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Honeybee by luckylace222
Honeybee by luckylace222


I really despise my overuse of colors sometimes. This picture was very nice without the crazy lighting, but oh well.

I'm having this artistic obsession with honeybees. They're so pretty and cute. I'm practicing on my realism, but developing a different kind of style at first is hard. You can still feel a "manga" atmosphere from it don't you? Oh well, enough with criticizing my own art!

This was made with Coreal Painter IX. (I finally got it! YAH! *jumps 1/2 feet in the air*) xD

I despise depression, so I despise myself when I'm depressed, but hey, it happens. Let me give you guys a story that I made up in 10 seconds about this picture.

A girl bought a batch of flowers for her deceased mother. When she looks closely inside the flowers, she sees illusion of honeybees. *3* BBBBzzzZzzzzzZZZZZ

Koji isn't in this picture! D; I'm so sorry! ;__; Next picture....>;[ THE ORANGE KAT PRODIGY WILL SURVIVE!

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Characters (Female)
Date Submitted
Views 2980
Favorites... 24
Vote Score 22
Comments 77
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken 11 hours
Reference Asian people's faces


Comments (77)

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Gartenschlauch on November 7, 2009, 4:28:00 PM

Gartenschlauch on
Gartenschlauchokay really shame on you,i mean you are drawing on photoshop and that with a tablet and even so your drawings look like elementary schoolkid look at this and learn something,she's drawing only on Paint and without a tablet

luckylace222 on November 7, 2009, 11:50:27 PM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222O__O Ummm yeah....I know her. She's a good friend. Shame on me for what? D; I worked hard on this. I wouldn't necessary call my work elementary level. I assure you there's a broad line between a simple crayon drawing and a 11-hour digital drawing.

Different artists use different mediums and art styles. Don't compare my art to others.

Also, shame on me for what now? For using Coreal Painter?

Gartenschlauch on November 8, 2009, 1:10:40 PM

Gartenschlauch on
GartenschlauchI hope my strict uneccessary boredom critics make you work harder ^^

luckylace222 on November 8, 2009, 10:13:14 PM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222;U I can't work harder if you don't answer my questions.

Ishida16 on November 7, 2009, 4:35:12 PM

Ishida16 on
Ishida16Ok first of all i cant find the kittysecond i think its good except the really bright light under her favce, it like messes me up when im trying to look at the picture..... Other than that awesome job!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you drew a picture ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its like three in the morning ahhhhhh ima go to sleep now!

luckylace222 on November 7, 2009, 11:56:39 PM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222;P HOLA BRANDON! Have you fixed your depression yet? >;U You better have!! *pets* ;PPPPPP Read over your Anat notes! Get ready to pwn Rocio on the battlefield of medical science! (LOL, I find it funny we're plotting against her in grades)

D; God dang it, I left out Koji AGAIN!!! DX The pictures I've recently uploaded were drawn at-the-moment and not planned. I guess that's why I never remember Koji.

GO TO SLEEP! Well, actually I think you're awake by now. My mom and dad said I look way too tired and they say it's because I don't get enough sleep, but I really do. It's probably the stress of grades that's making me feel like a zombie. D; MAN! I totally like that bright light! It's there to show an awesome, magical dimension of floura and bumblebees! Like a portal! If it blinds you, that means it's working! HAHAMAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

Ishida16 on November 8, 2009, 7:39:40 AM

Ishida16 on
Ishida16Hola Buu...umm well no not really I havent done anything about depression yet...I have too much junk flying around in my head so it is kinda hard to read over my anatomy notes but i am!!!

Koji... I have to remember that name... well its fine its just a game i like to play to see how long it takes me to find him/her... Btw a person named Jason said that you should be famous and that your work powns... thats really good coming from him...

I ended up not sleeping but oh well... I feel im being brainwashed at school... its soo exaushting,And i do like the light being there its just my eyes get easily distracted and no matter how hard i try they always go to that bright light... No offense intended it just hurt the first time i looked at it, but i kinda see how it adds to the overal quality of the picture so just ignore me..

luckylace222 on November 8, 2009, 8:43:57 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222Whooaa no way I will not ignore you! I think you're suffering from the same thing Rocio and me had to go through last year. You have hard classes, especially Anat that makes oyu feel overwhelmed and no matter how hard you tudy, you can't get the grade you want or everything isn't going the way you want it to. But don't worry, everyone else is going through the same thing you are, you just have to pucker up and keep going! ;U If you want, we can support each other all the way! We're all int eh same boat!

Ishida16 on November 8, 2009, 1:00:44 PM

Ishida16 on
Ishida16ehhh thats one part but i know everybody is having trouble with that... ugugugugugug well ill try to go to sleep now... see you thursday

Rubius on November 7, 2009, 1:23:49 PM

Rubius on
Rubius*hugs you* Don't worry the depression will go away, and then you will have happy story thingies again. :D

Anyway, this is a great picture. I like the colors and the use of realism. The lighting makes it look almost dream-like.

