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DaemonWolf by mechadragon13
DaemonWolf by mechadragon13


maaaaaah. bored. but yeh, i redesigned the daemonwolf, but i never posted it, so i re-drew it and here it is ^^; crappy sketch, i know :P

General Info

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Category Furry » Animal art (Non-anthro) » - Mammals » Dogs & Canids » Wolves
Date Submitted
Views 10249
Favorites... 3
Vote Score 3
Comments 2967
Media Graphite pencil
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mechadragon13 on September 11, 2010, 12:57:35 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13D.Twilight: *nudges Neon and Eclipse onto her back and GETS THE FREAKING HELL OUT OF THERE. she stops just below the way they came in*

TheGameArtCritic on September 11, 2010, 1:22:44 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: *hurriedly scrambles up the ladder out of the sewers* D8

NAD Victims: SCREEEEEEEEE!! *more are rushing in*

TheGameArtCritic on July 8, 2010, 2:18:06 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: *also peers around the corner*

mechadragon13 on July 9, 2010, 4:35:33 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: *VEERS not PEERS XD*

Twilight: HERE we are. *knocks on a door*

Neon: *from inside* Come in!

Twilight: *opens the door and is greeted by a bajillion screens and technological things* whoah. Neon?

Neon: *waves from over THAR* over here. :P

TheGameArtCritic on July 9, 2010, 11:16:12 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: how the frack did I screw that up??

Eclipse: *walks into the room* Hey, Neon!

mechadragon13 on July 9, 2010, 2:29:38 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: well, you got three of the letters right. ^^;

Neon: *PEERS out from the semi-circle of monitors he's looking into* Hey, Twilight, Eclipse! It's been a while. :)

Twilight: Hey Neon, sorry we haven't been able to visit. How's security holding up?

Neon: pretty well, actually. I've been able to program the security system to detect a wide variety of threats and alert building security automatically.... buuuut, that's not why you're here, is it?

Twilight: Yeahhh ^^; We actually need your help with something, Neon.

Neon: oh?

TheGameArtCritic on July 9, 2010, 2:34:05 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: It's a... er... evil robot double of Inderretta. He's extremely dangerous. We really need your help, because he's hacked Dad, and in order to fix him, we need a password that the robot HAS. Your special abilities are very much needed.

mechadragon13 on July 9, 2010, 2:55:47 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: So you need me to hack a robot? Piece of cake. :)

Twilight: thank you SO much, Neon. Sorry to ask for something more, but would you be able to check the security camera records to see if the robot was in the building at some point?

Neon: sure. *turns back to the monitors and tyes some stuff in*

Me: where did indy-bot grab shadow? unless it wasn't in the building.

TheGameArtCritic on July 9, 2010, 3:04:07 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: Inderrettabot got to Shadow when Shadow was, for some reason explained later, was searching for something in omg - the sewers.

Eclipse: *watches Neon do his thing*

mechadragon13 on July 9, 2010, 3:22:29 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: *stares intently at the screens for a while, then sighs* nope. wherever he caught Shadow, it wasn't i the building.

Twilight: no more leads then, huh? Thanks for trying, Neon.

Neon: *shrugs* so, any other ideas where this robot could be?

TheGameArtCritic on July 9, 2010, 3:30:29 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Well, we figured that he was hiding underground, in the sewers. Maybe you can come along and check with us?

mechadragon13 on July 10, 2010, 2:27:17 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: *hops off his chair* sure, why not?

Twilight: Great! Let's get moving.

TheGameArtCritic on July 10, 2010, 7:37:43 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCritic*and so they went...*


Eclipse: *climbs down the latter into the disgusting wet* mmnnnnnnngh...!

mechadragon13 on July 12, 2010, 12:45:55 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: Aww, gross..... D:

Twilight: iiiiiiick. right..... let's get searching.... *heads in one direction through the icky stuff*

TheGameArtCritic on July 12, 2010, 12:55:30 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: ... What a good place to hide... away from sight, but completely accessable to HNHQ... and then, just encase of being found, there's NAD victims here...

mechadragon13 on July 14, 2010, 2:04:49 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: *STOPS* whoa-whoa-whoa. NAD victims!?

Twilight: ...oh.... right forgot about that.... -_-;

TheGameArtCritic on July 15, 2010, 12:21:06 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Well, I'm sure we can easily avoid THOSE... just stay away from all the screeching noises. ^^;

mechadragon13 on July 16, 2010, 12:28:03 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: .... fffffff..... *keeps walking*

Twilight: *also continues*

TheGameArtCritic on July 16, 2010, 3:48:32 PM

TheGameArtCritic on

Eclipse: I think I hear someth -


Eclipse: ._.;

mechadragon13 on July 17, 2010, 6:12:13 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: i rest my case. XD

Neon: ohmygoshthatisnotagoodnoise. o_o;

Twilight: yep, time to turn around ._.

They: *turnaroundandheadintheotherrrr direction!*

TheGameArtCritic on July 17, 2010, 7:29:42 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: XD


Eclipse: If Inderretta IS down here, he definitely hid himself really well - OH frack.

NAD Vampire: *leaps out of the shadows, and hisses at them* SSSSSS...!

Eclipse: Why am I feeling some deja-vu here??

More NAD Vampires: *stalk out of the shadows from behind them* sssssss...!

Eclipse: Wow, I REALLY cannot believe this is happening.

mechadragon13 on July 17, 2010, 12:12:26 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: damn those authors.

