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* Hokage and Kazekage* spoiler?

* Hokage and Kazekage* spoiler?

* Hokage and Kazekage* spoiler? by skatepunkspy
* Hokage and Kazekage* spoiler? by skatepunkspy


SPS: I'm hearing a rumor... that gaara died... THAT CANNOT BE TRUE!!!!! HE HAS TO BE THE NEXT KAZEKAGE!!!!! HE'S TOO YOUNG AND TOO CUTE TO BE DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
Collie: CALM DOWN SKATEPUNK!!!! Talk about the picture instead!<br />
Anti: no use...<br />
Collie: sigh... skatepunk realized that she hasn't drawn Naruto Him self yet... so she drew this...<br />
Anti: All Right! Let's go to sleep!!!<br />
Collie: what about skatepunk<br />
Anti: ...Leave IT alone.<br />
SPS:AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAAAAAARAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
<br />
Now 4:09am in Okinawa (WOW A NEW RECORD!!!)LOL

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Category Anime/Manga » Naruto series » Couples/Pairings
Date Submitted
Views 6255
Favorites... 22
Vote Score 0
Comments 20
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Comments (20)

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Ankari on October 29, 2005, 3:20:13 AM

Ankari on
AnkariHe does die, Diedria(sp?) kills him, but he comes back.

I love this piece -fave-

Snow_Kitsune_Usumaki on October 13, 2005, 8:29:37 AM

Snow_Kitsune_Usumaki on
Snow_Kitsune_Usumakii love it! that's so awesome!

strawberrymelon on September 4, 2005, 1:21:35 AM

strawberrymelon on
strawberrymelonI love it! Naruto!! *glomps Naruto* *faves*

br4nw4nt3d on August 14, 2005, 7:13:09 AM

br4nw4nt3d on
br4nw4nt3dI LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!! and i'm so sorry but as much as i am a naruto, gaara, haku fangirl the rumour u heard is true. im the manga the atasuki's kill gaara. i ried at the bit. it's really sad. but he did become hokage!!!

vegeta613 on August 10, 2005, 8:44:53 AM

vegeta613 on
vegeta613I'm not a fan of Gaara, so too bad for him. Anyways nice pic.^-^

shandouski on August 9, 2005, 12:09:52 AM

shandouski on
shandouskiTHATS SO CUTE *FAVS*

silverstar on August 8, 2005, 2:24:20 PM

silverstar on
silverstarEven though I worship Kakashi and Sasuke..........AHHHHHHHHH!!
*Anywayz, great pic! ^__^*

BrokenDeathAngel on August 4, 2005, 4:33:23 PM

BrokenDeathAngel on
BrokenDeathAngelUr so RIGHT SPS!!Garra ish TO CUTE AND YOUNG to DIE!!Ahhhh!!Not fair not fair!!

Yang:....You no..its just rumours..maybe if u pray hard the the mangakan will not kill Gaara from Naruto...

Yang!!Ur a genius!*prays hard*

Yang:..ahh..peace for a few minute...

Brianhjh on August 4, 2005, 7:32:48 AM

Brianhjh on
BrianhjhGaara's dead? I always thought he was one of those evil characters that turns good, then dies shortly afterwards protecting whoever turned him good. (one of many, many archetypes:3)

Anyway, really nice picture, I like the lines and the composition. This reminds me that I need to begin reading Naruto...

AnimeFan95 on August 4, 2005, 5:31:41 AM

AnimeFan95 on
AnimeFan95me: heyz! wow that's good!
Ditto: Awesome!
me: Stephan don't you like it?
Stephan: *is reading FMA*... huh did you say somthing?
me: ... -_- anywho i love it! ^^
Ditto: um.... CHEESECAKE!!!
me: cheesecake? WHERE???
Ditto: over there *points to random place*
me: *runs away while drooling*
Ditto: YAY! i get to say goodbye now!!! so..... BUHBYE!!!*glomps*
