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FISH 01 by tenshi
FISH 01 by tenshi


WEEEE!!!! i've always wanted to draw a pic of link fishing!!!!! WEHEHEHE... XD!!!!

my three top favorite melee characters going fishing!!! marth, link and roy! XD!!!!

...poor navi... used as bait... --no... poor boys... pissing navi off is NOT a good idea.

i actually started this pic a long time ago... then i hid it away coz i thought it --er--sucked... it had a lot of mistakes that demanded a lot of effort to change... ugh... erase here, erase there, redo this, redo that. you see i'm not good in drawing irregular stances... i'm not even good at drawing characters who are just plain standing!! X_X ... anyway... i found the pic again... and i was in a good mood... so i continued the scrapped drawing.

so tadaaa... here it is! ... X_X i know what you're thinking... "who cares" huh? ... well i do. i always end up getting a cold when i do drawings like this... (i don't frikkin know why... but it happens...) ... so now i have a cold. X_X ... maybe it's punishment... i must have done something wrong!!!! *cries* Lord God, please forgive me!

General Info

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Category Games » - by Publisher » Nintendo
Date Submitted
Views 5867
Favorites... 76
Vote Score 4
Comments 62
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (62)

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tenshi on July 23, 2005, 3:20:29 PM

tenshi on
tenshiwee! lupin the 3rd! "Is that you?" "It is me." "AAAH!! IT IS YOU!!!" .. you won't catch the humor until you watch it. weheh.

rini on July 23, 2005, 12:18:28 PM

rini on
riniyou're so bad pero the pic is so good.. hehe IRONY?

"is that you, it is me.. AH! it is you!!!" lupin

JinLover on July 20, 2005, 3:15:07 AM

JinLover on
JinLoverAwesome!! Whoa...really big fish. NEAT!! Very cool pic. *faves* ^-^

Ceil on July 19, 2005, 12:34:02 PM

Ceil on
CeilGeez, you rock, you never cease to disappoint me! -adds to favs-

kiaragurl03 on July 19, 2005, 8:23:52 AM

kiaragurl03 on
kiaragurl03Super Kawaii!!!! I luv the red head dude..he ish sooo cute!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MY REQUEST UP THANKS FOR TRYING TO DO IT ^^

HyruleMaster on July 18, 2005, 9:28:38 AM

HyruleMaster on
HyruleMasterWhat?! A cold?! How does that happen?!

I'm not good at drawing irregular shapes, but hey, You seem to be excellent at it! Look at the proportions! 0_o

GO MARTH, ROY, AND LINK!!! ^_^ Heck yes! They're three of my favorite characters too! *high fives*

Well, this recieves a well deserved, "GREAT JOB!"

Wait... do you get stressed when you draw complicated pictures? Maybe that's the reason why you get colds... (Uh oh... you got da Hyrule Mastah thinkin') *Pats you on tha back and gives you cold medicine*


DarkHieiGurl on July 17, 2005, 5:07:48 PM

DarkHieiGurl on
DarkHieiGurlUwaa~~ I've always loved your wonderfully colored pictures. And even though I thought that your coloring was the best ever, it IS improving! ^-^ Hee, hee. Such great news.
The picture itself is just brilliant. The concept is very funny as well. *favs*

Raymei on July 17, 2005, 3:51:02 PM

Raymei on
Raymeioh that's cool! I love the style and coloring!

The_Twilight_Pen on July 17, 2005, 2:57:00 PM

The_Twilight_Pen on
The_Twilight_PenIT GREAT I LOVE IT!!^^ :favs:

Lady_GreyPurity on July 17, 2005, 6:30:35 AM

Lady_GreyPurity on
Lady_GreyPurityI know how that feels, thinking a piece of artwork sucks, but continues anyway.
Only difference is, your's are so much better! :3
It's very cute, I like it a lot. I'm jealous of the coloring. It's very cute.
And because your have Roy in there, bonus points for you.
Adorable. Love to you!