Twilight: *DAEMONWOLF!* rrrrr.... <guys, we need an escape plan here...>

TheGameArtCritic on July 17, 2010, 12:26:04 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Oh yeah? Well, if you think of one, let me know!

NAD Vampires: *step closer* ssssss...!!

A huge @$$ stream of bullets: *fire out of flipping no where, and kill ALL of those motherfrackers!*

Eclipse: HOLY shoot! *gets down onto the EWWWWW in order to avoid being bulletededed*

mechadragon13 on July 18, 2010, 8:56:07 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13D.Twilight: *does the same, though her miss is even narrower due to her size*

Neon: *GETS DOWN!* D:

TheGameArtCritic on July 18, 2010, 9:02:57 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCritic*finally the hidden gun ceases fire*

All NAD Vampires: *drop dead*

Eclipse: *slowly gets up* ...?

Inderrettabot: *with a rusty clank, he steps out of the shadows, arm smoking from the recently fired stream of bullets* Well, well... and what can I do for YOU, hedgebat?

Eclipse: THERE you are...

mechadragon13 on July 19, 2010, 7:50:39 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: *is ready to perform robot-manipulation if necessary* ....

Twilight: *snorts, then returns to normal* We think you can help us with a little issue we had this morning.

TheGameArtCritic on July 19, 2010, 9:35:22 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticInderrettabot: Oh, you mean a certain issue revolving around a newly hacked Mr. Shadow the Hedgedroid?

Eclipse: So it WAS you...! D:<

Inderrettabot: You suspected someone else? How dense ARE you?

Eclipse: we only needed a confirmation, Inderretta... give us that password! >:(

Inderrettabot: And if I don't, you're going to use your stupid metal-bender to hurt me? Typical. To think you all would stoop to my level.

mechadragon13 on July 20, 2010, 1:13:48 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: *is annoyed by the fact that they keep confusing him for a "metalbender" when he is in fact a technopath*

Twilight: if you give us the password, we won't need to resort to force.

TheGameArtCritic on July 20, 2010, 1:28:43 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticInderrettabot: I can activate my sonar if you decide to use force.

Eclipse: Um...?

Inderrettabot: This attracts NAD victims. They always head towards the echolocation, don't they? I'm guessing it's because they have some vampire-bat like qualities to them.

Eclipse: D8 ...

Inderrettabot: Not to mention it'll blind YOU, hedgebat, who are so used to seeing normally.

Eclipse: DD8

mechadragon13 on July 20, 2010, 1:46:30 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: apparently indybot doesn't comprehend what a technopath can do to him.... as in frack up his programming and other such things.... he's like the mikki of computers, but not nearly as skilled.

Neon: .....

Twilight: Like i said, we won't need force if you give us the password. give it to us, and we leave you alone.

TheGameArtCritic on July 20, 2010, 1:57:57 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: I already know this. Indy does not.

Inderrettabot: Can your techno-freak get to me before I trigger the sonar?

Eclipse: D8| ...

TheGameArtCritic on July 20, 2010, 1:58:45 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticP.S. It's not just programming fueling Inderretta, his soul is also in there.

mechadragon13 on July 23, 2010, 3:16:08 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: *is confident in his skills, but keeps his face straight*

Twilight: Do we need to try it out? I'm not lying when I say we'll leave you alone.

TheGameArtCritic on July 23, 2010, 3:32:59 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticInderretta: I AM YOUR THREAT, FOOL! NEVER THE OTHER WAY AROUND! *about to activate his sonar omg*


mechadragon13 on July 25, 2010, 8:24:46 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: !!!

Neon: *quickly raises his hand, and an unseen force spikes into indybot's robo-brain, strong enough to temporarily stun him. the force is like a virus or a hack-- if Neon can get into his system, indybot will become defenseless*

TheGameArtCritic on July 25, 2010, 9:14:39 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticInderrettabot: Ghh!! *holds his head* What... you... stupid mobian... you're fast...

Eclipse: Way to go, Neon! :D

mechadragon13 on July 25, 2010, 1:07:12 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: *allows a half-smile, but devotes his otherwise complete attention to the robot. He sends another stab at Indybot, this time attempting to get through his firewall.*

Twilight: *waits*

TheGameArtCritic on July 25, 2010, 1:15:12 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticInderrettabot: *screams in agony* STOP... DOING THAT!!

Eclipse: This is actually kinda weird to watch. :/

mechadragon13 on July 28, 2010, 10:37:40 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: *shatters the stab into a bajillion needles, prodding constantly at the firewall, searching for a hole to get into*

Twilight: i know...

TheGameArtCritic on July 28, 2010, 10:41:25 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticInderrettabot: *Neon successfully gets into a weak point in the firewall. He's in* FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.

Eclipse: Is that a GOOD thing? :/

mechadragon13 on July 28, 2010, 12:57:51 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: *allows a small smirk, and forces his way through the wall. he hunts for the programming that controls indybot's limbs, and tries to shut them down*

Twilgiht: i think it is....

TheGameArtCritic on July 28, 2010, 1:10:47 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticInderrettabot: *falls down with a surprised grunt* s-s-stop it... please... d-don't... not... not the password...

Eclipse: Great, Neon. Keep going.

mechadragon13 on August 8, 2010, 10:46:15 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: *now that indybot is incapacitated, he hunts through his memory/files/data for the password*

Twilight: *waits patientlyyy*

TheGameArtCritic on August 8, 2010, 11:39:20 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticPassword: *the password is the name of Inderretta's dead girlfriend, Mayabel*

Inderrettabot: no... no...

