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Shameful Wish

Summary- Sasuke is tired of Sakura smothering with unwanted love, so one day Sasuke tells off Sakura and Sakura is fed up with Sasuke. Sakura wishes upon a star that night that she fell out of love with Sasuke and soon she did but then fell in love w



Chapter 1 - The Threat
Submitted: November 8, 2005 • Updated: November 8, 2005
Word count: 1813 • Size: 9k • Comments: 9 • views: 407


Comments (11)

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PinkAngel101 on June 30, 2007, 2:54:48 AM

PinkAngel101 on (Chapter: index)

sasukeXsakuraforever on March 13, 2007, 4:02:02 AM

sasukeXsakuraforever on (Chapter: index)
sasukeXsakuraforever*squee* keep writing! Just don't make Sasuke too hard on Sakura, ....although she and sasuke are my fav. charecters, do whatever you feel makes a good story! MAKE MORE MAKE MORE!

black_calm on May 23, 2006, 12:01:09 AM

black_calm on (Chapter: 1)
black_calmthis is really cool! it confused me at first but than I really got into it! Can't wait to read the second ch!

TailsNejiswife on February 22, 2006, 1:30:24 PM

TailsNejiswife on (Chapter: 1)
TailsNejiswifeummm i know ur probaly busy but i was wondering when ur gonna put up the 2nd chapter
um yea i'm just wondering ^~^

Fire_Feline on February 17, 2006, 1:47:48 AM

Fire_Feline on (Chapter: 1)
Fire_Felineyahhhhhhhhhhhhh i can't wait till shikamru and temari time! any way this is good keep writing. :)

Sakura_media on January 29, 2006, 4:11:05 AM

Sakura_media on (Chapter: 1)
Sakura_mediaTHank you now you made me realise that I love Niwa _kun and now hate sasuke. THat @$$*@&^ I want to @$#!%^& KIll HIM And i never saw the episode where he comes back WAHHHHH But thank you. you are a good person *snifell* .

TailsNejiswife on December 30, 2005, 9:11:06 AM

TailsNejiswife on (Chapter: 1)
TailsNejiswifesasuke sounds like this boy in my class named Angel
and alsome story,really!!!!!!!

KrimzenAngel on November 10, 2005, 11:27:39 AM

KrimzenAngel on (Chapter: 1)
KrimzenAngelI really like this fanfic~! You must write more!! Favs!

sakurafan808 on November 9, 2005, 8:23:25 PM

sakurafan808 on (Chapter: 1)
sakurafan808aww need to find out what happend to sakura plzzzzzzzzzzz keep writing!