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Yami Relaxes...^.^ (Request from Ice_Vixin!)

Yami Relaxes...^.^ (Request from Ice_Vixin!)

Yami Relaxes...^.^ (Request from Ice_Vixin!) by silverstar
Yami Relaxes...^.^ (Request from Ice_Vixin!) by silverstar


Seto: Hmmmmmm......Is he chillin' in a bed, a pool of blood, or a casket where he belongs? XDDD!!!
silverstar:O_________O It's supposed 2 B a bed!!! XO See the pillow? *smacks Seto's face into the picture* SEEEEEEEEE?
Seto: *muffled voice* Okay, I get it!
silverstar: Sorry 'bout that, folks. I wanted 2 C if I can make a bed in photoshop. It's my first time doin' it and it took me FOREVER!!!! @______@ *gets dizzy*
Yami's pose is also quite new 2 me, and same goes with the "rose petals". *The rose petals kinda suck...XD* =^.^= I hope Ice_Vixin likes it!

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series » Yami/Yugi
Date Submitted
Views 3730
Favorites... 42
Vote Score 3
Comments 39
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (39)

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nellie_yami on September 2, 2005, 5:24:28 PM

nellie_yami on

Mokie_Coat on August 30, 2005, 12:36:39 PM

Mokie_Coat on
Mokie_CoatHow did I miss this picture? Apparently I skipped right over it! How dare me. .o. Anyway, this is amazing! Like Izzie said, I'm not Yami's biggest fan, but he looks really shmexeh here. =3 Awesome job! ^_^ Oh, and the rose petals rock! xD -faves-

Casandraelf on August 30, 2005, 5:06:22 AM

Casandraelf on
Casandraelfmeow! that is sexy! wanna do an art trade?*faved it*^^ luv the pic!

aqua_kitty on August 28, 2005, 4:51:30 AM

aqua_kitty on
aqua_kittywow! 0.0 thatz awesome! the petals dont suck! ther so pwettyful! *tries to catch them* cool, yami looks...*twitches* ok he looks so kyute!! i admit it!! *jerks slightly then glomps him* ^^; awesome pic!! so kooooool!

aqua ~^.^~

Sailorra on August 28, 2005, 4:35:31 AM

Sailorra on
SailorraI won't be able to put you request up for a few days because of the scaner. Oh, but i'm doing a songfic for you! Well can't wait to see what you think up next!

Feebeefi on August 27, 2005, 11:42:01 PM

Feebeefi on
FeebeefiWOW THIS IS AMAZING!! Yami looks so HOT!!

Peril879 on August 27, 2005, 3:11:16 PM

Peril879 on
Peril879*drooling* And I du even liek Yami too much...

I love those rose petals

DemonTheifQueen on August 27, 2005, 10:48:31 AM

DemonTheifQueen on
DemonTheifQueenO_O WOAH!!!



*fills house with drool*


O_O *doesn't stop starin*



*continues to drool*

Ice_Vixin on August 27, 2005, 2:45:20 AM

Ice_Vixin on
Ice_VixinWOW! thanx,(DROOL) tell yami to stay there coz im coming to get him, (sexy growl) thank you very much! i'll treasure it for ever!!!!!!! O_O cant stop staring!