Eclipse: did you find it yet?

mechadragon13 on August 8, 2010, 11:44:23 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: *nods* anything else you need?

Twilight: *shakes her head*

TheGameArtCritic on August 8, 2010, 12:00:47 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: alright then. Let's go fix Dad.

Inderrettabot: no... no... no... no...

mechadragon13 on August 8, 2010, 12:16:39 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: .... should i turn him off?

Twilight: ..... nnnnno.

TheGameArtCritic on August 8, 2010, 12:26:43 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Why not, Twilight? Don't you think he kinda deserves it? >:(

Inderrettabot: no... no... no... no... *when Neon retrieved the password, it had stirred memories of Mayabel*

mechadragon13 on August 8, 2010, 12:39:04 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: *waits* .....

Twilight: we don't want to make him angrier at us, do we?

TheGameArtCritic on August 8, 2010, 12:58:28 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: No one will find him down here in the sewers! And it's not like he can turn himself back on! D:<

Inderrettabot: ghhhd...

mechadragon13 on August 9, 2010, 4:08:47 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: you KNOW everything comes back to bite us in the butt, Eclipse! we have horrible karma, you know D:

Neon: ....

TheGameArtCritic on August 9, 2010, 4:32:36 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Then we'll turn him off, and DESTROY HIM! DB<

Inderrettabot: nhhhgh...

mechadragon13 on August 11, 2010, 2:58:24 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: Yeah but wouldn't that be like killing him? we don't just KILL people just because they cause problems!

Neon: ...

TheGameArtCritic on August 11, 2010, 4:02:42 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: HUGE problems, Twilight! And he could cause even MORE HUGE problems! D8<

Inderrettabot: ... you all have what you want... let me move again...

mechadragon13 on August 11, 2010, 6:19:49 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: .... *bites her lip* fine. if you want to destroy him, then you do it.

Neon: ....

TheGameArtCritic on August 11, 2010, 8:01:29 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Good. I will. >:(

Inderrettabot: Activate system reboot! Activate system reboot! *suddenly shuts down*

Eclipse: Wait - Neon, what did he just do? >:/

mechadragon13 on August 18, 2010, 1:33:17 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Neon: ... *jolts like he got smack'd in da FACE* he.... he's rebooting ._.;

Twilight: and that means WHAT for us?

Neon: if you're gonna break him, do it NOW.

Me: break or no break?

TheGameArtCritic on August 18, 2010, 1:44:42 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: I say the third option! :D

Eclipse: *prepares to attack the robot* rrrr...!

Inderrettabot: *fully reboots* nrrgh... *slowly standing up*

Eclipse: *RUNSATHIM!*

Inderrettabot: *suddenly reactivates the sonar that was already loaded when Neon hacked him before* TOO SLOW! D8<

Sonar: *emits an extremely high pitched noise that normal mobians can't hear*

Eclipse: AH frack!! *backs away, holding his ears tightly. He can no longer see, as his vision has blurred out*

NAD Victims: *their slowly loudening screeching and snarling echoes through the sewers. There are, by the sounds of it, a horde of them coming from both directions*

Me: :D

mechadragon13 on August 24, 2010, 2:16:23 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: you totally just godmodded and ignored the rules of technology, but okay. :/

Twilight: *cringes at the noise since the daemons allow her to hear it, but not nearly as loudly as Eclipse* shiiiiiiit. we need to get the hell outta here-- *goes wolfy* <Neon! Try turning that sonar off again!>

Neon: *is rather freaked out by the fact that he may soon be surrounded by angry zombies, but tries to hack back into indybot's brain again*

TheGameArtCritic on August 24, 2010, 2:20:57 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: shoot no! D: did not!

Inderrettabot: *freezes up because of Neon's intrusion* FACK YOU, YOU TOOL!!


A few NAD victims: *start pouring in*

mechadragon13 on August 24, 2010, 2:42:43 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: uhh, yeah you did. if you load something then reboot the computer, it has to reload again. :/ it's like fully loading a video on youtube, closing the window then reopening it. it has to load again.

Neon: i'm TRYING... *stabs harder into the firewall*

D.Twilight: nrrrrrRRRR! *donkey-kicks some of the NAD victims away*

TheGameArtCritic on August 24, 2010, 3:11:56 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: but in Inderretta's case, it was like closing a window in firefox, them opening it again, and restoring all the closed windows. Since he's a robot, would't he just need to set something up in order to preform an action, and if he's shut down while it's still set up, he'd be able to continue from there? (like with a ride in Disneyland, if it shuts down midway through). D:

Inderrettabot: *slowly, his sonar shuts down* No!! *at Neon* I'll make sure you pay for this, you THING... I always have my way with revenge... don't you dare think you'll be safe from me...

Eclipse: *can see again, but his hearing's temporarily screwed up, so now he's shouting* OH MY GOD, THANK YOU NEON - HOLY CRAP, NAD VICTIMS, LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!!

NAD VAMPIRES not zombies: *chaaaarge!* SCREEEEE!

mechadragon13 on August 25, 2010, 12:17:33 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: snrrrf. there's a difference between mechanical things and computer things but OKAY.

Neon: *holds inderetta down*

D.Twilight: <SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIT!> *growls at them, then goes to snarl but instead breathes FIRE HOLY CRAP* <?!>

Neon: ?!