I can't find the kitty. :'( I've been looking for 5 minutes.

luckylace222 on November 7, 2009, 11:59:22 PM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222;__; KOJI isn't there. I"M SO SORRY. I"M SO SORRY!!! DX I knew there was something off with my pictures! Kojo's not even there! ARGH!

I'm sorry, I will make it up to you. ;U Uhhh soon! When I make another amazing picture! Soon! Eventually....very soon/quasi soon. Wait what? Yeah. Thanks for the comment!

;P And my depression has in fact gone away! Thanks! I didn't read your comment til the day after, but it involuntarily made me feel better! YAH! I just felt really guilty about grades yesterday. ;__;

Rubius on November 8, 2009, 5:48:40 AM

Rubius on
RubiusI'm glad I could involuntarily make you happy. :D

scooter_girl_Haruko on November 7, 2009, 10:13:11 PM

scooter_girl_Haruko on
scooter_girl_HarukoI really like your style. It's so sketchy. and her eyes are so beautiful! You're a great artist and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise!!!
XD *glompz and honeybuns for all*

luckylace222 on November 8, 2009, 12:25:29 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222xD YESHHH!! Never! I will never let other people bring me down on what I am proud of! TICK TOK TICK TOK man, I'm listening to tick Tok by Kesha. ;U She is soo amazing...

Anyways! @_@ Back on topic, thank-you so much! I did the picture on 1 layer, so the sketch is still evident. ;O Do you think the light is too bright? @__@ My friend said the light made the picture a little confusing. P; I may have to becareful with my lighting next time.

scooter_girl_Haruko on November 8, 2009, 5:46:08 AM

scooter_girl_Haruko on
scooter_girl_HarukoI think the light is what ties it all together. It doesn't bother me at all. It's very nice and I don't think you should change a thing!! XD

Alma on November 8, 2009, 4:52:58 AM

Alma on
Comment Deleted

luckylace222 on November 8, 2009, 5:12:13 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222;O That hair took forever! It almost looks out of place for the face, thank-you so much!!!

HHAHAHA actually, I was gong to draw a real live bee with the long legs and abdomen, but I freaked out looking at it. I pictured myself having a bee on my nose, so I changed it to a cuter looking bee to not freak out anyone else.

SweetKitty06 on November 8, 2009, 4:45:24 AM

SweetKitty06 on
SweetKitty06nice one but there is really a liiittle too much light! ^^" i am sry to said that but otherwise it is AWESOMEE!! >w<

luckylace222 on November 8, 2009, 5:10:39 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222xD Oh my! I knew it! Okay, I will be more careful on my lighting! Some other artists noticed the crazy lighting. D; It was actually very good without my editing it on PS. LOL, thanks so much for the comment! 8D

chichirifan92 on November 8, 2009, 3:50:00 AM

chichirifan92 on
chichirifan92OMG!!!!! SHE'S SO ADORABLE!!!!! (the honeybee too) The pic looks just fine with the crazy lighting (it adds something to the pic, but i can't put my finger on what it is XD)

luckylace222 on November 8, 2009, 4:22:28 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222xD Thank-you! I was hoping to have it as a special effect in the picture!

chichirifan92 on November 8, 2009, 4:27:00 AM

chichirifan92 on
chichirifan92=D I think the light adds to the effect of the illusion

hvite_angel on November 8, 2009, 2:09:47 AM

hvite_angel on
hvite_angelAmazing pictures! Her eyes are very beautiful made! Same with hair and small details.

Very nice made!

luckylace222 on November 8, 2009, 3:16:53 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222I had to look at a lot of Asian people's eyes to see if it would look okay. O; She actually reminded me of a Hawaiian girl with the flowers in her hair. Do the eyes make her look Asian to you?

hvite_angel on November 8, 2009, 4:14:41 AM

hvite_angel on
hvite_angelYeah you can see the small hint of asian in here eyes, but you are right, she looks like a hawaiian girl too. Very nice, I actually didn't realize it before you told me:)

Falconlobo on November 7, 2009, 10:42:43 AM

Falconlobo on
Falconloboawesome nice job on the hair colors glow effect and eyes^^

luckylace222 on November 8, 2009, 12:36:41 AM

luckylace222 on

Falconlobo on November 8, 2009, 3:28:57 AM

Falconlobo on
Falconloboyou're welcome^^

Takahashi2Oki on November 7, 2009, 9:59:11 AM

Takahashi2Oki on
Takahashi2OkiI love the lighting and colors! It makes it more remarkable.

luckylace222 on November 8, 2009, 1:28:46 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222Thank-yous so much! Some people said the lighting as confusing though...]; Is it?