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Follow me into the Sunlight!

Follow me into the Sunlight!

Follow me into the Sunlight! by luckylace222
Follow me into the Sunlight! by luckylace222


Teeheehee look at me. Making giftart. Like a boss.

;U I'm so depressed these days it's not healthy. *smacks herself* YOU CAN DO IT! I just feel....overwhelmed. But hey, this is what's expected from this time of my life. ;] *eats poisonous chocolate* :U

Well....! No matter how happy this picture looks, it's actually quite emotional and I would like to be serious on what I say. (My pictures fail to express the mood on my descriptions) XD This is giftart for both HalfoftheMoon and safersephiroth. I promised them a "cheering up emotionally" picture. I know I don't have enough time to make two pictures, so I packed them into one. xP (Cause I'm a cheapo)



Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin.
-Grace Hansen

No matter how bad things get, and no matter how many obstacles break you down and make you cry, you have to stand up and look forward to positive day. That means look up at people with a smile, and look back at past memories with a smile. I don't like talking about love like it's nothing, because it's not. It's a test, whether you can overcome it or not. Sometimes love will not always work for us, who cares. The world will always continue for us. We just have to be strong enough to continue on with it.


Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
-Muriel Strode

LAWL, I actually have less to say for EMMA. I think he's an upbeat, talented, funny guy. Well all I have to say is, there are moments where we doubt our skills due to what people say to us. If we're weak, we'll believe in their words and fall into the darkness called "insecurity." If we're strong, we choose what we believe is right, we make our choices and do what we enjoy without the bitterness of people's insults against us. Because afterall, it's our life, not theirs. What right do they have to control you?

HAHAHA I sound like a rebellious teenager. ;P Excuse me while I eat red bananas. (BTW, I did this with OpenCanvas. xP)


General Info

General Info

Category Real People » Friends, Family members » Tribute to Another Artist
Date Submitted
Views 2977
Favorites... 41
Vote Score 28
Comments 64
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken 5 hours
Reference none


Comments (64)

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QueenPaige on August 24, 2010, 4:56:26 AM

QueenPaige on
Haha this is so awesome, I always love the colors of the sunset

Neji on December 2, 2009, 12:25:56 PM

Neji on
Nejiim jealousss..

luckylace222 on December 3, 2009, 9:03:31 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222D; Eh?!! Why?!

Takahashi2Oki on September 8, 2009, 4:28:41 AM

Takahashi2Oki on
Takahashi2OkiThis picture makes me happy...

VioletAngel on September 6, 2009, 4:30:08 PM

VioletAngel on
VioletAngelthat is just too cute~

StonerPenguin on August 17, 2009, 12:07:21 PM

StonerPenguin on
StonerPenguinWoah! I love the painty look of the piece, and such a cute theme C: I like the falling pose and expression. And the bright colors~ I hope HalfoftheMoon and safersephiroth were very happy with this cute giftie- I'm sure they were XD

potterfan on August 13, 2009, 12:56:34 AM

potterfan on

ZeroMidnight on August 1, 2009, 6:19:06 AM

ZeroMidnight on
ZeroMidnightHa ha, I love this! I giggled when I saw your expression, but got all dead serious yet somewhat happy reading your advice for the two of them. And I know I feel overwhelmed, and sometimes depressed. I can never catch up with request and all my own art demands! *shoves pencil in eye* DRAW DAMMIT!
Anyway, *faves* :D

luckylace222 on August 1, 2009, 7:30:31 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222*UNstabs you in the eye* :O EGASP don't hurt yourself! xD There are so many artists that can't fulfill all the requests of others, and it seems like it's OUR responsibility since it was a promise that we plan to keep. But I plan on not stressing myself out when people have told me, "It's ok if you don't do it on time, as long as you try." And I realize, I have a life other than FAC. They're no way I'll ever ever fulfill everyone's requests all the time, but I'm putting my effort into it, and that's what counts. SO I DON"T WANT YOU TO FEEL PRESSURED! D; Because as long as you try your best to get those requests done(and give yourself break time and draw what you want too), you'll be doing the best you can!

JESUS, I write a lot. ]; But then again, hmmm. THANKS SO MUCH! xD

ZeroMidnight on August 2, 2009, 10:45:24 AM

ZeroMidnight on
<:_) You always know what to say. ^^ I'm glad to have a great friend like you. HUGS FOR ALL!!

luv2laugh on August 1, 2009, 8:09:34 AM

luv2laugh on
luv2laughpsh! ur amazing! i dont see why you would b depressed about your art! im not even good at the simple pencil! >.< gaah! but you are AMAZING with your computer enhanced art. its just so amazing. i wish i could b like you someday.

darkessence on July 29, 2009, 4:03:29 AM

darkessence on

How kind of you, BETTEH. o-o


luckylace222 on July 29, 2009, 9:32:42 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222xD MAn, I thought you called me a , "BETCH" just now, and I was ready to be all, "WHAT'd you call me? Oh no you didn't! *snaps her fingers* I know you're gonna take that back girl!"

>;O SO YEAH. xD THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

darkessence on July 29, 2009, 12:29:29 PM

darkessence on
darkessenceAnytime, BETCH |'D

-is shot by Betty-

luckylace222 on July 29, 2009, 12:57:38 PM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222DX *then shoots herslef* Oh woe is me to shoot another kind, innocent bystander....*PFT*

darkessence on July 29, 2009, 1:04:56 PM

darkessence on

AKJFksldfjsfsdf Betty <33

aeris7dragon on July 28, 2009, 1:25:59 PM

aeris7dragon on
aeris7dragonhey, we still have an art trade that needs finishing, don't we? XD

luckylace222 on July 29, 2009, 3:03:21 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222xP "aeris7dragon: Draw human version of Koji and Bloo(temporary cat)"

That's what I have on my list. PLEASE TELL ME THAT"S RIGHT! xD

aeris7dragon on July 29, 2009, 12:04:26 PM

aeris7dragon on
aeris7dragonYup. I also have to humanify Storm and Newton.