Me: deus ex machina! 8D

TheGameArtCritic on August 25, 2010, 12:27:46 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: WHAT THE CRAP IS THAT, TWILLY??

Inderrettabot: *can't exactly fight against Neon, so holding him down is pointless*

NAD Victims: *snarl and spit in pain when they become alight with the blazing fire. Some continue trying to get at the group, despite slowly burning to death, while others simply ran around, bumping into each other, and pretty much dying a horrible death*

mechadragon13 on September 2, 2010, 12:40:42 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: o.o <i honestly have no idea....>

Neon: *MENTALLY keeping him down, preventing him from turning the sonar back on* guys? i vote we get the hell out of here.

TheGameArtCritic on September 2, 2010, 1:34:11 PM

TheGameArtCritic on

NAD Victims: *continue burning*

Inderrettabot: ... *being held down* ...

TheGameArtCritic on June 10, 2010, 10:54:19 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: the only person I can think of is Inderretta. But this timeline's Inderretta is a good person.

Shadow: *...*

mechadragon13 on June 10, 2010, 12:52:33 PM

mechadragon13 on

TheGameArtCritic on June 10, 2010, 12:56:14 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: miiiiish... we had that whole thiiiing in the rp's, remeeeeemberrr...? both timelines had a robot Shadow because one Inderretta was too proud to let Shadow die, and the OTHER Inderretta was in denial that his long-time friend was dead.

mechadragon13 on June 10, 2010, 1:12:23 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: ah. btw, you skipped ryu i think, i don't see your reply.

Twilight: you have a good point...

TheGameArtCritic on June 10, 2010, 4:09:53 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Unless... Inderretta the ROBOT is still here...

Me: No, Mish, FAC was just being a dick. You need to refresh.

mechadragon13 on June 13, 2010, 1:16:00 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: ...... that's just GREAT.... *looks at shadow* i think we should take him to Inderetta, just so he can repair him...

TheGameArtCritic on June 13, 2010, 3:40:54 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: *nods* good plan. Let's head out now, while he's still unconscious.

Shadow: *...*

mechadragon13 on June 15, 2010, 11:29:18 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: *nods*


TheGameArtCritic on June 15, 2010, 11:37:07 AM

TheGameArtCritic on

Eclipse: HEY!!

Inderretta: *opens the door* wah?

Eclipse: Can you help us? Please? Dad went berserk, and we don't know why. D:

Inderretta: wait, what? ._.

Shadow: *...*

mechadragon13 on June 15, 2010, 2:29:28 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: We think he malfunctioned. He was randomly attacking people when we found him. D:

TheGameArtCritic on June 15, 2010, 2:40:40 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticInderretta: randomly attacking...? Hang on. D: *takes Shadow, and let's the two real mobians into his lab. He places Shadow on a workbench, and... opens up his head, or at least, the side of it*

Eclipse: *makes a face*

Shadow: *the side of his head has an outlet in it*

Inderretta: *hooks up a wire attaching Shadow to a computer. He studies what appears on the screen*

mechadragon13 on June 15, 2010, 2:55:32 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: so... what's wrong with him?

TheGameArtCritic on June 15, 2010, 3:05:57 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticInderretta: I... I think he's been hacked... m-my programming was deleted, and replaced with THIS nonsense! D8>

Eclipse: WHAT?? D8>

Shadow: *...*

mechadragon13 on June 16, 2010, 11:36:53 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: by WHO?!

TheGameArtCritic on June 16, 2010, 12:11:28 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticInderretta: That, I am unsure of.

Eclipse: what if... what if it was the robot badger?

Inderretta: what do you mean?

Eclipse: He's still out there, right?

Shadow: *...*

mechadragon13 on June 16, 2010, 1:08:40 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: CAN fix him, right?

TheGameArtCritic on June 16, 2010, 1:20:43 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticInderretta: the hacker... he... he created a password. D:

Eclipse: D8>

Shadow: *...*

mechadragon13 on July 3, 2010, 7:21:54 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: *sweatdrop* of COURSE. there's ALWAYS something, isn't there? DX

TheGameArtCritic on July 3, 2010, 7:35:58 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticInderretta: actually, it's only EXPECTED of the hacker to do something like this, if he or she wanted to do some damage.

Eclipse: I'm still thinking the was the robot badger. Maybe we can force the password out of him?

Shadow: *...*

mechadragon13 on July 3, 2010, 8:08:49 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: maybe if we bring him back, Devon can hack HIM and get the password out of him... unless he put a password on himself -_-;

Me: HEY umm, Mishy needs help. ^^; I'm really wanting to make a commercial-type thing for my OTHER fanfic (not the high school one), because it's supposed to be my main one. Problem is, i cant think of background music for it and i DONT WANNA USE SIMPLE+CLEAN OR SANCTUARY AGAIN. So umm, any ideas? it's a tragic story. if ya want we can talk on iscribble :P

TheGameArtCritic on July 3, 2010, 8:21:15 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Knowing Inderretta, I bet that's the case. D:|

Inderretta: Heeyyy... D:>

Eclipse: I meant the other Inderretta. <_<;

mechadragon13 on July 3, 2010, 8:51:19 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: *facepalm*

Me: and then i was ignored. :/

TheGameArtCritic on July 3, 2010, 8:53:38 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: DERP! SORRY! To iscribble!

