Chapter 5 - He Who Must Not Be Named
Submitted July 24, 2004 Updated January 23, 2005 Status Complete | Yes, well...I was laying in bed one night and I couldn't get to sleep. So I was thinking...what if HP and LotR had computers? Or the internet? Or even...dare I say it...screen names?'s your answer...
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Chapter 5 - He Who Must Not Be Named
Chapter 5 - He Who Must Not Be Named
Weasley6 - Ron
Potter001 - Harry
Granger666 - Hermione
BleachBlondeDM - Draco
You_Know_Who - Tom aka Voldemort
Weasley6 has joined chat room Gryffindor Forever
Potter001: I know how to create a chat! :-)
Weasley6: I would have thought out of all ppl lol
Granger666 has joined the chat.
Granger666: hey, harry! :-)
Potter001: Hello, Hermione.
Weasley6: hey hermione
Granger666: hi, ron sorry i have to go
Potter001: Why?
Granger666: homework
Granger666 has left the chat.
Weasley6: shes been like that alot lately...
Potter001: Ha.
BleachBlondeDM has joined the chat.
Weasley6: WAT THE F*CK!!??
(sorry, I didn't want to put the actual word XD)
Potter001: ??
BleachBlondeDM: dont sound so happy weasley T_T
BleachBlondeDM: u could hurt urself
Weasley6: shut up u looney
Potter001: How does he do that?
Weasley6: its called hacking
BleachBlondeDM: i could teach u the tricks of the trade potter
Potter001: No thanks. :-)
Potter001: I don't feel like becoming a scumwad today, Malfoy.
Weasley6: LOL!
BleachBlondeDM: >_>;;
BleachBlondeDM: so where's granger?
Weasley6: i think shes hiding from me...
Potter001: Haha!
BleachBlondeDM: typical mudblood...
Weasley6: stop calling her that!!!!
Potter001: Yeah, really.
BleachBlondeDM: wat r u going to do about it?
Weasley6: ill
Weasley6: um
BleachBlondeDM: exactly
Potter001: ...
Potter001: Voldemort.
BleachBlondeDM: o_o
Potter001: Voldemort.
Potter001: Voldemort.
BleachBlondeDM: stop
Potter001: Voldemort, Voldemort, Voldemort, Voldemort, Voldemort,
Weasley6: not looking...(LMAO!!!)
BleachBlondeDM: stop it potter!!!!!
Potter001: Voldemort.
Potter001: Voldemort.
BleachBlondeDM: im telling my daddy on u!!
BleachBlondeDM has left the chat.
Potter001: I'm so happy I'm not afraid of that name...
Weasley6: LOL!! that was so funny
You_Know_Who: You called?
Weasley6: o_o
Potter001: Who are you?
You_Know_Who: Hello, look at the freaking screen name
Potter001: Oh, hey, Tom...
Potter001: WAIT!
Potter001: TOM?????!!!!!
You_Know_Who: aka Voldemort...?
Weasley6: holy shizzazzi!!!
Potter001: ?
Weasley6: sorry...its fred and george...bad influences...
You_Know_Who: I am coming to destroy Hogwarts
Weasley6: just like u did the past 4 years T_T
You_Know_Who: Shut up, you maggot!
Weasley6: dude no one uses that word nemore
Potter001: Psst, Ron...
Weasley6: Huh?
Potter001: Hate to break it up, but you're talking to Lord Voldemort.
Weasley6: oh, right
You_Know_Who: ha
You_Know_Who: hahahahahaha
Weasley6: "Lord Voldemort" just went insane...T_T
Potter001: Okay, Tom, that's enough, thanks.
You_Know_Who has left the chat.
Weasley6: ...
Weasley6: ur freaking me out man...
Potter001: Harry Potter, remember?
To Be Continued
Yes, well...there you have it. I had to put some random-ness in this one. It called to me, precious...
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Dark_Alchemist on January 4, 2007, 8:35:31 AM

WindowShooter on July 18, 2006, 1:58:01 PM
mangacheese1818 on May 26, 2006, 7:20:00 AM
SerraRaven on November 6, 2005, 1:40:20 AM
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BloodRoses1619 on January 18, 2005, 8:38:20 PM
Midnight_Fox_55 on October 26, 2004, 8:03:46 PM

Kira: O.O scary..................
Nari: ya think?!?!?!?!?! wonder what she was laughing about...... *looks at compu screen* ...................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*cough cough* *hacks* *passes out*
Kira: O_o *looks at computer* i'm not even gonna try it............*FAVES*
Talim22 on September 12, 2004, 9:04:37 AM
Talim22 on
BloodRoses1619 on September 6, 2004, 2:06:37 AM
Otaku-Kitsune on August 28, 2004, 8:32:19 PM