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Chibi Sesshoumaru Playground

Chibi Sesshoumaru Playground

Chibi Sesshoumaru Playground by krysofdeath
Chibi Sesshoumaru Playground by krysofdeath


Yeah, this was yet another random picture I decided to do. Turned out funny cuz the picture was too big. Oh, well. It reduces the scary-ness. ^^; Sorry if it turned out REALLY big. Also, it seems as though a lot of people have been asking if I do requests, so I'm just randomly putting this in. Yes, I DO do requests. Just don't try asking me to draw you or an OC with an anime/movie/book character. Chances are, I'll screw it up. ^^; Badly. If I don't know the anime/whatever, I'll need a reference pic from you. Also, I often ask for a drawing in return. *grin* You have been warned. Ja ne!

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Character Fanart » Chibis
Date Submitted
Views 9080
Favorites... 119
Vote Score 2
Comments 104
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (104)

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ChibiSamuraiJack on March 23, 2004, 1:11:33 PM

ChibiSamuraiJack on
ChibiSamuraiJackI finally commented this! O_O! really, its cute. but ill bet that word is used over a million times on this page ^^; I like how colorful it is... it still kinda freaks me out after seeing it everyday at school while you were working on it X_X; I finnally got around to finishing the coloring on mine, so Im'a gonna upload it today! e.e ..... or maybe tommorow. **procrastination**

Saru on March 22, 2004, 12:07:52 PM

Saru on

winterfang on March 18, 2004, 6:35:51 PM

winterfang on
winterfang*SQUEALS* EEEEEEEE soooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that place real????? o.O oh i hope so T_T i hope it's real Kagura stay away from my sesshy!!!!!!!!!!

krysofdeath on March 18, 2004, 12:53:48 PM

krysofdeath on
krysofdeathO___o the MOM? i dunno...personally, i like the sesshoumaru/kagura pairing...dont kill me for it, though U_u

krysofdeath on March 12, 2004, 3:24:33 AM

krysofdeath on
krysofdeathactually, im working on both an inuyasha playground, and another secret one that i wont say ^^; one reason im doing them is because my friend, chibisamurai jack, is doing chibi stuff too. i wont tell what characters she used, but she beat my chibi sesshomaru playground by eleven -.-; so i had to beat that. i did, but i have to finish coloring the damn thing before i put it up @_@

talimhunter on March 11, 2004, 4:54:07 PM

talimhunter on
talimhunterpoor krys! everyone's tryin to steal your chibis!! well, you should take it as a serious compliment!!!!! everybody loves em sooooo much!!!! you should draw more of them!

krysofdeath on March 7, 2004, 12:26:39 PM

krysofdeath on
krysofdeathU_U can't DO that vash_and_wolfwood. *steals chibis back and re-erects all the stuff up, then plants mines all around the chibis* STAY AWAY! theyre MINE! *growl*

vash_and_wolfwood on March 7, 2004, 12:20:25 AM

vash_and_wolfwood on
vash_and_wolfwoodAck!sooooo cute!*breaks magic shield with a spell and takes chibis*mine mine mine mine mine mine.*runs 2 my house*<br />
<br />

satans_pet_tiger on February 24, 2004, 9:57:40 AM

satans_pet_tiger on
satans_pet_tiger"mommy can we keep him?!" omg i reeeeeaaaaallly wanna keep one! they are just... aaaww!

Shinigami_Creator on February 23, 2004, 8:50:57 PM

Shinigami_Creator on
Shinigami_CreatorLMAO XD<br />
SO CUTE!<br />
it reminds me of Where's Waldo.<br />
Can YOU find BIG SESSHY in this picture? LOL