Eclipse: ... yeah.

Inderretta: well best of luck FINDING him. :/

mechadragon13 on July 3, 2010, 2:31:20 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: danke schon~

Twilight: where would we start looking, though?

TheGameArtCritic on July 3, 2010, 3:08:05 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: *shakes his head* I don't know... he could be anywhere...

Inderretta: well, if I were in his shoes, I'd hide in the place where you'd least expect it.

Eclipse: *thinks* ... what about... what about HNHQ? I mean, Mikenno can't sense him because he's a robot, right?

mechadragon13 on July 4, 2010, 2:50:25 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: yeah.... he technically doesn't have a consciousness, so Mikki won't sense him much, if at all.... it's worth a shot, though, we coud ask him to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

TheGameArtCritic on July 4, 2010, 2:56:11 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: *nods* alright. We should head back, then. *to Inderretta* Is there any way to safely keep Dad here without letting him hurt anyone, Inderretta?

Inderretta: I can shut him down for now. I'll reactivate him when you two have the password.

Eclipse: Good.

mechadragon13 on July 4, 2010, 3:27:41 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: alright then. good luck Devon, and thank you.

TheGameArtCritic on July 4, 2010, 3:36:30 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticInderretta: *nods to them both* anything for a friend, right? *turns around in order to deactivate Shadow*

Eclipse: ... *motions for Twilight to follow him, then leaves the room, then the building*

mechadragon13 on July 4, 2010, 3:49:10 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: *follows Eclipse out* just when i thought we'd get a break...

TheGameArtCritic on July 4, 2010, 3:56:44 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: *heads to HNHQ* We're a magnet for this kind of crap, really. Now if I were the robot badger, where would I hide...?

mechadragon13 on July 6, 2010, 5:17:45 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: *snorts* somewhere not visible. unless he can somehow TURN invisible. :/

TheGameArtCritic on July 6, 2010, 5:52:15 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: I doubt it. Even if he could, his clanking would have given him away.

mechadragon13 on July 6, 2010, 12:49:15 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: where would he be, then?

TheGameArtCritic on July 6, 2010, 1:28:30 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Perhaps somewhere underground...

mechadragon13 on July 6, 2010, 1:35:38 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: lovely....

TheGameArtCritic on July 6, 2010, 1:51:23 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: IS there an underground area?

mechadragon13 on July 7, 2010, 1:45:30 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: in Moonglow? no, unless you count the sewers. :/ would a robot survive in there?

TheGameArtCritic on July 7, 2010, 3:36:48 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: I think Inderretta would be smart enough to make himself waterproof.

mechadragon13 on July 7, 2010, 1:44:49 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: good point... we should get some people and start searching as soon as we can...

TheGameArtCritic on July 7, 2010, 3:13:04 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: *shakes his head No. We can't have other people involved. Inderretta is dangerous - we can't risk any casualties.

mechadragon13 on July 8, 2010, 1:05:10 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: two people can't search an entire city's sewer system! it'll be even harder if he's on the move...

TheGameArtCritic on July 8, 2010, 1:16:17 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Twilight, it doesn't matter how long the search takes - we can't risk a body count!

mechadragon13 on July 8, 2010, 1:30:53 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: *mumbling* if we don't find hm fast enough there'll be a--- *LIGHTBULB* WAIT. I know who could help us!

TheGameArtCritic on July 8, 2010, 1:41:00 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Who, dare I ask?

mechadragon13 on July 8, 2010, 5:53:14 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: Neon!! :D

Me: i haven't forgotten all my characters just yet ;)

TheGameArtCritic on July 8, 2010, 9:38:27 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Hey... yeah! :D Neon can handle Inderretta, because he's made of metal! We should go get him!


mechadragon13 on July 8, 2010, 1:35:01 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: well, off we go! *runs off at a pace Eclipse can keep up with*

TheGameArtCritic on July 8, 2010, 1:46:05 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: *keeps up*


Eclipse: Here we are.

Me: *falls off the edge*

mechadragon13 on July 8, 2010, 2:09:30 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: his room should be somewhere over.... heeeere... *veers down a hallway*

Me: hey, this is MY picture, you make the comment XDDDDDD

TheGameArtCritic on July 8, 2010, 2:17:41 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticup thar.

mechadragon13 on May 27, 2010, 12:38:07 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Authorities: *have been alerted, and are looking for him*

TheGameArtCritic on May 27, 2010, 12:50:33 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticHarvey: ... *heads off to the condemned area of Greenhill, knowing that know one goes there anymore* *while running* ... I'm sorry, Mother... I know this is not what you wanted...

mechadragon13 on May 27, 2010, 12:56:56 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13no one: *interrupts him*

TheGameArtCritic on May 27, 2010, 1:05:04 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticHarvey: *stops at Greenhill Zone* ... I don't think you would have ever understood though... you never did...

Me: Ahahaha, perhaps you know who his mother is? :3

mechadragon13 on May 28, 2010, 7:15:47 AM

mechadragon13 on

TheGameArtCritic on May 28, 2010, 9:11:27 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: Well, besides Maria, who was the only girl Robotnik/Kintobor ever to exist ever (including in the comics)?

mechadragon13 on May 28, 2010, 11:43:13 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: ...Hope?

