!!!! Punched through the chest. thrown over a cliff into Naraku's acid... Yay!!!

zelda41 on September 29, 2005, 9:58:11 AM

zelda41 on
zelda41i havent seen that ep. yet is it
fare well my beloved kikyo if it
is then it hasent come yet they just show new inu eps. on sat.
still this is great ha kagome is all mad yeah

inuflame on August 3, 2005, 9:20:49 AM

inuflame on
inuflameomg omg omg omg OMG I LOVE THIS u draw sooo much better than me could u see my sketches and tell me what u think also could u draw kilala for me please ^_^

yamis_chick on August 3, 2005, 8:54:26 AM

yamis_chick on
yamis_chickok as you know im not a big kagome fan but i like this pic its sooooo funny