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Rin's Bad Dream

My First written story/fanfic!! At least the first that has ever gotten past three sentences. XD hope ya like it! Enjoy!



Chapter 1 - Rin's Bad Dream
Submitted: April 16, 2009 • Updated: April 16, 2009
Word count: 1760 • Size: 9k • Comments: 3 • views: 590


Comments (9)

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infernape50 on August 22, 2009, 1:39:03 PM

infernape50 on (Chapter: 1)
infernape50cool story

luluboo on July 22, 2009, 1:29:27 AM

luluboo on (Chapter: index)
that was so sweet, i almost started to shed tears xDD
you should make more stories about Rin and Sesshomaru! i would be honnored to read them =D your a very good writer and drawer, straight up talent.


Animaker131 on July 22, 2009, 6:09:31 AM

Animaker131 on (Chapter: index)
Animaker131Thank you so much! I'm very glad you liked it! I don't get too many comments on this, so I appreciate it. ^v^ I'd so like to do more! I've just gotta get the right inspiration & some more good ideas. ^v^ I'll be sure to let you know when more come up. Thanks again! =D

SilverGirl13 on April 20, 2009, 1:45:49 AM

SilverGirl13 on (Chapter: 1)
SilverGirl13Awwww..... this really shows off Sesshomaru's sweet caring side. Heck, you add more of a good side to him than his creator does. This is cute, and it is a shame that you have no more to write.

Animaker131 on April 20, 2009, 4:00:28 AM

Animaker131 on (Chapter: 1)
Animaker131Thank you! ^v^ hehe, that was so hard, trying to give him that nice side while keeping him in character. XD I love seeing that side of him, so long as it isn't taken overboard like some fanfics I've read. CX But I'd love to write more! I've got several ideas of all kinds going through my head (YGO & IY), it's just a matter of getting myself to write them down (I'm still a drawing finatic ya know, hard to break from that to type words lol). But thanks for reading it & commenting! I appreciate it. ^v^

SilverGirl13 on April 21, 2009, 1:05:00 AM

SilverGirl13 on (Chapter: index)
SilverGirl13ya, i know how that can be, it is hard to swich to written words instead of just drawing the words you feel. You just have to basically force yourself... which is really hard. Good luck to you, and i wait to see, well read, more from you.^^*

Animaker131 on April 21, 2009, 5:24:47 AM

Animaker131 on (Chapter: index)
Animaker131Thank you! Hopefully soon. ^v^ (the next idea I'm thinking about trying is about InuYasha, Kagome & Koga. I won't say anymore, but lets just say it's gonna be interesting!! XD)

FanFictionist on April 18, 2009, 10:00:47 AM

FanFictionist on (Chapter: index)
FanFictionistHey I just gotta,this short story was simply amazing! im a fanfic writer myself,but my writing skills SUCK compare to yours! i hope to see more greatly-written fanfics like this one from you soon!


Animaker131 on April 18, 2009, 10:02:56 AM

Animaker131 on (Chapter: index)
Animaker131Wow! thank you very much! ^v^ I'm glad you liked it! This is my first, so I'm still getting into the writing thing, but I'm definately planning on doing more in the future. ^v^ Thanks for the comment & the thumbs up! ^v^ Much appreciated.