TheGameArtCritic on May 28, 2010, 11:55:07 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: jjjyyeeesssss. :3

mechadragon13 on May 30, 2010, 6:09:11 AM

mechadragon13 on

TheGameArtCritic on May 30, 2010, 9:52:54 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticHarvey: *trudges to the end of one of Greenhill Zone's many loops. Suddenly, he convulses in pain* GHHRRGH...!! *he falls over, and returns to his overlander self* ... oh... no... it... it wore off... ! But wait... no... no, I can still feel it inside me... I... can still... ... ... *he composes himself, and straightens up* ... the mobian activated it when he was stressed... hmmm... perhaps, if I can tap into that power, somehow... perhaps, I can activate it whenever necessary, and therefore, in my overlander form, I could move FREELY on this godforsaken planet...

mechadragon13 on June 1, 2010, 7:27:54 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13nobody: whoop dee doo, good for you~

TheGameArtCritic on June 1, 2010, 9:52:13 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticHarvey: Mehehehaa... yes... this could work juuuust fine...


Eclipse: *is watching TV in his and Twilight's room*

mechadragon13 on June 1, 2010, 11:44:41 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: *is watching TV with him*

TheGameArtCritic on June 1, 2010, 12:02:27 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: So... I guess we really haven't escaped pure evil, huh?

mechadragon13 on June 1, 2010, 12:17:34 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: not until hell freezes over. :P what's with the random question, by the way?

TheGameArtCritic on June 1, 2010, 12:21:48 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: I was just thinking... about what we've traded by going into this timeline... the benefit and the... ... cons... Harvey Kintobor... the thought of a man like that existing here... it's hard to swallow... I mean, sure, there was Inderretta, and NOW his robot copy, but... how does someone like that come into existence...?

Me: brb dinner

mechadragon13 on June 1, 2010, 12:40:40 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: was probably something earlier in life that may have caused something.... to change in him. you know, some thing so bad that it messed him up.

Me: kewl. *waits* i may not be back when you return-- WHOAH WAIT THE BLOCKS AREN'T UP WHUT?! OMFG DAD I LOVE YOU.

TheGameArtCritic on June 1, 2010, 12:47:34 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: ... he mentioned something about not being treated fairly, back when we first met him... if he's a Kintobor, though, he probably never came into contact with Eggman...

Me: YAY!! :D

mechadragon13 on June 5, 2010, 7:06:16 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: ....and now my parents are planning an internet blackout period. YUM.

Twilight: Yeah, that isn't likely... maybe he ran into the same issues as Gerald did? That they didn't allow him to carry out his experiments?

TheGameArtCritic on June 5, 2010, 7:48:03 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: D8>

Eclipse: Considering what he did to ME, I'm guessing that's the case.

mechadragon13 on June 6, 2010, 8:23:41 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: well... i DO have to get my summer work for AP Art done...

Twilight: ..hmmm.....

Me: akjsghfgkajfs something needs to happen liek rite nao.

TheGameArtCritic on June 6, 2010, 9:52:35 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCritic*there is a loud crash heard from outside*

Eclipse: *flinches from the sudden noise* !! Wh-what was that??

mechadragon13 on June 6, 2010, 12:33:00 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: *jumps* I don't know...! let's have a look. *stands from the couch*

Me: clarify-- outside as in the hallway or outside as in OUTSIDE outside?

TheGameArtCritic on June 6, 2010, 1:59:23 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: outside the hallway. ^^; Sorry for not being so specific.

Eclipse: *runs out to the hallway*

Shadow: *has slammed a ferret-fox hybrid onto the floor, and it about to stab his head with a chaos spear*

Eclipse: DAD?? D8

Shadow: *immediately looks up from the hybrid, and gives Eclipse a dark look. He charges at Eclipse with the spear* RAUGH!!

Eclipse: !!! *dodges barely on time from the sudden attack*

mechadragon13 on June 7, 2010, 5:47:56 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: *had run out after Eclipse, and, seeing shadow about to impale Eclipse, spinballs straight for him*

TheGameArtCritic on June 7, 2010, 9:17:03 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: Eclipse already dodged Shadow. ^^;

Shadow: URNF! *the spinball forces him to the floor*

Eclipse: D-DAD! Why are you DOING this??

Shadow: *gets up without answering him, and flings his chaos spear at Twilight*

mechadragon13 on June 7, 2010, 12:30:47 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: i know ^^

Twilight: YIPE! *barely ducks under it, and it sticks in the drywall behind her* What the hell's wrong with him?!

TheGameArtCritic on June 7, 2010, 1:16:42 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Like I should know! D8

Shadow: *pulls Eclipse down, and lands on top of him*

Eclipse: !!!

Shadow: closes his hands around Eclipse's throat, intending to choke him*

mechadragon13 on June 8, 2010, 8:35:15 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: D:!! *grabs Shadow's hands and attempts to pry them off, using the Daemon's strength to help her*

TheGameArtCritic on June 8, 2010, 8:53:17 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticShadow: *is pried off. He instead, punches Twilight in the face*

Eclipse: D8 !!

mechadragon13 on June 8, 2010, 9:30:09 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: *yelps and is forced to let go, falling flat on her butt. she puts a hand over her now-bleeding nose, and pushes herselfback up* okay, that was UNCALLED FOR.

TheGameArtCritic on June 8, 2010, 9:55:57 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: *barrels into Shadow from behind, and pins him to a wall* Gotcha! D8<

Shadow: NRF! *struggles*

Eclipse: *holds him there* Explain yourself*

Shadow: *screams at him angrily*

Eclipse: that's... that's not an explanation. D:< ...

mechadragon13 on June 9, 2010, 8:32:15 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: i don't think he's gonna give us one. should i knock him out?

