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A by luckylace222


Yes, you see I can explain my absencccceeeeee. *is suffering from mental breakdown*

1. My relatives came for a week and it's common courtesy to pay attention to them to make them feel important ;U
2. I've been having very inconvenient emotional problems(Everyone has these right? Give Lucky a break here....D; *on her knees begging*)
3. I am doing a paid Alphabet project with my Biology teacher

I'm terribly sorry for the 1 week absence. It feels terrible not being able to talk to people, and when you those people even notice your absence and say something about it, it makes you feel even worst. My Biology teacher and I have struck a mutual relationship on an art project. That's another reason I've been gone, terribly sorry once again.

I'm not used to drawing animals and real life stuff like this, but hey, I think I worked hard enough to make it look good enough. The alligator looks a little too fat, but it's okay. We'll just say he's a more fatter species of alligator. XP

This picture is A! ;D Just list all the stuff beginning with A you see in the pic if you want! <3

General Info

General Info

Category Furry » Animal art (Non-anthro) » - Mammals
Date Submitted
Views 2173
Favorites... 14
Vote Score 22
Comments 44
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken 5 hours
Reference Tons of animal/plant references! XB


Comments (44)

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Napierart on June 3, 2010, 9:58:06 AM

Napierart on
NapierartLove the coloring tones in this one.

qazqaz1 on July 12, 2009, 1:20:23 PM

qazqaz1 on
qazqaz1........,':::::::::::,~'': : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : '-|
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I love animals

TotalWeirdo666 on March 5, 2010, 11:22:12 AM

TotalWeirdo666 on
TotalWeirdo666whoa... how did you do that, quazquaz?!

TotalWeirdo666 on December 21, 2009, 2:54:02 AM

TotalWeirdo666 on
TotalWeirdo666axe, alligator, armadillo, antelope, ants... Yep. Thats's A alright.

AncientMoonLight on August 7, 2009, 1:51:38 PM

AncientMoonLight on
AncientMoonLighti dont see an "Apple Tree" xDD LMAO..HAH or did u add one ?o.o`..xDD..

baah what am i saying !?!? this is Awsome !! ..very koolzs :DDD..your so awsome and great on animles xPP..i can only draw wolves xDDHAHAH but yesh great job *.*

darkessence on July 29, 2009, 4:43:25 AM

darkessence on
darkessenceOH GOD.



This is absolutely epic. I mean, goddamn. Look at it. It shines!

luckylace222 on July 29, 2009, 10:36:33 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222xD Because those poor little devils don't start with teh letter A!

darkessence on July 29, 2009, 12:31:10 PM

darkessence on

You're right. O_O



ZeroMidnight on July 10, 2009, 10:52:07 AM

ZeroMidnight on
ZeroMidnightA tree~ Wait what?
lol random.
Awesome, I think everything looks fantastic-y! *faves*

Ah, I didn't notice... I've been gone for a while myself. I want to draw so much! I've been sort of cramming time, and feeling like I'm not up to drawing. ;_; IDK

luckylace222 on July 11, 2009, 1:29:54 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222D; AH! Artist block? I get artist block when I have a lot of stress and I have a responsibility to do. I have to leave FAC during school because I know I'd be depressed about drawing when I'm supposed to be studying, so go ahead and crama dn study first! After that, drink some juice and get back to drawing! You'll feel a lit better drawing without anything on your mind! ;]

Thanks so much for the comment by the way! It means a ton to me! You're always there for me!

ZeroMidnight on July 20, 2009, 5:34:09 AM

ZeroMidnight on
ZeroMidnightOh! That's a good point, I have alot of stuff I feel like I need to do, so maybe that's why sometimes I draw better late at night.(when most of the days works is done) Thanks for the advice! *hugs*

killerrabbit05 on July 14, 2009, 4:05:32 PM

killerrabbit05 on
killerrabbit05This is very nicely done!! I love it!

rlkitten on July 13, 2009, 2:25:01 PM

rlkitten on
rlkittenAAAAAAAwesome :D AAAAAAmazing! Lol

Lucky~! Your so lucky that you have the skittles to do paid work already~!! <3 *hugs* Heehee So this will be published, right?? Yes? :3

luckylace222 on July 14, 2009, 10:08:48 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222;D INDEED POSSIBLY! Unless I die form a terrible car crash and my teacher is so heart-broken that she never publishes my pictures and keeps them under her pillow and hires another artist! :O

rlkitten on July 14, 2009, 10:13:06 AM

rlkitten on
rlkittenLol that would stink! You wouldn't ever get paid! xDD

Ishida16 on July 12, 2009, 12:13:36 PM

Ishida16 on
Ishida16Cool I didnt know you were doing a thing with her it looks really good!!!!!!!! I was having fun naming all the things with A!!! And for some reason I seem to have already commented on this pic but I dont remember doing it (looks at you suspiciously*

luckylace222 on July 12, 2009, 12:48:03 PM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222>.> *whistles* XD ARGH! You have caught me! D;

But...but....I just wanted someone to say that. DX LAWL! XD

Ishida16 on July 12, 2009, 1:26:55 PM

Ishida16 on
Ishida16I was gonna say something like that but as i was scrolling down i noticed there was a comment by me already ...

SoraCooper on July 11, 2009, 6:22:46 AM

SoraCooper on
I can find tons to stuff that (I think... Oxo; *Is French, after all xD*) starts by "A"... But I won't name them for miss-spelling plot-reasons... xD

Crap, you were having this much stuff at once?!1 O[]O
Sorry for pushing you around, tough... TTwTT

I'm drowing something to post now so you won't kill me tough!!! xD *Smashes FAVs button and goes to next pic*