TheGameArtCritic on June 9, 2010, 8:48:08 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Go for it! Something's not right here, and I wanna find out what it is! *still struggles to hold Shadow*

Shadow: *thrashes violently*

mechadragon13 on June 9, 2010, 1:29:22 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: *again using the Daemon's strength, she takes Shadow's head, pulls it forward, then bashes it against the wall just hard enough to knock him out*

TheGameArtCritic on June 9, 2010, 1:44:35 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticShadow: !!!???!!! *is knocked out, he falls over backwards*

Eclipse: *catches him, and holds him up* Thanks, Twilly. Man... what the hell happened to him?

mechadragon13 on June 9, 2010, 1:53:29 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: no problem. I have no idea... *brings her hand away from her nose, and finds it covered in blood* blech. but whatever it was, it must be something like a brainwash, because he wasn't recognizing ANYONE.

TheGameArtCritic on June 9, 2010, 2:16:00 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: But... but Twilight, he's a ROBOT... there's no way anyone could have manipulated him if they didn't know about THAT...

Shadow: *...*

mechadragon13 on June 10, 2010, 8:17:33 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: .....well.... who knows about him?

TheGameArtCritic on June 10, 2010, 10:53:02 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticup thar.

mechadragon13 on May 26, 2010, 12:27:06 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13*oh shi--he's free*

TheGameArtCritic on May 26, 2010, 12:58:02 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticHarvey: *still running* Krrr... I will need some place to hide for the time being... at least until I figure out a way to exact my revenge unto those who have caused me trouble...

mechadragon13 on May 22, 2010, 8:40:01 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13A scientist in a branching hallway: *sees* !!!?!!???!?!?!??!?!?! *smacks the alarm button*


TheGameArtCritic on May 22, 2010, 9:07:57 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticHarvey: Brilliant... you guys just love to make all of this harder on me, don't you? *smashes through incoming guard robots*

Ashura's Clever Cameo Appearance: OMIGOSH!! *backs away from the cell door as Harvey runs past*

mechadragon13 on May 22, 2010, 9:38:43 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Moar guards: *show up and shoot at Harvey*

TheGameArtCritic on May 22, 2010, 9:56:58 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticHarvey: *dives into the raining bullets, as they ripped at his suit, but otherwise did no other harm. He pummels guards as he romps past*

mechadragon13 on May 23, 2010, 11:22:43 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Guards: *cannot stop him*

TheGameArtCritic on May 23, 2010, 11:35:51 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticHarvey: *he breaks out of Alpha Base, home free* YES!! YEEESSS!!

Bison: THIS IS DELICIOUS! *shot*

mechadragon13 on May 22, 2010, 3:48:22 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: okay XD good plan. let's do it :3

Scientist: .... *enters the cell's code and the door unlocks. he steps in* Alright, come here... *pulls out handcuff type things*

TheGameArtCritic on May 22, 2010, 5:56:01 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticHarvey: ... *he takes one step closer, then, using his long arms, he grabs the scientist's head, and squeezes it until it's crushed. As soon as that's done with, Harvey bolts out of his cell, and down the hall for an escape*

TheGameArtCritic on April 11, 2010, 11:58:57 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: y'know, if someone else tried to steal some bacon, I'd probably growl at them. Like, on instinct. Wolves are territorial.

mechadragon13 on April 12, 2010, 10:28:00 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: i know, silly. : P i'm glad i'm not "someone else," then. ^^ *nom*

TheGameArtCritic on April 12, 2010, 11:23:51 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Yup. *nom* ... ... y'know, I'm still kinda worried that Harvey Kintobor might break out of prison, or something... I know it's stupid of me to think he COULD... but still...

mechadragon13 on April 13, 2010, 12:20:57 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: well, that worry's easily justifiable... i mean, he IS a Kintobor...

TheGameArtCritic on April 13, 2010, 12:57:44 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Greaaat... Now I won't be able to sleep at night...

mechadragon13 on April 17, 2010, 11:43:00 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: hey, you won't be alone. XD

TheGameArtCritic on April 17, 2010, 12:25:18 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: don't stop me if I start sleeping with a gun.

mechadragon13 on April 20, 2010, 11:41:13 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: as long as you don't shoot me in your sleep .____.;

TheGameArtCritic on April 20, 2010, 1:05:06 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: ok, maybe I'll hide it under the bed, or something.

mechadragon13 on April 28, 2010, 5:32:21 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: okay, that's better. i can get to it that way too XD

TheGameArtCritic on April 28, 2010, 10:14:15 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: You sound like ME, now. XD

mechadragon13 on April 28, 2010, 10:26:36 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: you being paranoid made ME paranoid >.>

TheGameArtCritic on April 28, 2010, 10:34:49 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: I'm sorry? <:D

mechadragon13 on April 28, 2010, 10:41:02 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: apology accepted <3

TheGameArtCritic on April 28, 2010, 10:59:30 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Lovely. <3


Harvey Kintobor: *still in his wolfen form, he glares at the robot guards, and scientists that walk past his cell*

mechadragon13 on May 5, 2010, 10:12:47 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Robot guards: *continue on*

Scientists: .... *take down observations then keep walking*

TheGameArtCritic on May 5, 2010, 11:59:09 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticHarvey: *to a scientist* hey... hhheeyy...

mechadragon13 on May 12, 2010, 10:54:53 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Scientist: *hesitates, and looks at him questioningly*

TheGameArtCritic on May 12, 2010, 11:25:03 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticHarvey: I'm like this 'cause I experimented on myself... and... and I didn't know the side-affects... I think there might be something very wrong with me, because I'm stinging all over, and my head hurts... could you please escort me to the medical facility of this building...?

mechadragon13 on May 17, 2010, 10:25:34 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: *SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH* do we REALLY wanna go for the gullible-scientist thing? because i was about to have mr scientist guy zap/tranquilize the bastard. XD

TheGameArtCritic on May 17, 2010, 4:04:02 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: Well, I thought that, because this was the alternate timeline, and Harvey had such a short time at being a villain, and we seriously need more villains, because at the moment we have zero in this timeline, which is boring, that Harvey should be set free. Considering how downhill our non-action rps can get (besides the occational exception), I figured we may need some reinforcement for if the rp takes a dip into the "dead rp zone".

mechadragon13 on April 11, 2010, 2:36:58 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: well, that's an odd change... i'm still stealing your bacon you know. *attempts to snag a strip of bacon from his plate*

TheGameArtCritic on April 11, 2010, 4:20:31 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: *snorts, but lets her* fine then. *takes a piece off his plate himself, then noms on it*

mechadragon13 on April 11, 2010, 11:31:20 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: thank you. <3 *noms*

mechadragon13 on April 5, 2010, 1:20:56 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: *is in the mess hall, eating a sandwich at a table on her own*

Me: deeeeepends on the kind of trip. usually around two weeks.

TheGameArtCritic on April 5, 2010, 1:26:07 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: *sits down across the table from her* why hellooo ~

Me: DX

mechadragon13 on April 6, 2010, 10:05:36 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: again, i'll tell you when we're sure, okay? D:>

Twilight: ? *looks up* oh! Hey Eclipse. :)

TheGameArtCritic on April 6, 2010, 10:32:15 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: well okaaayyy. D:

Eclipse: It's nice to be fully... uh... with you again, Twilight. :) ...? *suddenly stares at her with a look of confusion* w-wait... ... *he gasps in surprise* !!! Y-you-! Twilight! Y-you have the chemicals??

mechadragon13 on April 6, 2010, 10:44:36 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: o_o; h-h-how do you know that??

TheGameArtCritic on April 6, 2010, 10:53:47 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: ... I-I dunno... I could FEEL them moving inside you... as creepy as that sounds...

mechadragon13 on April 6, 2010, 11:21:35 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: ...ah..... well, Jake and Ivy got them before they got out of hand, so i'm okay....

TheGameArtCritic on April 6, 2010, 11:40:36 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: good... *rubbing his hands nervously* ... th-that's good...

mechadragon13 on April 6, 2010, 11:41:54 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: well, obviously they let you out, so you must be doing good. we just both have to take our meds. ^^ *trying to be optimistic*

TheGameArtCritic on April 6, 2010, 11:55:30 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: yeah, I guess... so... so we can be normal people again. :)

mechadragon13 on April 6, 2010, 12:39:47 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: exactly. :) *noms sandwich*

TheGameArtCritic on April 6, 2010, 12:46:56 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: so... it's... it's been a couple of days... and despite all that happened, I feel like it's only been a few hours... funny. I'm used to being possessed by Condemned, and suddenly I have the equivalent of the T-virus, and everything's... flipped. It doesn't even seem like a 'flipped' kinda situation, though, because it's still me turning into a monster when I'm stressed out...

mechadragon13 on April 6, 2010, 12:55:55 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Me: >.>

Twilight: well.... at least you don't have a constant voice in your head.... or do you? .__.

TheGameArtCritic on April 6, 2010, 1:06:48 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticMe: wut? Don't like me awful RE ref?

Eclipse: um... yeah, I still kinda do. ^^;

mechadragon13 on April 7, 2010, 5:25:49 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: mmmmmmah. well, once the chemicals are gone, it'll go away. i guess.

Me: no, you reminded me of *spoiler* so... yeah. but i didn't want to say it.

TheGameArtCritic on April 7, 2010, 6:27:55 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: and for that, I'm grateful. :P

Me: oooooooooh.

mechadragon13 on April 7, 2010, 6:55:00 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: heh. *NOM*

TheGameArtCritic on April 7, 2010, 7:06:09 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: Sweet jeebus, I just realized how hungry I was. ._. Be right back! *Gets up to go get food*

mechadragon13 on April 7, 2010, 7:09:58 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: okay! *keeps eating*

TheGameArtCritic on April 7, 2010, 8:07:47 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: *comes back with bacon and pancakes*

mechadragon13 on April 7, 2010, 8:16:31 AM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: *sniff* ......bacon. *NOM*

TheGameArtCritic on April 7, 2010, 8:35:30 AM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: eyup. Since I'm a werewolf, I eat more meat now. :P

mechadragon13 on April 9, 2010, 3:46:30 PM

mechadragon13 on
mechadragon13Twilight: since i'm part wolf, i already eat a lot of meat. this includes bacon. :3

TheGameArtCritic on April 9, 2010, 3:50:11 PM

TheGameArtCritic on
TheGameArtCriticEclipse: yes, but you lived with that all your life. For me, it's like if a complete carnivore suddenly became a vegetarian. It's WEIRD. ^^;